ReGOREgitated Sacrifice
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice
R | 02 March 2008 (USA)
ReGOREgitated Sacrifice Trailers

Guided by identical twin demon spirits, The Black Angels of Hell, we see the diabolical depiction of the alternate-parallel dimension of the simultaneous suicide deaths of Kurt Cobain and bulimic porn star Angela Aberdeen, as seen through the mental activity of Angela's journey toward brain death as a result of her self-inflicted death by drowning.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
ronaldcharlesm Have you ever seen a movie so terrible you just think to yourself "this is the kind of thing burzum fanboys would watch", that's basically it.Even the title sounds like a bad brutal death metal or goregrind song. I can't believe I sat through that whole thing, it wasn't only disgusting, but just like the rest of the vomit gore trilogy, it was terribly made. I can't even give it points for creativity, I've learned from awful grind and death metal bands that any misogynist with a disgusting mind can come up with ideas like making somebody gag on their own intestines.
Toshio Nakamura The only thing in this movie that made me sick was the constant moving, shaking and flickering of the camera.Basically, any no-talent hack can make such a film. All you need is a rented camera (don't worry about quality as it will be wildly spinning about non-stop anyways), some redneck pals with a couple of chubby, slutty girlfriends / sisters / cousins, a few gallons of stage blood and a quick trip to the supermarket for some assorted offal. Get everyone tanked up on JD and Budweiser and it's in the can, so to speak.I voted 4 out of 10, as I enjoy watching slutty girls slithering around in fake blood. =^.^=
dead poet I will attempt to review the vomit gore trilogy as a whole and save myself and everyone time.We must look at Lucifer valentines facade. In interviews he always goes on about how he was in a sexual relationship with his younger sister which he raised single handedly. She was a BLIND catatonic schizophrenic. this diagnosis doesn't even exists as it is now labelled as dissociative identity disorder.keep in mind more than half of clinical psychiatrist agree this disease is 100% caused by childhood trauma meaning it has 0 chances of being biological. considering this, how can Lucifer say she drowned herself in the bathtub after recreating a scene from SVD. this is obscured? does anyone see the problem with his statement yet?? how about now? how does a blind girl recreate something she SAW in a film. his girlfriends quote above is i would die for you, i would even kill for you.see where i am heading with this.something is seriously wrong with this account of his sisters demise. this pompous d*ck has the nerve to say his movies reflect quantum theory and higher levels of the human organism and consciousness. I'm sorry but saying i got abducted in 1973 and repeating this phrase 30 times while changing the date does not in anyway relate to quantum mechanics or the spiritual about the octopus on head scene in RGS.I think it went like this in real life. oh damn we forgot to use an octopus in the intestine puke scene. what do we do. LV chugs beers as he ponders. sets beer bottle on table put the octopus on his head walks in front of camera and shoves finger in mouth then pukes! *recycle*yeah the fx's are so bad you can tell the girls intestine is an octopus.i guess he never heard of using pig intestines.his drawings look like a 12 year old.he is too afraid to stand in public which makes me wonder if he is even a real person.i must admit the film is disturbing due to it being a scat film. for a horror movie it is very depraved and demented. you can't compare it to real scat films and say they are more disturbing because they are in a different spectrum of film. i hate the non stop cutting of film which actually makes the film less shocking. scenes are so fast you never really have time to absorb how messed up they are. again another attempt at being non linear or quantum theory w.e....just watch the non linear film waking life. This is a surrealist movie about the human condition in altered states and references quantum theory. as for his satanic title. please ...... anyone who knows anything about satanism knows its church only accepts the rich and powerful. They teach to destroy psychic vampires that drain your energy. so broken souls and schizophrenic sisters would be killed in a true satanic family.this guy is a joke. if he was to write a book it would only be pictures. i don't know which is easier to attack the films or the man behind them. i tend to think they are one of the same. a total fraud.i know you killed her! keep listening to burzum you Nazi!!! and stop connecting yourself to sun o))). fake intellectualism really makes me angry I'm sorry people.still BLIND people who can see.. This is a new one. There is a mystery to be unlocked here, possible more disturbing then the films themselves.
Tromafreak Now, I'm no prude, because I've seen my share of flicks that some people would view as "going too far" Perhaps films such as I Spit On Your Grave and Cannibal Holocaust get s little carried away. Then again, maybe they don't. I suppose it's a matter of opinion. However, there's this flick I seen called ReGOREgitated Sacrifice. If you've seen it, and you think this film went too far, you're just plain right. Opinions have nothing to do with it.If not. If you actually consider this film to be perfectly reasonable entertainment, well, then you most likely worship Satan. So, to be realistic, I would assume the story wouldn't mean a helluva lot, at this point. And honestly, I'm not sure how to go about explaining it without spoiling the original. Not that you should ever watch the original for any reason, but nobody likes spoilers. Plus, I doubt IMDb would want anyone getting too specific while reviewing a Lucifer Valentine epic. Just know ReGOREgitated Sacrifice is by far the most evil, disgusting, flat out wrong film I've ever had the pleasure of viewing. Compared to parts 1 and 3 of the vomit gore trilogy, this one actually comes off kinda interesting in a morbid/artsy kinda way, in my opinion. And don't judge me! Now that this vomit gore trilogy is out of the way, what's next for this alleged satanist, "Lucifer Valentine"? Peronally, I don't care. Or at least that's what I'm gonna tell people. Not that people know who the hell this guy is. But I'm sure that guy will get me curious again, sooner or later. For those who are into the most extreme side of modern exploitation, but aren't completely insane, you may just want to go with something a little tamer like The August Underground Trilogy, or or Guinea Pig series. Then again, if ReGOREgitated Sacrifice really is your cup o' tea, and you seek something more extreme, you're just plain out of luck. That is, if you're completely against snuff films.