I Know What You Did Last Summer
I Know What You Did Last Summer
R | 17 October 1997 (USA)
I Know What You Did Last Summer Trailers

After an accident on a winding road, four teens make the fatal mistake of dumping their victim's body into the sea. Exactly one year later, the deadly secret resurfaces as they're stalked by a hook-handed figure.

Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
Tetrady not as good as all the hype
Myron Clemons A film of deceptively outspoken contemporary relevance, this is cinema at its most alert, alarming and alive.
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
makotoshintaro I still remember going to the movies in 1997 and expecting to see a comedy instead of a horror movie. The title for some reason made me think it was all about teenage comedy. It turned out it was something better than that and one of my favour horror movies as a teenager. All the characters do whatever they can in order for the viewer to dislike them: Ryan Phillippe is the rich alpha male who just tells everyone what to do and always have a temper, Freddie Prinze Jr.'s constant puppy eyes are more than enough and Jennifer Love Hewitt unreasonable sweet-girl-turned-bitch attitude. That leaves Sarah Michelle Gellar whom I consider the real star of the movie and the most likable one. She's a true Scream Queen. She had definitely the best scenes than the other three main characters and she proved to be the most "tortured" one. Plus, she had a lot better scream than Jennifer Love Hewitt... The non-stop plot twists, the mystery covering the killer's identity, Anne Heche's Missy and of course the movie's score are some things that should be mentioned as well. It is a teen slasher classic which along with Scream started the teen slash wave.
Leofwine_draca I borrowed I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER from a friend. I had been tempted to actually buy it when I saw it in the shops but I'm so glad I waited now, as it turned out to be one of the most boring hour-and-a-half's that I have ever sat through. Maybe the film wasn't bad in terms of production, but it's certainly a below average slasher film, lacking none of the extravagance or finesse of the '80s slashers (hardly any blood is shed, the murders are all quick and cut away from the gore). The film could easily have been cut down half an hour, which would not have harmed it - in fact it might have been better.The cast is full of American teenagers, a typical staple of the slasher film, but none of the actors and actresses are up to scratch. Jennifer Love Hewitt is more adept at showing her cleavage than emoting, while Sarah Michelle Gellar (star of BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER) is an annoyingly whiny character. Ryan Phillipe is okay as the drunkard Billy, while the character of Ray remains largely undeveloped (and it's difficult to fathom his sudden role as an action hero at the finale). Anne Heche also turns up, in a thankfully small role.The murderer is a generic villain, and not in the least bit scary. Candyman used a hook for murders years before this, so where's the originality? There is none. The music is good in the stalking sequences but too full of hip pop songs (sadly commonplace these days). A lot of the film is pretty by-the-numbers stuff, which looks nice but lacks substance. The chase scenes are the only worthwhile parts of the film, and even these aren't too exciting. I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER is an example of the modern horror film, clichéd, derivative, and unfortunately not very exciting at all. A botched attempt, which proved that Kevin Williamson really was a one shot wonder.
Pumpkin_Man In honor of Independence Day, I decided to re-watch this and the sequel. It had been quite a few years since I've seen it. I grew up with these movies and I forgot how great they were. Creepy atmosphere, decent suspense, nice music and a very menacing killer. The Fisherman is underrated and needs more attention in the horror world. He's up there with Michael and Jason. He's not some unkillable monster, he's a human in a rain slicker wielding a hook. It's creepy that we don't really see his face or know his motivation til the end of the film. There's one scene that's very reminiscent of Halloween, which is my all-time favorite movie.Julie James, Ray Bronson, Helen Shivers and Barry Cox are all on their way home at night from partying on the 4th of July. They accidentally hit someone and throw his body in the river. One year later, each of the teens receive a letter that says 'I know what you did last summer' They are all stalked and hunted by the Fisherman til he gets revenge. If you love slashers from the 90's, you'll love I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER!!!
Davis P I know what you did last night (1997) is a somewhat entertaining teenage slasher film that follows the story of 4 different teenagers and how they accidentally hit a man on the road, kill him, and because they don't think the cops will believe them, they dump his body in the water. They swear never ever speak of it again, and just move on with their lives. Well, first of all let me just say that I loved Jennifer Love Hewitt in this film, I thought she really fit her role well. I also really loved, probably loved more than all of the characters and actors playing them, was Sarah Michelle Gellar. Sarah Michelle Gellar really did do a great job portraying her role in the film. Then, there's Ryan Phillipe, who I disliked the most of all the actors and characters in the movie, he just was not the correct choice for the role, and basically all he did was just overact and be wayyyyy over the top, it didn't work for him. The plot is interesting and intriguing, at least to me it is. The scare factor is there at certain times in the film, but some "jump scares" were just dull and boring. But the action and the chase scene were high octain, fun and cool to see, and entertaining. So overall I'll give it a 6/10.