Bad Company
Bad Company
PG-13 | 07 June 2002 (USA)
Bad Company Trailers

When a Harvard-educated CIA agent is killed during an operation, the secret agency recruits his twin brother.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
filippaberry84 I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
brownthrasher-25554 A will done chase, a love story, a bit of an old hack, Anthony Hopkins is spry and young-ish. This is not a typical spy hunt. Very fast action. Lots of fast cars. A serious deadline. Twists and turns almost give it some authenticity.
Arik_P This is one of the best action comedy thrillers I have seen in a very very long time.The film is just flowing from one action scene to another , with a very clear pattern of what the problem is and how it is to be solved. Anthony Hopkins is the best the actor I know (Except Morgan Freeman) to play Officer Oakes .As for Chris Rock he is the right man at the right place at the right time. The bad guys are bad!Peter Stormare is the eternal Russian bad guy, doing a good job as such!John Slattery as Roland Yates head of the CIA task force has really nothing else in mind except getting the job done no matter what it takes. Filming on location in Prague adds another taste of the X- "cold war" taste to the movie.All in all: fun,action packed,fast pacing,
namashi_1 Joel Schumacher's 'Bad Company' is a routine action film, that also has a sense of humor, though not very humorous, and a wanna be 'Pacey' background score. It ain't no bad film, but, it ain't no good film either.When a mission to retrieve a stolen suitcase bomb goes bad, CIA agent Kevin Pope played by Chris Rock is killed. Pope was working undercover as an arm dealer under the name Michael Turner. The CIA, who is desperate to complete the mission discovers that Agent Pope had a twin brother, Jake Hayes, also played by Chris Rock. The CIA assign the twin brother in and thus try to complete their mission.To give it's due, it has it's share of interesting moments. But, they are far and between. One is majorly disappointed by the climax, is doesn't have the thrills or the impact, you'd expect.Joel Schumacher has directed the film ably. Production values, as expected from Jerry Bruckheimer, are full-filling. Dariusz Wolski's Cinematography is okay. Acting wise: Sir Anthony Hopkins is just right. Chris Rock is loud. The actor is ought to keep a check on his expressions and his voice. Peter Stormare is wasted. Garcelle Beauvais looks alluring.On the whole, 'Bad Company' is strictly an average fare.
xepem-1 Beware, spoilers! Lots of them!Tourist movie, where behind patching with money, all you can really see is lame producer stitches. Then nasty scars too. Story from Peacemaker transferred in Prague, and spiced with initial death of CIA agent who is shot by Serbs. Without him, purchase of post-soviet A-bomb can't be achieved.That agent (Chris Rock) had a twin-brother. They are adopted separately long time ago, so the other rose only to a level of scalper. Then agency (Hopkins) makes copy of a dead brother from a street bum, with all comic twists which that process bears.Dragan Michanovich (Michelle in movie) shows unbelievable hypocrisy, by accepting to pose Rade Sherbegia in this vomit; while in movie Night is dark (from his native Serbian cinematography - Tamna je noc) he sought maximum of pacifism and humanity. Here, he play's French who swindle Russian, and than he himself is played out by Serbs. Ironic, isn't it?Serbs are lead by some Dragan Adyanich, wanted for war crimes. For what else Serb can be wanted?. He dislike USA so much, that for 20 million$ he doesn't open bar, gas station, or warehouse. Like costume is. Instead of silicone boobies or Merk, he buy's a nuke! Then surrender himself to adventure, which is about to change political scene of today…But the most pervert stupidity is final intrusion of that that person (temporarily absent from ICTY in Hague). Scene is so copied from Peacemaker, that is surprise how they are not sued. Reason why they aren't, is only because Peacemaker is also washout photocopy. Whose original is lost, because it is used as toilet paper by critique of 80's. Climax of perversion is smooth flatulence, which is gushing out when Adyanich holding his funeral oration. That is stylistic figure, in capital-realism (opposition to social-realism) known as: psychopathic anti-American sermon of terrorist unaware that he will soon be dead. I quote: Your country grows fat, while people all over the world starve. You stay at home, you watch our blood spilled on television. War reduced to video game. You take sides in conflicts you know nothing about, dictating to other people how they should live…This is supposed to make Pavlov-like synapse, in every kid who hears this or similar speech, automatically branding speaker as Adyanich's clone. (Type of person known to conduct cannibalism of exhausted grannies, rape of pets, etc.).That's why is in vain to impute Hopkins (and alike) as a great actors and persons. They are just incorrigible, unintellectual, covetous droppings. Chauvinistic farce. There is no need to exhaust yourself with thought that you will ever drink coffee with them, so opinion like this can bring you to unpleasant situation.Black for me, please.