The Naked Kiss
The Naked Kiss
| 29 October 1964 (USA)
The Naked Kiss Trailers

A former prostitute works to create a new life for herself in a small town, but a shocking discovery could threaten everything.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
hrkepler Dirty cop, a prostitute and philanthropist millionaire get together in small town - what a nice setting for a cool film noir, or neo noir in this case. Although little far-fetched and occasionally silly 'The Naked Kiss' is much more hard hitting than some big budgeted quality movies trying so hard to be. It all comes from Samuel Fuller's straightforwardness. It is not a subtle movie - masterfully directed (Fuller's cinematic style is too often overlooked), well acted, but the screenplay (and dialogue) is pure pulp material.
Rainey Dawn The dangers of prostitution as Kelly teaches us "You will end up hating all men. You'll become a social problem, a medical problem and a mental problem. And a despicable excuse for woman." Kelly is an ex-prostitute who decides to live a straight life and gets a job in a hospital working with sick kids - but there is more to it than she bargains for.The good scene is the opening - after that it's a boring story of Kelly who meets a police man that tries to get her to work for Candy (the owner of a prostitution house). The story picks back up towards the end when Kelly gets weird boyfriend whom she ends up killing with a telephone receiver when she finds out he's a sick-o pervert with children. Her police friend is on the case but doesn't believe her story - the odds are stacked against her as her old pimp is called in to talk to the police about her character - he lies the police believe the pimp in the beginning. Even a nurse steps in and taints Kelly's character. Can Kelly get out of this? 3/10
chenxiaomao At the beginning quite imposing manner, the subjective lens and the movement lens manifests the vanguard style. The end of movie parts of the ridiculous. For example: Use of a light, the light direction too obvious, in the characters face always cast under a thick shadow, no matter how to look like a schemer or zombie. B is often then shot close-up makes it hard. More hateful is the director especially love close-up, almost every scene each at least to a. In addition to C medium and close-up lens language and chaotic ride, scene scheduling is very weak. Two people often appear in the same picture stood the dialogue scenes, characters still, is a medium in the end scene.
Olivia S This was kind of an odd movie. I liked how different it was and the fact that a female was the protagonist and "villan" in the movie. I liked the way how the lighting was alternated between light and dark, it really gave a deceiving feel; it was as though everything was all happy and bright but there was a lot of evil lurking beyond our eyes. The characters did really well at portraying their roles. You could see how hard she was trying to keep a normal life and you could see that he wasn't all good looks and charms and he had another side to him, too. I felt like the meaning was that you don't know what kind of secrets people can hide. It was showing that no matter how perfect someone comes off as, they will definitely have skeletons in their closet, maybe less or more than yours.