The greatest movie ever made..!
Sadly Over-hyped
It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Blake Rivera
If you like to be scared, if you like to laugh, and if you like to learn a thing or two at the movies, this absolutely cannot be missed.
Brian Zolen
Like the reviewer in front of me, I too was expecting to see deviant trash but was pleasantly surprised with what I got. I thought the vomit was kept to a minimum , from what I've read over the years and the gore wasn't over the top. The soundtrack would make for a decent noise album, being a fan of Throbbing Gristle I thought it worked well with the subject matter. Really, is it a horror film? I'd say no. Is it disturbing? No, not really. Is it disgusting? At times. yes. Is it really so different from John Waters early films? David Lynch? Stan Brakhage? Paul Morrissey & (YAWN) Andy Warhol? When people go around saying "disturbing film this & disturbing film that" you tend to get side tracked. Is this cinematic genius? Of course fu***ng not. It's an art film. Nothing more, nothing less and one that kept me interested and I'll watch the rest of the series'. p.s.-Ameara Lavay, you're beautiful.
The thing that I realised about this film is that it isn't a horror film. It isn't particularly 'scarring', and yeah, some bits do seem like an excuse to show mindless gore. But some elements I really liked. I liked how the videos of Angela's childhood were juxtaposed in such a way (for example, the child Angela talks of 'beauty' as now-Angela is putting her makeup on). There is more to this film than meets the eye. When Princess is given the guitar to play, she can't because she only has one arm. I see this as symbolic of the pressures put on young women to be what they are not. The man playing with her severed arm is mocking her for 'not being good enough', but then uses the arm to be sick himself, suggesting the hypocrisy of mankind.This might be because i'm an English student and read FAR too much into stuff as it is, but if you look at the film as itself, instead of comparing it to other horror films, and read into it properly, you might see why I gave it a seven/ten.
Seriously I'm all for a good shocking disturbing horror flick... Human Centipede 2 was just that. This however is absolute trash... from start to finish its nudity, blood & vomit all displayed in very strange ways by very strange people. This film along with the other 2 in the trilogy pretend to have some sort of plot and script which i found completely hilarious and a load of bull. Anyone trying to watch this for a storyline will end up vomiting along with the weirdo's on screen.I understand everyone is looking for the most disturbing flick etc but this is not it, it's disturbing but not in the way your probably looking for. Its disturbingly weird, cringe worthy. To think some people pay huge sums of money to own these in special edition box-set dvds is an absolute joke. All i can say is the cover art is interesting and the director himself 'Lucifer Valentine' seems to be a satanist from what i have read after trying to understand why someone would make this a movie lol. Anyway if your reading this chances are you have heard about this in some top disturbing films list or some sort of similar hype, i know it won't stop watching it (i was the same) BUT at least you know what to expect. Good luck.
After watching this film is truly that man asked himself what he saw, what he was watching and why these things are recorded. People know to appreciate movies that abound disgusting scenes if there is a meaning in all this, which is not the case with this film.This movie is a combination of idiocy, nonsense, bad effects and bad scenes hidden behind a screen of hard core. This is not a movie, this is tape with random scenes of nudity, violence and vomiting. No story, no plot, bad music, bad directing, this is what a movie should NOT be.He received a score of 2 on the effort and partly because it managed to shock. However, when everything is said and done, I suggest you skip this movie.