Slow Torture Puke Chamber
Slow Torture Puke Chamber
R | 27 July 2010 (USA)
Slow Torture Puke Chamber Trailers

Making good on her pact with Satan, Angela Aberdeen's tortured and vomit-soaked soul descends into Hell. But Satan is not finished with her yet - He has more suffering planned for his ravaged slave. Angela is sent back up to the surface to stalk and destroy yet another victim. Her return initiates the emergence of a new Angela who is steadily and painfully infected with the Devil's Curse. An appalling metamorphosis befalls the chosen young victim as she is racked by bulimia, and subjected to the dark, forbidden secrets of incest of abuse. Slowly, the two Angelas merge into one Perfect Child of Satan and descend to an eternity of suffering in Hell.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Cody Gearheart The film honestly was just bad... Just disgusting for being disgusting and really bad acting...The film had no shortage of blatant disgustingness: Bugs, urine, vomit, cannibalism, murder, pedophilia, incest, crucifix masturbations, blood, bloody sex, and more.What the film did have was a shortage of explaining why we needed to see all this and why it was even so important for this film...Not disturbing, not shocking, not intense or scary... Just full on disgusting.
Michael_Elliott Slow Torture Puke Chamber (2010) ** (out of 4) The third and final film in Lucifer Valentine's trilogy once again has Ameara Lavey returning in the role of Angela Aberdeen but we also have Hope Likens who also gets in on the puking.I must admit that Valentine at least put his stamp on this trilogy and there's no question that he made the "vomit/gore" genre. I'm not really sure if that's something to brag about but this third film pretty much offers us the exact same thing as the first two. Does it push the limits even further? I would say no because the second film is probably the best and most vile of the bunch.With that said, Valentine throws a few new things into the mix with the biggest having the ladies drink their own pee. This happens several different ways and it seems that the peeing is the main focus of this film but have no fear you puke fans, that stuff happens too. It happens quite a bit throughout the 77-minute running time to be exact so fans of that will be happy.As I've said about the first two films, there's nothing I'd recommend here but at the same time there's no question that the director has delivered a vile and shocking film, which is what he intended to do.
ninjas-r-cool Lucifer Valentine takes quite a bit of pride in having invented a new subgenre - vomit gore. It's undeniably unique, but in saying that I'm reminded of a quote David St Hubbins once made about Nigel Tufnel - "Nobody else plays quite like him. Nobody even tries." That certainly rings true here. The main problem with Valentine's films is that he takes an interesting premise - witnessing the internal visions of a woman during the moments of brain death following suicide - and merely uses it as an excuse to splatter his fetishes across the screen. So the vomit gore trilogy finally reaches its long-awaited (or maybe not) conclusion and, as I see it, there are 3 options as to how this could play out: 1. The hallucinogenic qualities could be amped up to create an Eraserhead style nightmare. 2. The puking could be pushed to inhuman levels, soaking the screen in a non-stop barfing frenzy. 3. It could be the exact same thing as the other films, with a different title.Sadly, it takes the third option, although it does head off in a slightly different, darker direction.The film starts with a spoken disclaimer from star Hope Likens that she agreed to be involved, was informed of the content, signed daily contracts and was given a safe word to be used at any time. Is this just a cheap shock tactic? Sure it is! But hey, when the movie's called Slow Torture Puke Chamber, complaining about cheap shocks seems a little silly. So the curtain rises and immediately cue scenes of Likens being slapped, beaten, choked with a belt, etc. - all very real. Nothing you wouldn't see in your average Max Hardcore flick but still pretty nasty. What follows is a fair chunk of the usual Lucifer Valentine fare - puking blood into shot glasses and then downing them one by one; masturbating with crucifixes and hurling onto Jesus; bloody tampons; pig masks; and of course lots of pissing and blowing chunks.What sets it apart though is the confessions of self-loathing from the actresses and an even greater focus on degradation than usual. It all culminates in a 20 minute finale involving a pregnant woman, a big knife, a blender and a puking machine named Hank Skinny, that is by far the nastiest set-piece. Sure, it's got plenty of puke and gore, but it's the implications behind what we're seeing that make for a much more pernicious beast - this is the pornography of abuse and there's something quite evil about it. Any sense of enjoyment that might be had from vomit gore leaves the room, making way for something considerably more unnerving.Certainly gender politics come into play here. A woman pissing on her own face is automatically assumed to be fetishistic porn, whereas a guy pissing on his own face could be put in the new Jackass movie and play in mainstream theatres around the world. But still it's hard to watch the debasement on display here and not think that these women are broken goods. When Hope Likens breaks down on-camera while talking about her childhood sexual experiences with her father, it feels uncomfortably real. If it's not, then she's quite an actress. Either way, I'm not the judgemental type. I'm sure starring in a puke flick is just as cathartic and no less degrading than paying some therapist 100 bucks an hour to pretend to care about your problems. So I say, you go girls! Get them clothes off and puke your guts out to your heart's content. As long as all the barf stays on that side of the screen, then these freaky chicks are alright in my book.