I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer
R | 22 August 2006 (USA)
I'll Always Know What You Did Last Summer Trailers

Several teenagers in a small-town in Colorado concoct a July 4th prank based on a frightening legend that goes awry when their friend ends up accidentally killed; however, the teens agree to keep their involvement a secret from the authorities, who continue to search for the man who apparently killed their friend. A year later, with the July 4th celebration coming up again, the teenagers realize that they're being stalked by someone who clearly intends on keeping the horrible legend alive by killing them off.

TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
SnoopyStyle It's July 4th in a Colorado small town. Amber Williams (Brooke Nevin), boyfriend Colby Patterson (David Paetkau), Zoe (Torrey DeVitto), Roger, and PJ are friends playing a prank on the local carnival. Roger dresses as the feared Fisherman to spread the legend but PJ dies in an accident. The remaining friends decide to keep the prank a secret. One year later, aspiring photographer Amber returns to town. She receives the feared text message and the mythical Fisherman descend on the group.I thought the Fisherman needed to be near the ocean. Certainly, it would help the motif to be near water. I don't know why the franchise moves to Colorado. The Fisherman becomes a mythical killing machine like Michael Myers or Jason. Jennifer Love Hewitt is nowhere to be found in this straight to DVD sequel. At least, there are some good physical kills. Nevin maintains interest as the lead. The characters don't have enough time to develop chemistry or rooting interest. The franchise is scraping the bottom of the barrel at this point.
David Roggenkamp "I Know What You Did Last Summer" spawns a related sequel in typical horror movie fashion. What was supposed to be a death and cover-up in the last film, comes back to haunt the town inhabitants in this sequel. What starts out as a prank the year after the original, quickly turns into horror as one of the teenagers involved dies. They slowly, in typical teen slasher fashion, get picked off one by one until only two are left and survive – again in typical teen slasher fashion.What makes this movie so good is the fact that the teenagers involved, attempt to leave the past behind them and get on with their lives. This works quite well, until one of the teenagers, now an adult, is back from California, weird text messages and other events remind them of their grizzly prank gone awry, and now they are forced to deal with it. Clearly everyone must form a bond of trust with people they otherwise do not trust – anyone could be the suspect and anyone of them could die at any time.Unlike in previous teen slasher installments, this one pulls a few one shots that work quite well – the fisherman that is after them uses a hook to perform the murders and nothing else; this same hook is his demise as it seems to be able to inflict heavy damage to him, when otherwise guns and other methods of fatal wounds have no such effect. Several times throughout this movie, the hunted soon turn into the attacker as they try to take down the menace that would otherwise threaten their lively hoods – rare for a movie, especially the teen slasher genre. This however, is no thriller, as there is only suspense for the audience and lots of anxiety for the victims involved.Originally posted to Orion Age (http://www.orionphysics.com/? p=4618).
OllieSuave-007 This movie was supposed to be made as a direct sequel to "I Still Know What You Did Last Summer," with a group of teenagers played by some obscure actors who in Colorado find themselves being menaced by the mysterious man with the hook, which is supposed to be the ghost of Ben Willis.The events of the first two movies were never elaborated or explained in this supposed sequel, which made this just another typical teen horror flick, but with a low budget, boring story and pretty bad acting. There is really no suspense or tension built-up in this film, just lots of running around, screaming and teenagers being jerks to each other (maybe a hint of some nice horror action here and there). Even on a slow day, I would recommend watching else.Grade D--
Leofwine_draca The law of diminishing returns means that I'LL ALWAYS KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER, the third in a badly-named series following on from I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER and I STILL KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER, is the worst one yet. It's a low budget snoozer with none of the cast or crew returning from the first two films (which weren't that great to begin with).The same old storyline is trotted out yet again (except this time the accidental death involves a stakeboard stunt gone awry, and it's filmed so shoddily you'll laugh out loud) with the addiction of modern jerky/jumpy editing which makes for a real headache. The death scenes, which are spaced out between long sections of 'notalotgoingon', are routine and fairly bloodless and the whodunit aspect of the storyline is really the only thing to keep watching it for.Certainly the acting is nothing to write home about, and the direction, as mentioned, sucks. The only notable thing about the film is the ending, which comes out of left field and turns the movie into JEEPERS CREEPERS instead of the slasher it started out as. Let's hope this one's the last!