Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls
NC-17 | 14 February 2006 (USA)
Slaughtered Vomit Dolls Trailers

The gruesome tapestry of psychological manifestations of a nineteen year old bulimic runaway stripper-turned prostitute as she descends into a hellish pit of satanic nightmares and hallucinations.

Wordiezett So much average
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Michael_Elliott Slaughtered Vomit Dolls (2006) ** (out of 4)Angela Aberdeen (Ameara Lavey) is a drug addicted hooker battling countless other issues. Normally I write a lot longer description of a movie but with SLAUGHTERED VOMIT DOLLS there's really no reason. Writer-director Lucifer Valentine set out to make a disgusting movie that would shock viewers and I guess to a point he succeeded.Apparently there's a sub-genre of "vomit/gore" movies out there but I will admit that this was my first one. There's really not too much of a plot but we see several young women, usually naked, in various states of drug addiction or just being slaughtered. That's pretty much the plot. We just get a weird musical score, bizarre editing and scenes of people forcing themselves to puke or being chopped up.Again, apparently there's an entire sub-genre of films out there like this one but I can't say how much better or worse this is than the others. I can say that there's no doubt that the director got a certain style and vision on the screen so I will tip my hat for that. The ladies do a fine job for what they're asked to do.The film's gore scenes are at least practical effects and for the most part they look good and gory so fans of that stuff will enjoy it. As far as the puking goes, I must admit that watching it really wasn't my thing but it did make me feel gross, which is I'm sure what the director wanted.
adorabillie The thing that I realised about this film is that it isn't a horror film. It isn't particularly 'scarring', and yeah, some bits do seem like an excuse to show mindless gore. But some elements I really liked. I liked how the videos of Angela's childhood were juxtaposed in such a way (for example, the child Angela talks of 'beauty' as now-Angela is putting her makeup on). There is more to this film than meets the eye. When Princess is given the guitar to play, she can't because she only has one arm. I see this as symbolic of the pressures put on young women to be what they are not. The man playing with her severed arm is mocking her for 'not being good enough', but then uses the arm to be sick himself, suggesting the hypocrisy of mankind.This might be because i'm an English student and read FAR too much into stuff as it is, but if you look at the film as itself, instead of comparing it to other horror films, and read into it properly, you might see why I gave it a seven/ten.
ambiguousnightmare It is hard to find anything to say about this movie that hasn't been said in a previous review. It contains the consumption of vomit which will make most people run for the exit. This is one for the 'endurance horror film viewer'. If you can stomach the porn and strange fetishes of this film then an endurance watcher has suddenly earned a badge of honour. If you manage to handle 'vomit dolls' then there are other vomit movies that will test your shock endurance further. Terrible Meal is perhaps an example.Can it be viewed as art. As a damning critique of the porno industry then I can see some merit in calling it art. It features a girl who is self loathing and clearly unwell in a situation which she is taken advantage of. The film endeavour to show the extreme of exploitation. I view the infamous consumption of vomit as an extreme example of the sharing of bodily fluids. The dank flat and taboo images are meant to shock and disgust you because instead of lusting at porn, porn should disgust you. That is how I view the message of the film.The film has a plot but it is pretty weak. However this film was never meant to tell a story. It is making a statement. The imagery that remains in your head after the film has ended is a gallery of vileness.
thepausemenu I'd to think I'm a decent film critic. I try to look at thing with an open mind and keep a clear vision what I believe a good film should be.I read a few reviews about Slaughtered Vomit Dolls and the general consensus is that it is a deliberate and pathetic attempt to shock audiences by its quantity of vomit and its editing techniques. Truth be told there is quite a bit of vomiting and if you are squeamish in anyway to regurgitation I advise you not to watch this film. If you suffer from epilepsy I advise you not to watch this film. In my opinion the general amount of people that watch this film cannot grasp the idea of why this film was edited in such a way; hence why they shun in so quick and easily. Slaughtered Vomit Dolls (SLV) is edited to show many various images and video over a small amount of time simulating the thoughts of a schizophrenic mind. I explain this more in a moment.SLV tells the short yet very sad tale of a woman who sells her to the Satan. As a young girl her innocence was taken when she was sexually abused by a church leader in her neighborhood. She swiftly carried out her revenge by burning down the church along with her neighborhood and she vanished and became a missing person and then later on became a stripper and a call-girl. As the story (if you can call it that) progresses you learn that the leading lady is plagued with the images, feelings, pain, and anguish that comes with being linked to Satan. She witnesses through dreams and hallucinations the acts of murder, torture, and extreme depravity that exist within sin. The film culminates with the leading lady taking her own life to get away from the evil inside her mind.Back onto the topic of the editing technique. Ever watch a film that has an insane asylum or a prison filled with "crazy" people and they write gibberish, symbols, other languages, or the same word over and over again on the walls or in a journal? This film depicts those actions in a visual manner. The hallucinations the leading lady sees are but a manifestation of the evil that she has surrendered to. The audio in SLV is almost 99% distorted, manipulated, reversed, or has the pitch lowered. This is annoying and can be down-right frustrating to sit though, but it conveys the experiences the leading lady is going though. This film contains nudity, simulated POV sexual situations, vomiting, blood, and gore throughout the entire film.I give SLV a 2/5. (for IMDb's 10 point scale SLV is a 4/10) It's a great idea for a film to see inside the mind of someone who sacrifices their soul to Satan, but Slaughtered Vomit Dolls in the end is only a mess of vomit and blood that leaves you with a headache and a case of vertigo.