High Desert Kill
High Desert Kill
| 01 November 1989 (USA)
High Desert Kill Trailers

Jim and Brad make their annual hunting trip to the desert, but this year everything is different: Their third partner, Paul, has died in an accident and they've taken his nephew, Ray, along in his place. When they arrive, though, there's not a single animal to be found, only a grizzled old-timer who joins them. When they meet two female campers, they all begin to behave aggressively, unable to resist their animal urges. The next morning the women have disappeared, but the strange moods and behaviors persist and change in ominous ways. Something has them in its grip and it has total control over them...

Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Hadrina The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Sabre_Wolf This was excellent particularly for a made for TV film and it was quite well written and with an interesting plot about an alien doing experiments on humans which are mostly psychological experiments also one of the main characters Dr. Jim Cole, a scientist who does behavioural experiments on animals I thought was a very interesting touch.Also there was some pretty good acting from the four lead actors Anthony Geary, Marc Singer, Chuck Connors and Micah Grant.I also found it interesting scenes where the Alien manipulates them for the experiments to be very interesting and believable.All in all this is a very entertaining Science Fiction horror with an interesting and some pretty good ideas.
haebooty Possibly the finest film I have ever seen. After receiving this movie from my brother for my birthday along with "Air Disasters 2" from a dollar bin at a 49er video, my expectations were low. However, the movie started off with a bang and engulfed me into its majesty.In the first scene it punches you in the mouth with the classic, "What can I say? Men bond; women network." Followed up by a man receiving a gun in a gym and pointing it at pedestrians walking outside on the street. "All right. Good deal!" Just when you think the hits have stopped coming you get kicked in the ca-hones with, "Good god, if I wanted to hear old women bicker, I'd go visit my great aunt --- AT THE NURSING HOME!" Which promptly led to possibly the greatest cinematic sequence of all time, which we will simply refer to as 'campfire madness'.If you have not seen this movie yet, do as the immortal actor Chuck Conner, who plays Stan the Mountain Man says --- "Go on. Take a look. RARRRRRRR, rip you open like a sack of manure!"
merklekranz First the good news."High Desert Kill" is what bad movies are supposed to be, and I guess that's good. Now for the bad news. You will absolutely be mesmerized by the pathetic acting by everyone involved, including Chuck Conners. It's like they just got the script the day of shooting. All the animals are gone and human behavior is being altered by some unseen force. Now just sort of wing it for ninety minutes. Keep the audience guessing or put them to sleep, or both. This movie is what it is, and what it is, is bad. The only redeeming feature is the eerie New Mexico landscape, but you could buy a postcard and save ninety minutes of your life. "High Desert Kill" is a keeper for all the wrong reasons, sort of a gold standard for the worst of the worst. - MERK
Cal-37 This is one film you don't want to miss! This could become a cult classic, if enough people would view it with the right attitude.Here are some of my random thoughts:The Cover: The cover has a cool looking design, even though it really has no resemblance with anything in the film.The dialogue: Probably improvised by the actors as they went along. "What's driving all the animals away, is it the drought?" (As Chuck Connors and Anthony Geary are walking past a large flowing river, in a lush, green forested area)Cinematography, editing: In one scene, where the guys are scattering Pauls ashes, the scenes alternates many times between overcast skies, with dim illumination to bright sunny skies, casting long shadows on the actors faces and surrounding scenery.Chuck Connors, playing Stan, the "Professional Hunter": What was he thinking, taking on this role? The poor guy must have really needed the cash. He does all that he can with the material, however. His voice inflections and facial expressions are top notch.The drunken party with the "Hippie Girls" is a classic. Many memorable moments.Micah Grant, playing Ray Bettencamp: Why did they even bring Ray along on their hunting trip? He's not their friend, he's not a hunter, he's half their ages... But hey, he delivers some of the worst lines in the film, (and he had access to his dead uncle's 4wd vehicle) so its ok.