R | 11 September 2007 (USA)
Cleaner Trailers

Single father and former cop Tom Cutler has an unusual occupation: he cleans up death scenes. But when he's called in to sterilize a wealthy suburban residence after a brutal shooting, Cutler is shocked to learn he may have unknowingly erased crucial evidence, entangling himself in a dirty criminal cover-up.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
chiluvr1228 This movie started out quite good and had a different premise than most movies. Samuel L. Jackson is a "cleaner" who cleans up after crime scenes. After he does one job where a man was murdered, he realizes he forgot to return the key which was under the planter at the front door. When he returns to the house and knocks on the door a woman tells him to come in and it turns out she is having a surprise party for someone. She also has no idea what he is talking about and to cover, he says he must have the wrong address.Turns out the order to clean didn't really come from the police dept but from some unknown person. Sounds rather interesting doesn't it? Well it all goes down the tubes and after watching for an hour we turned it off to watch an Everybody Loves Raymond repeat. That's how boring it was. I rarely turn off a crime/mystery movie because I want to know "who did it". We figured out who it probably was but by that point we just didn't care.Perhaps it got better but from the reviews I read on here, it didn't.I give it a thumbs down - don't waste your time.
paul2001sw-1 The premise of 'Cleaner' is quite clever; a professional cleaner cleans up a crime scene, only to discover that, in spite of original appearances, the police had not recorded the crime at all. Unfortunately, as he tries to find out who has put him up to this, the film descends into regulation cliché. It's not an awful film, but it is the sort of movie in which, shortly after each character appears, you can reliably predict what their ultimate role in the plot will be; and where none of the various twists comes as a real surprise. Everything is improbably connected; there's a beautiful woman (although surprisingly no sex); it all comes down to a personal showdown at the end. It's watchable; but scarcely interesting.
sol **SPOILERS** Making a very good living running a business involved in cleaning up crime scenes messes retired cop Tom Cutler is called over to the swanky section of town to clean up the mess left by John Norcut. Norcut had his brains, and everything else in his head, splattered over the living room furniture in what seems to be a mob hit-job.With no one answering the doorbell and in Tom finding the house-key under the doormat he makes himself at home cleaning up he place of all the blood and brain matter left by the killer who offed the unfortunate and very unlucky Mr. Norcut. It's the very next day when Tom came over to the Norcut residence to get paid for his services that he finds out from a surprised Mrs. Ann Norut that he was never called to the place and in fact the address he got, which is the same place that he's in now, is totally different from the one the Norcuts reside it!Getting in touch that evening with his good friend in the police department and former partner Det. Eddie Leronzo for a couple of drinks Tom finds out that this Mr. Norcut was in fact the bag-man for indited Police Commissioner Robert Vaughn who's to testify against Vaughn's at his upcoming corruption trial. With Norcut later reported missing by his wife Ann it becomes very evident to Tom, who realizes that he was murdered, that he was used by whoever murdered John Norcut to unwittingly clean up the evidence that would connect him to Norcut's murder! And at the same time framing Tom by being at the crime scene, and cleaning it up, for it! ***SPOILERS*** Tom soon learns, after Norcut's body was found and identified, from Ann that her husband had a secret list of every dirty and underhanded deal made by Commissioner Vaughn and the badge numbers of all the cops who were involved in committing them! Which included non other then Tom himself! Tom was on Vaughn's payroll and was involved in having the man who murdered his wife murdered in prison in retaliation! This has Tom's 14 year old daughter Rose, Keke Palmer, in finding out about her mom's killer being killed in prison feel that her dad, in being responsible for it and keeping it from her all these years, was no better then the criminals that he dealt with while a policeman!It soon comes out that all this slimy and criminal involvement with former Commissioner Vaughn by John Norcut as really a cover for the real reason behind his brutal murder! John Norcut's killer had a much deeper and personal reason for offing Norcut that had to do with his wife Ann whom he was having an affair with! And the most shocking revelation about it wasn't the affair with Norcut's wife Ann, or him finding out about it, that made John Norcut's soon to be killer go wacko! But what resulted from it!
parnasavari Saturday, January 16, 2010 The Cleaner (2007)What a movie to begin blogging on! This movie had it all - gore, Samuel L. Jackson,mystery, guts, dark but hilarious humour. I loved it. Twists and turns that had insight into characters, as the plot unravels with misdirections and smelly fish. The plot has just enough 'predictable bad-guy' balanced with 'he feels like a bad guy, but he'll probably be one of those bad-guys guys who turns out to be a good guy at the end'. With friends, you are guaranteed to be kept guessing and joking and arguing throughout the movie , or afterward if you can bring yourself to interrupt the special silent moments of the film that are dialogue-free and thought provoking moments into the humanity of murder. The mechanics of the murder mystery are sound, using plausible plot devices, realistic police investigatory processes, and genuine-feeling character motivations.One special addition to mention the astounding talents of actress, Keke Palmer, whose genuine emotive quality and deeply-thought characterisation made this movie even more mesmerizing than it already was. See me at: