What About Bob?
What About Bob?
PG | 17 May 1991 (USA)
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Before going on vacation, self-involved psychiatrist Dr. Leo Marvin has the misfortune of taking on a new patient: Bob Wiley. An exemplar of neediness and a compendium of phobias, Bob follows Marvin to his family's country house. Dr. Marvin tries to get him to leave; the trouble is, everyone loves Bob. As his oblivious patient makes himself at home, Dr. Marvin loses his professional composure and, before long, may be ready for the loony bin himself.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
hannahbrewer This is a great comedy starring Richard Dreyfuss and Bill Murray. Murray plays a cook patient of Dreyfuss and the entire film is them going at each other. This is a great early 90s film- rather telling of its time. The film stock, the locations and clothing is dripping with nostalgia. Bill Murray is excellent and Dreyfuss more than holds his own. If you like comedies then this film will appeal to you. Great family entertainment.
garthlotel One of the best comedies of ALL time. It is pure classic comedy with a heartwarming storyline that can be watched over and over, without losing any lustre. Dreyfuss is surprisingly brilliant as the tense and rapidly unraveling Doctor, and Murray plays his funniest and most unforgettable character - the very charming and loveable Bob. There are some wonderful support characters too - especially the morbid son of the doctor, played perfectly by a young Charlie Korsmo. If you don't laugh at this, you don't have a soul.
powermandan My views on this film are a bit lower than most. A bit of it comes from my own experiences with psychologists and a bit comes from true masterpieces of similar films. Either way, I can't deny the wonder that the movie brings.Bill Murray stars as Bob Wiley, a role I think is his best and the one he should have received an Oscar nomination for. Bob suffers from depression, severe anxiety, and phobias towards just about everything. He is funny enough to laugh but serious enough to sympathize. His latest shrink had enough of him and caused him to quit the practise. But before the guy does, he appoints Bob to Leo Marvin, played by Richard Dreyfuss. Leo agrees to meet Bob just to see who he will be dealing with when he gets back from summer vacation. Their brief meeting gives Bob hope and Leo gives him a copy of his latest book "Baby Steps." All Leo wants is to spend some carefree time with his family at their cottage and make his guest appearance on "Good Morning America" a success. But Bob becoming overly attached threatens all of Leo's plans as he crashes the cottage. The family loves Bob but Leo grows to despise him, sending Leo on the brink of insanity.The relationship between Bob and Leo is awesome. Being with a loving family is just what Bob needs, but is annoys Leo to death. I did think that the progression of Leo into madness. Leo wants to destroy Bob once and for all. The family loving Bob was also well done. But Bob progressively getting better was something that seemed to to be the thing that the writers just wanted to get out of the way. Bob's progression into normality was all-too quick. With as many problems that Bob has, it would realistically have taken him much longer to get at the stage he's at. The one flaw that I think made this movie suffer was Bob and Leo not reconciling. Bob loves Leo, but Leo's hatred of Bob remains. I know that this isn't much of a "buddy-movie," but having Bob and Leo becoming friends would have made the movie great. That would have added morals and sentimental values. It would have made the heart grow. Check out Planes Trainer & Automobiles, Rain Man, Big Bully (I know it sucked, but the ending saved it), and 3 Women, these films are great examples of reconciling that saved the movie. Leo learning to love Bob back would've brought him out of his self-centred world and the movie would have worked as more than a comedy.So have stated why this movie is good and not great. This movie being good is enough where I wouldn't mind seeing it again.
TheBigSnack Bob is a character no longer on radar who is hounded into a psychiatric practise of a therapist who has a strong career plan. He seems to be guided by the negation of a green-eyed devil, or rival interest, for treatment of a hypothetical condition.One day, Bob is surprised to learn his therapist, Dr. Leo Marvin, is the author of best-seller 'Baby Steps' a form of therapy used for those who need to make challenging small changes in life.However, Bob may be unaware of who his enemies really are. It seems that Bob is only suffering from making less famous people look bad.When Dr. Leo Marvin leaves for his country home to promote his book in the company of his perfect family, Bob decides he can wait no longer for his favourite 'Baby Steps' and hops a bus to surprise his most believed in healer.On arrival, Bob is found to be the man who should have always been there, and is almost instantly a family member. Dr. Leo Marvin conversely is completely undone and destroyed by the introduction of Bob and invents hideous plans to ruin Bob forever.With no avail the plans are returned to haunt Dr. Leo Marvin who quickly goes insane. 'Believing Bob' and family remain unconditionally lovingly supportive and united.A very hilarious gag-fest with some pleasant surprises.