Final Stab
Final Stab
NR | 05 May 2001 (USA)
Final Stab Trailers

A group of college friends get together for a murder mystery weekend, but what starts as a little friendly game gets dark and bloody when they start actually being murdered.

KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
jamesbuc OK! Quick plot synopsis! Hero guy has odd dreams. Heroine (his Girlfriend) is invited to a party that is being hosted by her sister. Sister is planning up to fake a murder mystery party. Real murders happen. Thats the plot. :) Paper thin ain't it? Anyway onto the characters. We have Charlie the hero who spends most of the movie hiding around the house. We have Angela the whiny Heroine who I couldn't give two shits about because of her total dullness. Then we have Kristen (The only good credible person in this movie) who trys to make the film good and spits out some wicked one liners. Then there is Julie, the supposed slut/bitch character but in the end she just comes off as plain, boring and quite useless. We have Patrick the Jock who (to be honest) looks nice but is also plain and boring. There are also many other different characters who do this same 'Plain, boring and annoying' routine.Think I've finished slagging it off? Nope! Then there is the awful camera work and lighting which manages to make everything that was supposed to be exciting (Such as the killer running after Angela) boring and dull with everything shrouded in thick blackness.Then we have the awful script. The basis (as I have said) is paper thin. The characters seem to constantly spit out extremely poor attempts at making jokes about other horror films that are much much better. The various stalk scenes seem to last an eternity (The starting scene is very long and very boring with our hero character going 'whos there?' at every camera flick) Various characters (Such as the three thugs) turn up for little or no reason other to add to the body-count.Talking about body-count though even though its supposedly quite high there is very little blood in the film. Most of the deaths are seen for a second and then the awkward camera pans away. even when blood is used it seems to defy gravity and splatter everywhere in a stupid way (since when did getting stabbed in the back with a small knife make a blood spray on the face??) Basically in short leave this movie alone!Good Points - Umm. Can be used as a novelty coasterBad points - Everything
lastgoldrush This is one of those pitiful "horror" films that seems like it came together as an excuse to encapsulate a few sex scenes, yet there are no sex scenes in the movie. This leaves you with a movie full of trendy-looking people who act and talk in ways that are neither stylistic nor realistic.The killer in this movie is more funny than scary. His mask has this big goofy grin and a bald head; it looks like they gave him a William Frawley mask and spray-painted it blue. During most of the murder scenes, he appears either to stab someone in a non-fatal part of the body or inflict a very shallow wound. In either case, the person dies instantly. The funniest parts feature glimpses of the killer running around in the woods by himself - without anywhere to be, really. This makes the viewer wonder if he is just doing the murder spree thing for the exercise.The end makes a very poor attempt to pull off a "who is the real killer?" scene, as in "Scream." This may have something to do with this movie being optioned as a Scream sequel? The alternate titles suggest that. Either way, it's self-conscious of the horror genre, but only in a really embarrassing way.All that said, if you like bad horror for the laughs, this one is pretty prime. Try to avoid spending money to obtain it.
callanvass dumb horror movie has awful acting and lack of gore and some fake looking stabbings has a couple of effective moments but we have seen this before a 1000 times and done better at that !!!!!!!! this is not recommended *1/2 out of 5
gridoon Right from the stale opening stalking sequence (which turns out to be a dream to boot!), you know what you're in for: another derivative slasher flick that does what others ("April Fool's Day", "Return to Horror High") have done before, and better. Supposedly it also wants to satirize the old horror cliches, but it succumbs to almost each and every one of them. The script has no respect for the audience's intelligence; the killer violates the laws of logic (getting in the back seat of a car without being noticed by the driver?) and the victims always do the stupidest things (and they can't tell the difference between a real dead body and a "fake" one even when they're standing right beside it). Still, the direction (apart from the annoying "tilted" shots) is OK, and SOME of the actors (for example the one who plays Doug) aren't bad. (*1/2)