7 Seconds
7 Seconds
R | 16 August 2005 (USA)
7 Seconds Trailers

When an experienced thief accidentally makes off with a Van Gogh, his partner is kidnapped by gangsters in pursuit of the painting, forcing the criminal to hatch a rescue plan.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
aledh-644-505424 An interestingly boring film. It has action, well little of it and when it happens its very slow paced. The car chases are pretty dire, I think a load of grannies on mobility scooters could do a better job. Wesley Snipes portrays his character very well and a good performance form Tamzin Outhwaite were about the only pluses I could find.The story line was mediocre and could have done with a bit, i mean a lot of tweaking to get it to the standard it really should of been. Directed by Simon Fellows who I have actually never heard of, and he has only done around three more films since this one. I wonder why.My rating 4/10
gridoon2018 Out of the three direct-to-DVD Wesley Snipes films I saw these last few days - "Unstoppable" and "The Detonator" were the other two - "7 Seconds" is the weakest, probably because the plot is quite a mess, and the pacing lags in the middle. Snipes also does not give one of his best performances here - he's a bit too cheerful for someone who just had a team of friends and ex-soldiers he had recruited (for a daring heist) almost completely eliminated. But he does have at least one creative fight scene, where he has to fight with his hands (literally) tied behind his back. As far as I'm concerned, the movie belongs to the drop dead gorgeous Tamzin Outhwaite; is there anything sexier than a woman shouting "You wanka!" with a British accent? She also looks great with a gun, making me wonder why she wasn't considered for the role of the secondary (British) Bond girl in "Quantum Of Solace"; she would even be a better match for Craig age-wise than the 22-year-old Gemma Arterton. Besides her, you might also want to see "7 Seconds" for a couple of car chases / crashes that are worthy of a higher-budgeted movie. (**)
huh_oh_i_c This movie hinges on 3 things: 1} Wesley Snipes 2} Two really great car chases 3} the Bucharest backdrop.Romanian dictator Nicolae Ceauşescu bulldozed thousands of poor peoples houses in the centre of Bucharest to make room for his megalomaniac palaces and other bloodsoaked buildings. It's no surprise that he was the only Eastern European dictator to die a violent, publicly televised execution.But Bucharest serves very well now as a backdrop for movies, be it action or otherwise. Now that the buildings are there, they might as well be used as money-making tool for Romanian local business, and acting talent. Not that Ceauşescu's will benefit directly from this, but still ...The movie itself is very fast paced in the beginning, and for a non-Hollywood production, read: low budget, no experience, it sure looks good. The car chases are beyond violent, and surely one of the best in filmed in Europe. Only big budget productions like French Luc Bessons bastard child Taxi comes to mind and the in France shot Ronin.This is much harder in Europe, where there is not a abundant supply of cheap cars to be trashed, and really a lot of red tape about EU safety regulations and Landmark rules about all the monuments and stuff.So kudos to the production dudes.Yeah, so the acting was bad, especially the martial arts guy, but hey?! Who cares? Cool Jamaican-Romanian rap at the end.
Wesley Shearer I'm not too sure if this comment contains spoilers so you have been warned anyway.I rented "7 Seconds" on DVD today. As I inserted it into the DVD tray, grabbed the remote control and layed back on the sofa I was anticipating an hour and a half of high octane gun-fights and car chases, a movie with an exhilarating storyline and some sublime stunts from the great Wesley Snipes. Is this what I got I hear you ask? Was it heck! From the very start of the movie it looks like a decent action film but I was hoping for a lot more. Amongst the midst of things there was - I think - two exciting car chases and some good gunfights...but nothing fresh and new. Just the same old. The plot of this movie seemed to be quite bland and again it seemed like your basic everyday action flick. Good cop (or in this case military officer) turns bad and runs off with the bad guy for them to live happily ever after with everything they could ever want...blah de blah de blah. So £3.50. Was it worth that amount of money and an hour and a half of my time? Well...yes as a matter of fact. There isn't many modern action movies around which could offer a lot more and I have seen worse! For a DVD Rental...yes. To buy...no, unless you like building up collections and see it lying in a bargain bin somewhere. An average film...average plot and average acting but I know Snipes can do better than this. So until he does then rent this and you can moan about how bland this film was later.My Rating : An average 5/10