Leap of Faith
Leap of Faith
PG-13 | 18 December 1992 (USA)
Leap of Faith Trailers

Jonas Nightengale is a fraudulent Christian faith healer who makes a living travelling around America holding revival meetings and conducting 'miracles' with the help of his friend and manager, Jane, and their entourage.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Ariella Broughton It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
gridoon2018 Steve Martin gives an energetic performance in this lively but aimless comedy-drama, and Debra Winger (a very natural, very underrated actress) has rarely been hotter, but the film has a limited range, and it's hard to know how we're meant to interpret what happens to the Lukas Haas character at the end. It takes quite a leap of faith (no pun intended) to accept that a movie which has set out to expose miracle-workers as fakes would turn to proselytizing in the last lap. **1/2 out of 4.
tieman64 "It's easier to fool people than to convince them that they've been fooled." - Mark Twain Directed by Richard Pearce, "Leap of Faith" stars Steve Martin as Jonas Nightengale, a con-man who masquerades as a Christian faith healer. When his tour-bus breaks down in small-town Kansas, Jonas sets about scamming the drought afflicted locals."I'll walk if it's God's will," a crippled kid tells Jonas. Jonas mocks the boy's faith – the kid's just another sucker - until what may or may not be a miracle jolts Jonas out of his cynicism. Designed to support the beliefs of believers, atheists and agnostics, this miraculous climax is less an affirmation of Gods than a call for compassion, hope and community over predation and despair.Though miscast, "Leap of Faith" remains one of Steve Martin's better films. Interesting and atmospheric, it's at its best when revealing the methods used by revivalists and faith healers to con congregations. Elsewhere Pearce offers wonderful location photography, his film adorned with open skies, rustic diners and star-lit circus tents. Co-starring Debra Winger and Liam Neeson.7.9/10 – For this material handled better, see "Elmer Gantry" (1960). See too "Red Lights" (2010).
steve-3873 This was almost a good movie. It started out as a very honest portrayal of the hucksterism and con jobs that all religion relies on, only to fall victim to schmalz and a fairy tale ending that destroyed all of the footwork leading up to it. This could have been an important movie on par with "Elmer Gantry" if the writers and director had just resisted the urge to sabotage their own work. Steve Martin played the huckster role with genius and Debra Winger appears in far too few movies, but in reality, hucksters of this caliber never reform, if that's the right word, until scandal brings them down, and people DO get disgusted with fleecing the innocent withOUT having to believe in mythical beings. Too bad.This movie could have had some meaning if they had just stuck to real world.
Steve P At times, a bit uneven of a movie that drags in places, but watching it, you're rewarded frequent gems of movie magic. The opening scene of Steve Martin talking his way out of a speeding ticket while his core crew places bets on the potential of his success accurately sets the stage for the charlatan of Martin's character, Jonas Nightengale. He's a shyster and proud of it. He's selling a bill of goods to willing saps and is clearly comfortable with the situation.Seeing the character of Jonas Nightengale operate is a true joy, from his attempt to bed the local beauty queen to how he mixes truth and banter to foil the attempts of an overly wise sheriff played by Liam Neeson.Martin's character very accurately employs techniques used by exposed Peter Popoff and it's worth doing a YouTube search of Peter Popoff to see the similarities.The Angels of Mercy choir is outstanding to watch and to hear. Be sure to stick around during the credits to see and hear more of them.There are undeveloped parts of the story, for example, Jonas's relationship with Jane (played very well by Debra Winger). It would have been worthwhile to know a bit more about how the two of them got started and why there isn't a romantic tension between the two of them. It's easy to assume they've been together, but there's no proof either way. She knows the act and him too well to be just a business partner and she's not presented as having a past seedy enough to get her into the conman business.It's all fun and games, of course, until a real miracle happens and what's a good conman to do when faced with the real deal? Have fun with this movie, forgive the parts that drag, and you'll be rewarded with a movie worth watching.