Prison Break: The Final Break
Prison Break: The Final Break
| 10 September 2009 (USA)

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The movie covers the events which occurred in between the downfall of The Company and the finale of the TV series (SEASON 4). It details the arrest and incarceration of Sara Tancredi, the final escape plan which Michael devises for Sara, and reveals the ultimate fate of Gretchen Morgan.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
marcelainheaven This series is a good example of how a good idea can be totally ruined for money. I mean ‎‎trying to get more rating. The first two seasons were good, then they just added things ‎‎that came SO out of the blue, even for a fiction series that was a little to much. This show ‎‎was totally ruined. I started to watch every chapter with interest, and then in the middle of ‎‎the third season I was just watching them with the "faster" button of the video application ‎‎because it was getting so boring. I heard the TV movie "Final Break" was even worse, so ‎‎I didn't bother. This series is not worthy to watch, waste of time and money. I think many ‎‎people agree with me. It's time for companies like FOX to learn that good things ‎‎shouldn't be spoiled just to get more rating cause what they get is exactly the opposite. ‎‎People are smarter that they think.‎
TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews For those who are unsure what exactly this is, this is the last two episodes, that I understand not all were fortunate enough to have air where they could catch them, and instead had to get this on DVD to get to see the finale. This is about the same level of quality as the rest of the fourth season... meaning that there is still excellent tension, well-thought out plans and plenty of back-stabbing, however, it remains undeniable that this is past its prime. I think it built up the overall conspiracy too much, and then kept going with a lot of the most interesting plot threads already resolved. At this point, they also resorted to a rather see-through, forced and awkward way of keeping the many characters, that we've grown to care about, together. The noteworthy thing to this is that it picks up after what sure looked like the ending, and actually does credibly at not only keeping the story going for an additional 80 minutes, but creating new conflicts(and re-igniting ones we already know and like). You don't *need* to watch this, and the way things are left off before it is a fine close to the franchise. This does use an unexpected turn, and gives us more of what was always the best in the series. Among the greatest new things of this is Lori Petty's performance, which nails the type with flawless precision. The pacing is spot-on, and this is rather exciting and engaging from start to finish. Production values leave nothing to be desired. I commented on the acting in my review of the show itself, and it is the same in this. I recommend this to fans of Prison Break. 7/10
pcarlssons What a waste of time! To end the Prison Break series in this way make you feel you invested all those hours for nothing. This was the most silly, constructed and cheap ending anyone could come up with. The whole plot were also simplified and it felt like it were put together during a coffee break. This is only a try to pump some more advertising on the series. I was long ago since i got so disappointed. SPOILER AHEAD!Let's put it this way - the audience were worth a happy ending after all this time, but instead we got an incredibly sappy and silly "I sacrifice myself" - ending that only make you sad. Don't see this - you are better off not to.
Ryan_nice IT was not disappointing. It still had a good amount of twist and turns who would've thought Sara would get into a fight with the guards and try to hold her own, let alone Gretchen being in the same prison as she would be in. It was very fitting to the show and it just added to the Legend of Michael Scofield. It is worth the watch. If you are a true fan you will not be disappointed. Many people in my opinion may be disappointed about his tragic demise, but come on, something had to give. I for one was disappointed but also happy because it makes this show that much more memorable. I'd buy the entire DVD collection and pass it on to my children so they can experience the thrills that prison break has given us these past 4 years. No one ever expected what would happen in any season. The show keeps you on the edge of your seat for more. I feel much better after watching this because now I know Michael didn't just pass on due to his brain tumor...he would have but, he gave his life to save another. He's been doing it for 4 years America...How could you get mad?