Final: The Rapture
Final: The Rapture
PG-13 | 13 September 2013 (USA)
Final: The Rapture Trailers

A gritty, international tale of four separate stories woven together by a common theme: the Rapture.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
robert-259-28954 I didn't think it was even possible. I sat through another piece of pathological religious poppycock... again. I've been trying, in vain, to find just one "Rapture" movie out of three that would offer anything but an hilarious, last gasp of the Christian church to "save souls" through insane, desperate fear mongering, and bizarre, pointless "B" movies that they hope will terrify "non-believers" in believing in a God that is so vengeful, jealous, evil, bloodthirsty, and wrathful that he would kill all of his creations just to prove a point. Evidently, God didn't get his fill of murder and vengeance during the Great Flood, so now HE'S BA-A-A-C-K, and more angry than ever! Perhaps this time he'll do the job right, and punish all of his "children" in an apocalyptic nightmare that would make Sodom and Gomorrah look like child's play. If it wasn't painful enough to watch fundamentalist has-beens like Kirk Cameron destroy what little was left of his non-existent acting career, even Nicolas Cage had to get involved in this cinematic attempt at slow suicide. These three films are the "Holy Trinity" of bad flicks, possibly the worst, ham-fisted moralistic mistakes in the entire history of bad movies. The only "miracle" is that they managed to find three people with a lot of money dumb enough to produce them. What a concept... featuring God as the greatest single serial killer in history. "The Rapture: God's back, and he's mad as hell!!!"
yrhifihw This movie was a great pleasure for me and my church to see all these stupid and arrogant disbeliever get the punishment they deserve. They knew all along that they will rot in hell for all eternity and that's what they get. Man, I'm lucky to have chosen the one and only right faith in a loving god among hundreds of others, which are very similar but of course created by Satan himself. He's smart, don't fall for it.It was also very convenient because I didn't need to think about if someone is guilty or not. I just had to compare which persons were missing after the rapture. God took this burden from me and he did a great job in my opinion. There could have been a bit more destruction and violence though. But well... that way it's also suitable for children.Also the actors earned my honest appreciation. Much better than what I'm used to and I really have seen each and every of the "Fallen World Productions". I always had the feeling that the actors and technicians were ordinary people like me so I could easily connect.Don't wait to see it until it's too late and spread the word of love and redemption.
sanjsrik NO subtitiles. No clue what is being said in Japanese, Spanish or any other language. My favorite thing is, this is the APOCALYPSE. This would be easier to actually believe if there weren't all those people walking around when the main characters are talking about "there's no one around". Um, yeah, there are actually about 1,000 people around within the frame you're shooting.Yes, this is low-budget, but seriously, Photoshop out the rest. Just try even in a half-hearted way to make it even less than what you spent on it.The acting is good for what it is. The direction needs a LOT of work. The special effects reflects exactly what the budget is all about.I rewatched this movie. It is actually worse than I said. It is really, horribly, pathetically, bad. Budget doesn't hold this horrible thing back. What holds this back is direction. People are DISAPPEARING from the Earth. Yet, apparently, that doesn't stop the cabs from rolling by or the people who keep mugging for the camera.Honestly, this movie isn't worth anything anyone says. It's just really bad. No, that would be an insult to the word bad. This is just (give me a word worse than bad) I'm lost otherwise. Don't waste any moment of any second of any rapturous horrible time on this piece of potato fodder, it's just that bad.
glc63 This film wins my vote for the worst acting, worst special effects and the worst cameramen ever. I have seen a lot of low budget films in my day but this is the winner hands down.To top it off they obviously get some of the people who were part of the film to post reviews here giving it 10 stars. I could see if there were one or two people giving this a 5 or 6 star review but 15'ish giving it the full 10??? I call BS.The premise of the movie is a good idea and had it given more thought to the acting and a better budget for special effects it may have been one of the better movies of the year.