Steel Magnolias
Steel Magnolias
PG | 15 November 1989 (USA)
Steel Magnolias Trailers

A young beautician, newly arrived in a small Louisiana town, finds work at the local salon, where a small group of women share a close bond of friendship and welcome her into the fold.

Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
eric262003 I liked to be entertained. There's no denying that. Whether stage, screen or social media, if you entertain, you'll leave me with a smile on my face. Between stage and screen, screen is my top priority. Not that I'm bashing theatre at all, the artistic merit put into these productions are well crafted and carry a great level of energy to linger on inside of you. But when plays and musicals evolve onto the big screen I like to see if they are able to successfully transition themselves and capture the same amount of applauds to the bigger audience as they did with the smaller crowds. From 1989, "Steel Magnolias" successfully went to that direction to where everything was located in one particular setting and bringing camera crew to film it in multiple settings in a two hour duration.Set in a small village in Louisiana, the opening scenes are on the eve of Shelby Eatonton's (Julia Roberts) wedding to Jackson Latcherie (Dylan McDermott). She and her mother M'Lynn (Sally Field) go and get their hair done at a local salon owned by Truvy Jones (Dolly Parton). Joining them are their friends Clairee Belcher (Olympia Dukakis), Ouiser Boudreaux (Shirley McLaine) and spend the day talking about town life and the latest gossip. Joining them is Truvy's newest employee, Annelle Dupuy Desoto (Daryl Hannah). Picking up from their conversations we learn that Shelby and Jackson have had their differences lately and that Shelby is a diabetic. We also get the invitation to explore further into the lives of these women in both their happy and sentimental times. but through all their trials and tribulations, they are always there for each other like sisters of different age groups.Granted, the average movie fans are more infatuated with high adrenaline and stories with complex plots. And I'm part of that majority as well, But it's still a welcome to have simplistic stories that come around from time to time with characters we can easily invest in. Through a series of vignettes, we can get a better understanding of the characters and find a likeness through each and everyone of them without falling victim to any elaborate plot twists. The reactions of these women's lives whether good or bad are absolutely priceless. And though the focal character in this film is around Shelby, their really is no leading performer as each character has their moments in the sun.The original play was situated solely in Truvy's salon, but the movie freely locates the settings to other public venues in the outskirts of the small town in Louisiana like a carnival, a church and a hospital. But the majority of the film is still at Truvy's which was based on the play by Robert Harling who also wrote the screenplay this movie is based on. The dialogue as whole is very memorable with plenty of humour and at times can also be touching. But when these women collaborate, they touch upon a myriad of topics, some of may be gossip, but nothing cringe worthy, but a lot of their subject matter is on life and love. Sure the talk presented here is done with sincerity whether talking about others or themselves, but it helps prevent itself from just being another face in the crowd when it comes to chick flicks. But the nice thing about "Steel Magnolias" is that it never portrays Southerners in a negative way. They're loving and caring individuals and they don't come across as illiterate or racist.Though a far cry from anything considered a masterpiece, "Steel Magnolias", it is too dependent on dialogue from Herbert Ross, it's still a clever story that is never bogged down with clutter. The acting was very impressive with a variety of emotional depth from Sally Field and Shirley McLaine being the scene stealer is quite notorious at being. If there was one real red herring about this movie was the unnecessary use of the epilogue as the curtain closed. I liked the message of hope it delivers to you, but we really needed a more uplifting happy moment after an incredibly emotional third act. But instead the movie cops out by injecting ideas of another movie in the making instead of just wrapping up the film and letting the characters move forward in their lives. In spite of that shortcoming, "Steel Magnolias" has aged gracefully to create a great story with larger than life characters with memorable quotes one will remember once the credits begin.
dilnazsumo Steel Magnolias,full of laughter, pain, joy, and sorrow is a must see movie for all women. It is Based on Robert Harling's, experience with his sisters tragic death. The story of a close group of friends convey the relationship we have in our lives. the struggles and triumphs the women go through will have you emotionally attached.The meaning behind the title comes from the meaning of women from the south. The Magnolia flower is a beautiful scented and dainty flower much like the gentile women of the old South. In addition, the word steel comes from the women's strength and stability through their troubles. After seeing this movie many times, the obstacles the women go through especially, M'Lynn whom defines the fragile but also strong heart of women. I have learned that life can be hard at times, and even though we may not accept such instances like death, we have to be strong and strive for the best. The women in this movie can be defined as delicate as a magnolia but though as steel.
