Point Break
Point Break
PG-13 | 25 December 2015 (USA)
Point Break Trailers

A young undercover FBI agent infiltrates a gang of thieves who share a common interest in extreme sports. A remake of the 1991 film, "Point Break".

Alicia I love this movie so much
Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
juanmuscle The much sought answer lies right here, look no further, in the NU Point Break! This is my second review on this film, now I know its broaching IMDB propriety, but I say to hell with the rules, its Point Fn Break! I watched both last night, and since I've seen the first a zillion times, I started the affair with the second, so let me throw some things straight up...the lil' bank scene here , was so replete with everything one could desire that it felt like that ordeal in HEAT, but this was in seconds, and it was beautiful.... To go back in time to do complete all the ordeals here, its poetry , This felt like Point break not on steroids but pumped up with some good ol' fashion hormones , and god knows what else, everything under the kitchen sink! this is a thematic Point break wholly inclusive in its single aim, to satisfy everyone, not just the exclusive fans of the first, daresay glorious and beautiful in its callow pretext, OK, look , I give everything a ten because god knows what it takes to make a film, but I keep it real with words, but what are words when action can speak on a monumental level and this point break speaks boundless smashing all levels right in our faces and they did it with style beyond style, and yes there is only one Bodie, but this guy did a great job respectively knowing the shoes he was trying to fill the beloved role we all know and love, and yes Utah here and now that role is not irreplaceable, but both are excellent Keanu and this new Kenau I don't know his name but did a stellar job indeed , but while Keanu or rather his stunt guy was smashing a few windows and spitting into lawnmowers , come on, credit is due were its due , this is on a whole new level meritorious indeed, jumping off cliffs, motorcycling off cliffs into lil' mountains, climbing up god knows what and then jumping off, flying a supersonic speeds inches above ground, and more all fraught with not just cool dialogue but universal and inclusive in its learned profundity, stellar writing! So no, nobody rides for free, this point break took the lil' bebe shoes of old and stepped it up on the level of Mount Olympus with the gods for the gods, we were just there for the ride and whether for free we payed with this super insane over the top old-school narly into the new world radical stellar affair, and I think if the real Bowdie were here, god rest Patrick's soul, yes we love him, I yet daresay Bowdie up in the sky or whatever parallel universe he is riding some big ass waves surely, is looking at this here Bowdie and smiling , maybe saying something like Goddamn, my Point break combined with this new one is a perfect ending to a radical life , free yourselves of the past guys, and keep riding the big ass ride , for free or not, cause I know I payed with my nerves trying to keep up with all this incredibly fun harebrained madness!
Nicole L *Note: I haven't seen the original version of this movie. Plot: 7/10. FBI agent who also happens to be an extreme sports athlete infiltrates a group of extreme sports athletes who also happen to be eco-terrorists hellbent on completing the Ozaki 8 ordeals, a set of extreme sports ordeals, while also "giving back" to Mother Earth (read: committing crimes) and trying to save the planet from destruction. Have to say, this is by far one of the most original and inventive plots I've come across for a crime movie. Points off for a couple instances of poor executions/research (I study terrorism, so I pick up on this easily in these movies): 1. Bodhi telling Utah that he "knew he was a cop from the beginning, but thought he could save him" - this would NEVER happen in any extremist group ever. I get that they weren't a terrorist group in the original movie, but if you want to make them terrorists, you have to change the way you do things a little. 2. The whole thing about Bodhi being on the boat with Ozaki when he died, I mean... sure, it gives him motivation, but could we be any more predictable? 3. The romantic subplot between the girl and Utah was literally thrown in there for the sake of it and added nothing whatsoever to the plot. Furthermore, the one "important" female character was literally a sexy lamp and didn't participate in any of the group's activities until it came time for her to die for the male lead to have feels. 4. Another instance of "these weren't initially terrorists but they are now" poor execution: not that I don't understand that he wanted to complete the Ozaki 8, but no terrorist ever would just do something he knew was going to kill him without benefit to his cause. Again, maybe this was believable in the original movie, but it is not believable here. Characters: 7/10. I loved the character chemistry between Bodhi and Utah. Points off for no development of literally any other character. Especially in the case of Sexy Lamp lady who croaks for Man Tears. Cinematography: 10/10. Absolutely visually stunning movie. This is definitely the high point of the film, especially for the extreme sports fans among us. Atmosphere: 8/10. Pretty standard action movie atmosphere. Music: 9/10.Overall score: 8.2/10
The Couchpotatoes I already didn't have a high opinion of the movie before even starting watching it and that's because I don't really like remakes unless they are much better. But after watching it I was surprised it wasn't actually a complete copy of the 1991 Point Break. The story is different in many points but unfortunately it isn't better. The good thing about the movie are the stunts and the nature shots. But it was just not enough to make it a good movie. It's an average movie with special effects that could have been much better when you see the budget they had. The acting was just okay without being great. It's just the story that was lousy written. And that's the most important thing for any movie. If you don't have a good script you don't get a good movie. That's a fact.
Mr-Fusion So, we're just remaking all of Swayze's movies now, right? And if the do-overs are good, that's no problem. But "Point Break", aiming for passable, still misses the mark. This thing's a self-important mess, and really sucks the fun out of everything. The mysticism is deathly serious with no balancing levity. I guarantee you'll be missing the better actors of the original movie, and that's before getting to the halfway mark.I admit I maintained a cautious optimism at first (hey, I get a charge out of hearing The Black Keys just as anybody), but this thing's just a vacuum of excitement, in spite of the extreme sports emphasis. I never though I'd say this, but watch "The Fast and the Furious" instead. It's the better remake.3/10