West Side Story
West Side Story
NR | 13 December 1961 (USA)
West Side Story Trailers

In the slums of the upper West Side of Manhattan, New York, a gang of Polish-American teenagers called the Jets compete with a rival gang of recently immigrated Puerto Ricans, the Sharks, to "own" the neighborhood streets. Tensions are high between the gangs but two romantics, one from each gang, fall in love leading to tragedy.

Lawbolisted Powerful
Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
NikkoFranco This review is meant for the younger viewers who have probably no idea about this classic of a film. At the present state we are in, are we going to point fingers to anyone who plays a role rewritten for dramatization or are we going to take a look at the big picture, just watch and enjoy?Leonard Bernstein is brilliant and many of the songs here are songs that we hum and recognize. But many don't even know it is from West Side story. The gangs at war and the two lovers caught in between their warring brothers and friends. The great love ends in a tragedy. There are lessons to be learned and it is wonderfully choreographed and portrayed. It is always wonderful to se the old school actors without science on their faces or bodies rather raw, natural , real , timeless beauty.
Kirpianuscus It is strange to say why. because it is the musical "par excellence". many of its songs are well known by young public before they see the film. because each character has its perfect actor. because it is one of the most inspired adaptations of "Romeo and Juliet". because it is...magic. and one of motifs to admire scene by scene this film about the essence of youth, love and life. a film absolutely special. whithout know why. without define the motif for who, after its end, you desire see again. maybe, for the most inspired Mercutio of Russ Tamblyn., for lovely Maria of Natalie Wood ( and Marni Nixon), for Richard Beymer and, off course, George Chalkiris. so, special. and could be enough .
sophieahmed-94632 There is certainly tough competition when trying to decide the best musical of all time but I believe West Side Story is the clear winner. The acting is first rate and the locations gritty and realistic so you get the feel of what it is like to be a poor immigrant in New York. Natalie Wood and Rita Moreno are outstanding as the beautiful innocent Maria and the alluring more worldly wise Anita. Above all, Bernstein's music is breathtaking and unique, sweeping from gangster slang through lively Hispanic dances to luminous love songs. Unlike many musicals, it always feels real and grounded which makes the tragic ending all the more moving.
grantss New York, 1950s. Maria (Natalie Wood) and Tony (Richard Beymer) are two youngsters in two rival gangs, the Sharks and Jets, respectively. They meet and fall in love. This will have fateful consequences.Dull. I dislike musicals (though there are exceptions, Chicago and The Sound of Music being among them) and West Side Story is a great example of why. The overly theatrical acting, random musical detours, campy music and acting, style instead of substance, musical interludes instead of a good plot. Here the music actually detracts from the plot, as it is hard to imagine these being tough gang members when they are constantly singing and flamboyantly dancing around! Watch or read the real deal, Romeo and Juliet, instead. To call this an adaptation of Romeo and Juliet does Shakespeare a massive injustice.