mark.waltz I can't praise this movie enough. I've seen it dozens of times, as a play on Broadway, and as a TV pilot with an excellent cast that sadly didn't sell. It is probably one of the most quotable films ever made. The movie was even a major plot device in one of the most popular episodes of "Designing Women", which is ironic considering that much later Delta Burke of "DW" appeared in "SM" on Broadway.This is an ensemble piece of the highest proportions. If you were to ask any person to name a movie where "ensemble" is the keyword, "Steel Magnolias" would probably rank in the top ten. The major character is Julia Roberts' Shelby, but she is really supporting. It is her life that is the glue that holds all of these people together. Shelby gets married, Shelby has a baby, Shelby gets ill, etc. But it is each of the other characters who put the outside pieces together of this beautifully written Southern poem. Mama M'Linn (Sally Field, whose presence indicates the lead) is a mother hen, gentle and loving in every way, but strong and resistant. (In other words, a Steel Magnolia). When tragedy hits her family, it is her friends who come flocking together to help M'Linn deal with it. They are grouchy Ouiser (Shirley MacLaine at her most eccentric), good-hearted Truvy (the wonderful Dolly Parton, whom "Designing Women" focused their hour long episode around), bashful Annelle (an understated Darryl Hannah) and most outrageously, the cheerfully wisecracking Eve Arden of the group, Clairee (Olympia Dukakis). Unlike the play, men are included, and amongst them are Dylan McDermott as Roberts' hubby to be, Tom Skerritt as Fields' rascal husband and Sam Shepard as Parton's distant spouse.The men are there, but it is the women that the film concentrates on. There are also a few other women around in smaller roles, most notably Ann Wedgeworth as McDermott's aunt and "Porkys" vet Nancy Parsons (Gym teacher Ms. Ballbricker) as the physically wounded Janice Van Meeter, a victim of a collision with a baseball. "Looks like two pigs fightin' under a blanket", Dukakis quips while watching Parsons dance at a wedding reception. (For the record, Parsons was a fine character actress who had only a few opportunities to shine in films; Like the equally stout Shirley Stoler, she could infuse even her nastiest characters with something memorable.) Everybody has great moments, but it seems that most people particularly remember Dukakis and MacLaine's teaming. Yes, they definitely steal every magnolia scene they are in. They are the Lucy/Ethel, Laverne/Shirley, Cybil/Mary Anne. At times they are also a Paul Lynde/Charles Nelson Reilly combo. (Yes, those two did work together.) For the TV pilot, it was Polly Bergen and Elaine Stritch, two "Follies" girls makin' with the cracks, and in the Broadway production I saw, it was Frances Sternhagen and Marsha Mason. (I must say that I originally thought of the actors cast in the opposite role in that production, but Ms. Sternhagen was a delightful Clairee who knew how to make each moment she was on stage count. It's ironic to see MacLaine supporting a mother in distress after being the mother in distress in 1983's brilliant "Terms of Endearment". After her triumph as Cher's wise mother in "Moonstruck" and a few years before her outstanding portrayal of Anna Madrigal in "Tales of the City", Dukakis scored this film role which became the final nail in the proof that she was indeed the best not-so-newcomer finding success in middle age even though she was already one of the most respected actresses in the theater. Like her "SM" successor Frances Sternhagen, Dukakis is capable of winning laughs and stealing scenes with just a rise of her eyebrow. Up against that, how can Parton and Hannah hold up? They do just fine, but I think they were probably resigned to the fact that opposite that pair, they'd be all but forgotten. Indeed, they are excellent. They have equally great lines: Parton's line about one relative not knowing whether to scratch their watch or wind their behind is a gem, as is Hannah's delivery of the simple line about not letting her personal tragedy get in the middle of her doing good hair. Field gets the real chance to bite into the acting apple as she continues to hold in her grief through each of her sadness's until like a volcano, she builds up and explodes. She is excellent and missed out on a third Oscar Nomination. Check out her physical reaction when, after emotionally blowing up, she witnesses Dukakis's response to the whole scene. It's so filled with spontaneity and realism, and it is priceless. That brings me to Julia Roberts, here a novice in a group full of vets. She scores wonderfully and probably is the least showy. That's probably why the Oscars gave her a nod for Supporting Actress. It's understated and simple, yet filled with humanity, strength, and a quiet acceptance of a fate she can't escape. Stage acting can be big, but successful film acting for the most part meshes all of those qualities together to really touch the heart. While I would choose Dukakis for Supporting Actress, I can see why they nominated Roberts and not the rest of the fine cast. Bill McCutcheon is amusing as MacLaine's old beau who pops up, and Skerritt is funny as M'Linn's scoundrel husband who loves harassing the grouchy Ouiser. But to wrap things up in this long review, I can state that you don't have to be female, Southern, or gay to really get into these women's passionate friendship. The film is sumptuously filmed and features a beautiful musical score that is as touching as the friendship these ladies share. It is obvious that the tales several of these stars have told about making this film (Parton, MacLaine and Dukakis) that they loved working with each other. They should again.
jamies_06 The setting of "Steel Magnolias" is in a small town Louisiana. The movie mainly takes place in a beauty parlor owned by Truvy (Dolly Parton). Some of Truvy's regular clients like to come into the parlor to gossip, just like women from the South. Truvy does Shelby's (Julia Roberts) hair on the day of her wedding, making her look so beautiful that it causes Shelby to almost faint, but really she almost faints because of her diabetes, so they give her a glass of orange juice to make her feel better. Truvy hired a woman, Annelle (Daryl Hannah), to do M'Lynn's (Sally Field) hair. M'Lynn is also Shelby's mother. There are also two other women waiting at the beauty parlor to get their hair done. Ouiser (Shirley MacLaine) who is the wealthiest/meanest women in Louisiana and Clairee (Olympia Dukakis) who is a nice widowed women. All of these six women become very good friends throughout this movie. They have obstacles to face, for example, a major event that happens is that Shelby has diabetes and then gets pregnant which M'Lynn objects to because it can cause major problems to her body. It causes one of Shelby's kidney's to fail. So M'Lynn gives Shelby one of hers, but in the end it doesn't turn out good. Throughout this movie no matter what happens, the women all stick together and help each other through hard times."Steel Magnolia's" was released on November 15, 1989 and directed by Herbert Ross. This movie is about six women who become best friends who have times of happiness and sadness. The women make funny jokes and laugh with each other, but when something terrible happens they are always there for each other to make each other feel better.The reason I like the movie "Steel Magnolias" so much, is because it is such a good movie that makes me laugh, but at the same time makes me cry. I believe that "Steel Magnolias" fits the title just right. The women are tough like steel, so they can face any obstacle that comes there way, but as gentle as a magnolia flower.