Everything You Want
Everything You Want
| 17 April 2005 (USA)
Everything You Want Trailers

A visionary and artistic young woman finds her love torn between her imaginary boyfriend and a real boy from one of her classes.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Matylda Swan It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties.
mollypop92 If you're looking for Oscar level acting and deep, thought-provoking themes, Everything You Want is not the movie for you. I'll just get that out in the open. Nonetheless, it is an excellent movie, with humorous, likable characters, fun and romantic moments, and a good message. Not to mention that it's clean...a rarity in the romantic comedy genre. You could watch this with your kids and not have anything to worry about, with the exception of a mumbled choice word or two.Abby Morrison (Shiri Appleby) is your typical art student; goes to class, hangs out with her roommate Jessica (Alexandra Holden), paints in her spare time, and works at the local Barnes and Noble. Oh, and she has an imaginary boyfriend named Sy (Orlando Seale). No, Abby is far from ordinary. She created the character of Sy as a child when she got lonely at her Aunt Edna's. Sy has always been the "ideal" boyfriend, going with her to romantic movies and bringing her flowers on no occasion.Abby's life flips upside down when she meets Quinn (Nick Zano), an annoying law student in her art history class. Through a series of events, Abby ends up reluctantly agreeing to tutor Quinn. I won't spoil any of these reasons in this synopsis, but needless to say, Abby isn't too ecstatic about having to tutor Quinn all semester for a class he hates. But no sooner is she huffing at Quinn's irritating personality than she is getting confused about her feelings for him (and for Sy), blurring the lines between what's real and what's imaginary.I highly recommend this movie for anyone who enjoys a happy, predictable film. I'm a confessed chick-flick addict, but this movie has more to it than just the simple boy-loves-girl-but-can't-have-her plot. Add to the mix some hilarious characters, including Abby's roommate Jessica and Quinn's roommate Cal (played by a hysterical Will Friedle), and you have a great movie to cuddle up with on a rainy afternoon. You'll get some laughs out of this little-known, wonderful movie. Actually, I rented it once after seeing it on TV and I watched it several times before returning it to the video store. Now I own it!
D_n I generally like simple romantic "fluff" films, but anyone who takes this wonderful tale as merely a college kids' love story is missing a lot.First, Shiri Appleby was perfectly cast as the cute, naive, slightly odd art "student". She carried the role wonderfully, like a girl that I would truly want to get to know and ask out. Her interaction with her pretty but very ditsy blonde roommate Alexandra (Jessica Lindstrom) was both real and wonderfully timed, both actresses showing interaction and chemistry that you don't usually find in light romantic stuff.Fellow art student and aspiring boy friend Quinn (Nick Zano) did a good job as the somewhat shy "hunk", but came off as a bit too "neanderthal" for a pre-law student, unless I don't remember what pre-laws were like. Could be this was intentional, since he seems to blossom as the film progresses. The sound track is apt, enjoyable, and counterpoints the film's action wonderfully.Up to this point, the film would get a mere "6" for "I enjoyed it".However, what pushes over the top IMAO are three things: Quinn's fully weird roomie Canadian Cal (Will Friedle) whose antics and delivery made me laugh out loud; Abbi's (Appleby) parents, George & Mary (Scott Wilkinson & Edie McClurg) who were the perfect foils for both roomie Alex's ditsiness and roomie Cal's weirdness; and the underlying theme of "surrealism".George & Mary's odd antics suddenly catch you and force you to see that "weird and ditsy" is neither undesirable nor merely an aside, but that people can be truly happy within their own world. More, as events in the story continue, we see that Cal and Alex -- who never interact oddly enough -- are neither of them as dumb or weird as we are first let to believe.This sub-theme, as well as the repeated hints about surrealism, subtly hint that it's OK, even laudable to live in your own dreams, as long as you are able to touch the real world. As Quinn says as he begins to awaken to the art world, "surrealism has less to do with what is random and senseless, and more to do with accepting that our lives don't always have to make sense." This film is a sleeper, sorta sneaks up on you, and you'll remember this one long after the final credits fade. Speaking of, is it mere coincidence that Alex only goes out with boys named "Ryan", and the film's most able director's ALSO Ryan (Little)? I think not! In fact, this is only one of many, many things that are not what they seem, but carry double ( and more ) entendres.8/10, for "would see it again", "made me laugh out loud", and "made me think".
memorys_fade i watched this movie the day after me and my boyfriend made love for the first time, also after expressing that we loved each other for the first time. i thought it was a great movie, and it could help a lot of people and give them hope. mainly people who are very lonely and don't have anybody to really care for them. like how Quinn kinda freaked when he found out Abby's 'imaginary' boyfriend Simon wasn't 'real'.. he was real to her, and she never had anything else to compare him to so how else was she to go about it. i can relate to this completely, only my guy was real, just the love wasn't, and we never met because he lived thousands of miles away, but the love and the care felt real, until i found the real thing(again). it was one of those sappy movies but i love how Quinn's character changed throughout the movie, to a pompous jerk to a sensitive, caring, art loving guy. all in all, good movie and recommend it to anyone having trouble trusting people and letting them self get close. also just those who like a comedic/romantic movie with a good ending.
tamlk33 This movie has all of the elements of a cute romance. It was totally predictable with a small twist at the end, however I found it very entertaining for a Sunday night. The characters were not incredibly deep, but thank you to the makers of this short, to-the-point romance for creating a cute movie for my children and myself to enjoy without the fear of violence, inappropriateness, and any of the other garbage in movies today. The roommate and the mother provided the movie with entertaining wit that we found refreshing. The fact that the main character had a totally fantastic imaginary boyfriend is completely believable, right? Nevertheless, there were many enjoyable funny parts to this movie,and we liked it very much!