Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain
Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain
R | 01 March 2003 (USA)
Evil Breed: The Legend of Samhain Trailers

Two American tourists on a romantic camping trip are brutally murdered. A few days later, during the ancient festival of Samhain, a group of American university students moves into a beautiful cottage, surrounded by a lush forest and a majestic lake They are here to learn about the rituals of the ancient Druids and other Celtic legends. But in the remains of an abandoned copper mine, lives the ancestors of an incestuous clan of cannibals. Stalked by a hulking, disfigured mutant, the students and their chaperone are in for the most harrowing time of their young lives. And keeping their heads on their necks will become their main concern...

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Calum Hutton It's a good bad... and worth a popcorn matinée. While it's easy to lament what could have been...
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
bwljcql first of all i would like to say i am a very big fan of low budget horror movies i loves trawling through the boxes of dvds at my local pound shops hoping the find a real gem and thats what i found with evil breed the legend of samhain i did hesitate because of other reviews i had read that didn't rate it at all but i am glad i bought it as it was a real find i watch this film over and over for a low budget movie i think it is really well made with plenty of gore right from the very beginning which with some films is a bad sign as they tend to get a bit boring after a good start but thats not the case with samhain it keeps up the pace all the way the deaths are brilliantly done the actors do a great job and it as a great story thats not confusing for a change i was gripped all the way through and just when you think it cant get any better you get an ending which you wont see coming,it sends a chill down my spine every time i watch it so if your in a pound shop and you see samhain buy it you will not be disappointed
MetalGeek Another day, another cheap horror film from the drug store bargain bin! I'd never heard of EVIL BREED: THE LEGEND OF SAMHAIN, but I gladly plunked down my $3.99 for it as soon as I saw retired porn star Jenna Jameson's name above the title (yes, I'm shallow). Before watching "Evil Breed" I read up on it here on good ole IMDb and I learned that the film went through multiple behind-the-scenes problems during its production, and that though it was intended to be an all-out, over-the-top gross out gore fest the film was heavily edited (against the director's wishes) prior to its release. So in the end we're left with a film that's a mere hint of what it might have been....which is a shame, because without the gore (which was supposed to be glorious), the film runs a scant 78 minutes and there sure isn't much of a plot to keep the viewer involved. Our story: a group of annoying American college students and their instructor are on a trip to the Irish countryside, where activities apparently consist of staying in a creepy old cottage in the woods and attempting to have sex with one another. Their hostess, former adult video queen Ginger Lynn (whose Irish accent comes and goes depending on what scene you're watching) fills them in on some of the area's local legends (Druid cults, the ancient festival of Samhain, human sacrifices, yadda yadda yadda), with particular emphasis on the story of Sawney Bean and his clan of inbred cannibal cave dwellers... whose decendents, of course, are rumored to still roam these very woods. Anyone wanna bet five bucks who our unlucky tour group will eventually run into? While exploring the forest, a pair of the students finds a seemingly deserted castle, which is of course inhabited by the aforementioned mutants. These guys are so deformed by centuries of inbreeding that they resemble the members of GWAR. From there...well, hackings, slashings, decapitations, and bad acting are the order of the day. The group is picked off one by one until only the unlikable "final girl" is left and she has to escape from the cannibal stronghold by herself. Will she make it out in one piece? Do you really have to ask?There seems to be a lot of hate for this movie on IMDb but I thought it was a stone cold hoot. I certainly wouldn't recommend renting this one just to see the various porn stars, because most of their appearances (other than Ginger Lynn's) are limited to brief cameos (Jenna Jameson may get top billing, but she's only in the movie for about four minutes, two of which are taken up by her death scene). The gore, as previously mentioned, is not as hardcore as originally intended, but there are still some good bits to be had. The one absolutely EPIC must-see scene involves Jameson's character being carved up by one of the mutants... who reaches into her chest and pulls out one of her silicon breast implants, then stares at it quizzically while squeezing it like a dog's squeaky toy. I can honestly say that's something I've never seen in a movie before! Haha.Okay, so this film is obviously not a horror classic by any means, but for $3.99, "EVIL BREED" was a decent night's cheesy, sleazy entertainment. Obsessed fans of Jenna, Ginger, and Chasey Lain may want to add an extra star or two to my rating up above. Hopefully somewhere down the road we'll get an uncut version of this flick, so we can see it according to director Christian Viel's original sicko vision. A couple of the uncut death scenes are available on the DVD as bonus features, and judging from those, I can only imagine how nasty the original version must've been! What a shame...
FilmFatale I don't watch much porn, but I love porn stars. And I love gory movies. So when I heard about a porn-star gore movie, I was really excited. Of course, that was years ago and when I heard about all the trouble with making and finishing the movie, I never thought I'd actually get to see it. But I did and I'm not ashamed to admit I loved it, even with all its flaws.First, the flaws. The story is set in Ireland and is called Samhain, but the story it seemed to want to tell is about the Sawney Beane clan from Scotland. So why not just set it there and skip the third-grade report about Samhain/Irish immigrants/Halloween? Also, it breaks its own rules by stating that you're safe on the trails, but then the cannibal mutants just start running amok everywhere. It's never clear how many cannibals we're dealing with. There's a big stone castle that's obviously ancient, yet no one's noticed it before. The self-conscious horror film references are annoying and so are the characters. The heroine has a flashback montage of all her dead friends that include a character she NEVER MET. The ending makes no sense.So what works? The gore! Sure I would have liked more, but it was refreshing to see such a nasty movie that wasn't afraid to be nothing more than a gore movie. Two murders are waay over the top and Taylor Hayes has a nice disgusting scene. The two wild murders are even given extended shots on the DVD. I've always been of the mind that gore can overcome a stupid story and Evil Breed reinforced that.
guitarcarl He pulled the guys guts out his butt! That's a spoof right?! No one really writes that it just happens like improv gone horribly wrong. I think any way. This movie must be a spoof because who would say they wrote that script otherwise. Can anyone imagine the entire cast sitting around as the director and writers go over the storyboard.Director says, "next our inbreed villain uses his 24 inch machete to disembowel our token creepy neighbor. Get this, he is going to pull the guts out his bunghole""Brilliant!" the entire cast proclaims.No way can that happen, nobody writes that stupid! Gotta be a spoof.I loved the part where the skinny introspective gal beats the inbreed freak to death with the cast iron skillet she finds on the floor of the cave. I wasn't sure the inbreed cannibal types bothered to cook much. Maybe that explains why the skillet was lying on the floor in the dark at just the right time to kill the malformed hulk. Seems ironic that after the freaky guy had bested martial arts expert porn queens and a couple out doors type jocks he falls so easily to the frying pan of a skinny defenseless girl next door. What the heck is that Richard Greco guy doing in this? Did he fire his agent or something? Can anyone explain the ending to me please because I didn't get it either? I can't quite figure why the nice hero girl wanted to kill the funny lady who was making her some tea. Never mind I don't want to know.
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