They Live by Night
They Live by Night
NR | 01 November 1949 (USA)
They Live by Night Trailers

An escaped convict, injured during a robbery, falls in love with the woman who nurses him back to health, but their relationship seems doomed from the beginning.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Alex da Silva Three prisoners are on the run - hardened bad guys Howard Da Silva (Chickamaw), and Jay C. Flippen (T-Dub) and youngster Farley Granger (Bowie). They share out some money and Granger takes a shine to Cathy O'Donnell (Keechie) who has nursed his wounds. These two pair up to start a life together but the other two spend their money and want more. They need 3 for their bank robberies and a reluctant Granger is persuaded back into a life of crime after receiving a few slaps. Things only go downhill for the trio.Well, that was all a bit boring. Nothing unexpected happens. The best in the cast are everyone else other than the two leads so that doesn't do the film any favours. Granger and O'Donnell are both unconvincing in their roles and way too much time is spent on sappy sentimental nonsense between them. Who cares if she's having a frigging baby! It's a totally irrelevant detail to put into what should be a tense noir. What we get is a bit of a mushy drama. The proper bad guys come off best and that includes Helen Craig (Mattie). The problem is they're all quite an unattractive bunch so I can't relate. The best bit of the film is Marie Bryant performing "Your Red Wagon" in a nightclub scene.Interestingly, Granger is given the name "Bowie" obviously a nod to David Bowie. This is probably the most interesting aspect of the film. I think it is probably from his 'Thin White Duke - Young Americans' period but I can't be sure.
PimpinAinttEasy Dear Noir Fans, They Live by Night is not a thrilling noir by any sense of the imagination. More of a tragic drama with a few noirish characters and elements. There are a couple of token noirish characters - an alcoholic gangster and the femme fatale sister of a jailed man who betrays the hero in the end. They serve more as distractions than anything else. The film does not even have a proper heist scene. It is sort of a road movie I guess. But it is mostly about the intense relationship between a young jailbird and a young woman. Both of them orphans. It is a very realistic depiction of the life of two people on the run. Godard was a big fan of Nicholas Ray. He might have been inspired by this film when he made Pierre Le Fou which was a lot more depressing than this. Both Farley Granger and Cathy O Donnel are very intense and melancholic. It is not the sort of noir film that I would want to watch. I mean, it is interesting. But I like my noir films to be thrilling even if it ends in a tragedy. This is the opposite of that. Best Regards, Pimpin. (7/10)
bkoganbing Nicholas Ray made his directorial debut in They Live By Night that's a little bit Romeo and Juliet and a little bit Bonnie and Clyde. Bonnie Parker will no way recognize Cathy O'Donnell as herself, but The Bard will no way miss seeing her as Juliet Capulet.As for Farley Granger he was always playing sensitive and misunderstood youths like this one back in his salad days. Ostensibly he starts as an innocent kid convicted for something he didn't do and is looking for money to get a good lawyer to clear himself.A pair of rough customers, Howard DaSilva and Jay C. Flippen break out of their prison farm in Mississippi and as Flippen puts it recognize talent when they see it and he's an investment. If Granger was innocent before he sure isn't now. But the funny thing is that the media concentrate on Granger's baby face good looks and dub him as the gang leader. While Granger heals up from injuries sustained in the escape he does it at Will Wright's farm and gas station where he meets Cathy O'Donnell and it's instant love. But this is passion that will burn hot and fast as this love is no way meant to last.Ray did remarkably well capturing the doomed nature of the relationship and the people. Even viewing it today by someone who never heard of Bonnie&Clyde or even has seen the classic film. There is such an aura of sadness permeating the entire film from start to finish that even though you know it will end bad, you are drawn to these people.They Live By Night is one of Farley Granger's signature roles and a great start for the career of Nicholas Ray.
AaronCapenBanner Nicholas Ray directed this innovative film noir that stars Farley Granger as Bowie, a young man recently escaped from prison with two older convicts(played by Jay C. Flippen & Howard Da Silva) All Bowie wants is to live with his love Keechie(played by Cathy O'Donnell) but his two cohorts won't let him, forcing him on a multi-state crime spree that mistakenly leads the police to identify Bowie as the ringleader! Bowie becomes increasingly alarmed, and is determined to break away from his criminal "friends", but first must figure out how to do so, and not get captured or killed. Good cast and effective direction(an opening helicopter tracking shot in particular) make this film work well, even if it ends as you would expect it too.