NR | 05 June 1991 (USA)
Begotten Trailers

Begotten is the creation myth brought to life, the story of no less than the violent death of God and the (re)birth of nature on a barren earth.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Wordiezett So much average
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
AllNewSux Okay I admit that I am very mad at this film after watching it for the first time. I came in with such anticipation of seeing the creepiest and weirdest film I've ever seen and it was neither of those. It feels like a bad student film very derivative of early short films by Clive Barker and David Lynch. People have claimed how visceral it is, but I simply found it boring and very cartoonish. The one thing I did enjoy were the sound effects of crickets and fires crackling, etc. The flaw with these sounds are they help put you to sleep for what is already a very boring piece of art. Is combining strange negative filming, no dialogue and minimal sound effects an interesting idea? Perhaps, but all these things have been done before, separately and with much better results. The story, if there is one, is just a convoluted mess. Although the style of filming may be interesting it also makes it difficult to tell what exactly is going on. I'm sure many reviewers who love this film will say I don't understand it or don't like experimental films. Hey, I love experimental films like the ones by the aforementioned Barker and Lynch. I even watched the BRILLIANT experimental film from 1955 called Dementia a few days before I watched this film and absolutely loved it. If you want to give the director some points for originality go ahead, but I assure you, you'll watch it once and never feel the need to see it again.
Michael_Elliott Begotten (1990) *** (out of 4) Ultra-bizarre film from director E. Elias Merhige that's pretty much impossible to explain in terms of plot.This is the type of experimental film that you could show to a hundred different people. Some are going to find it completely plot-less and downright horrid. Some are going to think it's a masterpiece of visuals and give you ten paragraphs of what the film is trying to "say." Others will be puking their guts out within the first few minutes and won't be able to give you a decent idea of what was to follow. I'm not going to sit here and pretend to know what this film was trying to say or do. Hell, perhaps it's not trying to say anything. The only one who knows for certain is the director himself and I'm not going to try and pretend to speak for him.With all of that said, did the film work? There's no question about that. I hadn't heard of the film until recently when it started to make some lists of the most disturbing movie ever made. I'm not going to agree with that but there's no question that there are some visuals here that won't leave your mind. I mean, how many movies can you think of that starts off with God killing himself in a brutal manor and then Mother Earth impregnating herself with his seed. From here with see countless violent images of death and just about everything else that you can think of. Again, most people aren't going to be able to stomach the film even if they do find it's direction and visuals to be masterful.Roger Ebert once said a film is successful if the director accomplishes whatever they set out to do. I'm pretty sure that means this here was a major success. The director would go onto direct films like SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE and some Marilyn Manson videos. The amazing visuals in this film is what makes it so mesmerizing and there's no question that it contains a sickening atmosphere unlike any other movie I've seen. The artistic value alone makes this film something truly special and I guess the only thing you can compare it to are the early shorts of Luis Bunuel.
Jordan Hageman Originally I hated this film upon first viewing. I saw a bootleg pirated internet copy on a dorm room TV in my buddies' dorm room when we decided to go down a list of art films we wanted to see. We watched this were severely disappointed. My original rating was a 2. I thought it was boring, pretentious, and overrated. But the more I went back and watched it, which I strangely kept thinking about the film. I watched it a few times and I liked it more every time. So at the moment this film is at a 5 for me. It's not accessible and it is challenging to watch and it somewhat becomes an endurance for your eyes to figure just what it is that you are seeing. SO take my review for what it is worth. I'm sure I'll get told; "You're an idiot you don't get it." or "Stick to big budget Hollywood garbage." But this is how I feel about the film. So there.
Marko Poljakovic This film is an attempt to shock the public and nothing else. It is not art at all,It is an idiotic desire of maker to collect all the taboo"s in one place, to give it a horrific note with weird picture and sounds, and off course that there will be high-blown hipsters in public who will claim that this is remarkable masterpiece of "art". Total loss of nerve. Go and die hipsters!! Today, all sorts of people think that they are some kind of artists, and always there is audience, no mather what kind of crap is on board. Only stupid people can watch it twice and seek for deeper meaning of it. Stupid, bad and ugly movie. That is enough about this peace of garbage, now i am writhing only to fill this lines, and that it is.