The Cutter
The Cutter
R | 13 March 2006 (USA)
The Cutter Trailers

A former cop turned Los Angeles P.I. takes on a case of a missing diamond cutter that leads him on an adventure of love and villainy spanning of mob to the present day Jewelry District.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Maziun This is Norris last movie , not counting his appearance in "The Expendables 2". What can I say ? It was a painful experience for me to watch this movie.Let's start with good things . Joanna Pacula after all those years is still sexy . There is one really good joke here – "Told you, he was the bad guy". The movie is short , not even full 1 and half hour. The story actually had potential for good movie.OK , now with the bad things . The director Bill Tannen directs it with obvious and annoying MTV-style. There are moments where the movie treats its audience as retarded idiots who can't remember simple facts , so we are forced to see some unnecessary flashbacks. The action scenes are badly placed . There is quit a lot of them in the first half and almost none in the second half of the movie. The movie deals with delicate subject as Holocaust in not very subtle way. There is lot of stupidity here . Chuck Norris only needs one pistol to defeat everybody. It doesn't matter that the opponents have Uzi or even better guns . He will kill them anyway. Also , what's with the bad guys beating Norris almost every time ? I like when action hero has difficulties , but this is just embarrassing.Anyway , this is a bad farewell to Norris . I give it 1/10.
Kirill Shagoyko Unfortunately, but this is the last movie of Chuck's career in the cinema. And, as a big fan of Norris, I was glad to watch this movie, named "Cutter". It's the movie, which full of action, interesting episodes and cool fights. I noticed, that this's very nice action for last Chuck Norris's project.Finally, "Cutter" is a typical motion picture of 80's, but with something modern, fashion and cool parts. Norris as strong and fast, as in his "Walker Texas ranger" TV series, so I pleased to look at him and to see, how he kicks asses of bad guys and, for sure, his last fight scene.So, I advice to watch to You this wonderful and really interesting movie, especially, if You're a fan of Carlos Rey Norris.10 out of 10!..
Frank Markland Chuck Norris goes the Charles Bronson route and makes a cookie cutter action flick despite his geriatric state. Chuck Norris at 65(!) is still kicking away and if this is any indication of what we should expect from Chuck Norris for the next couple of years, perhaps it's not such a bad idea that he peddles total gym commercials. The boring plot involves Nazis out to steal priceless jewels for some unfathomable reason and so they kidnap an old man and so his daughter (Joanna Pacula) hires out the help of Norris who is less Invasion USA and more Missing In Action. Seriously The Cutter has to be one of the least action packed films of Norris' career, Norris doesn't do many roundhouses and relies heavily on gunplay to get him by. In fact Norris seems to be in his old 80's mode where he was ruthless in his stoic presence however there just isn't enough action. In fact the bus sequence which is meant to be a homage to Code Of Silence, just reminds us how much the mighty have fallen.A Chuck Norris fact is that the chief export of Chuck Norris is Pain and with this movie, he has exported a good amount on his target audience.* out of 4-(Bad)
smiley-32 I saw THE CUTTER not long ago. It was a good film, especially in Chuck Norris's honor.In this film, he plays as John Sheperd. A former police officer turned Private Investigator who takes on any job for a price. Following a job that went wrong.. after failing to save a daughter.. Sheperd's life is shattered, when he blames the police for not doing their job. Determined to get over it, he runs himself into another case.. This time, when a diamond cutter's father is mysteriously kidnapped. Sheperd takes on the case, which leads into something more sinister. Someone has stolen an artifact from the Sinai desert, and the diamonds have been vanished.Enter Daniel Bernhardt who plays Dirk. A ruthless criminal who works for Col. Speerman (Curt Lowens).. As the film goes on, everything about these characters begin to fall into place with some consequences..This film is one of Norris's best. Although he maybe old, but still he's tough enough to play the good guy all round. Still beating the cr*p out of the bad guys.. Daniel Bernhardt who plays the villain.. He was good.. He was more of a ruthless assassin who just gets what he wants.. Killing people who stands in his way until he squares off against Norris in a climatic fighting scene at the end.There was also Tracy Scoggins.. who I haven't seen on film for quite some time. She stood out great. She was amazing! And Joanna Pacula.. Great performance.. Still the same Joanna!Bill Tannen's directing was also good. Although the idea of this fast forward sequence which we see in the film is good. At least, in some films.. It didn't drag on too long. Tannen kept the pace going right until the end.Well, I had a great time watching this flick.. Good action from start to finish! 8 out of 10!