Million Dollar Baby
Million Dollar Baby
PG-13 | 15 December 2004 (USA)
Million Dollar Baby Trailers

Despondent over a painful estrangement from his daughter, trainer Frankie Dunn isn't prepared for boxer Maggie Fitzgerald to enter his life. But Maggie's determined to go pro and to convince Dunn and his cohort to help her.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Steineded How sad is this?
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
jakeperry-64891 This movie was an all around great piece of work... The fact that Eastwood and Morgan Freeman teamed up to make such an amazing movie is phenomenal. With Clint Eastwood being one of the best directors of all time (IMO), some of the angles and scenes in this movie were a little less perfect then in others like his later films like American Sniper. For example, during fights, you can tell the director was trying to create tension by switching the angles rapidly, and also trying to put you in her shoes, almost like first person view. In conclusion, although some angles and scenes seemed a little Half-a**, the overall movie was a great experience.
jhunts5 We watched with a group of people and were left unimpressed. If you want a slow, depressing drama, this is for you. The ultimate goal was to say "go euthanasia!" We were hoping for a bright moment before then end, but instead it just fizzled out. No purpose, no hope. Everyone in our group was only disappointed that we watched the movie. We should have known better though - Hollywood praised and awarded it as a great movie, that is usually very bad news. In this case, it was. It wasn't that the acting was bad; they did their job well. But you were hoping for a good ending - not necessarily Rocky-esque - but something with some hope that makes you feel like you were glad you watched. I was sad that I watched.
lukeshulver Awesome cast. Awesome acting and a believable twist that shows the best and worst of people and that family isnt about blood, but about mutual respect, love, and trust.More honest movies like this please Hollywood.
john_siv Good boxing movie with some tremendous performances, but the moral message of this film was appalling. By the end of the picture euthanasia was essentially glorified and that is absolutely not okay in any movie. The production code back in the golden age of cinema was there for a reason; to make sure the right sort of stories were told and the right sort of messages sent. I can't say I find a 'mercy killing' particularly moving or heartbreaking - I find it a deplorable indictment of the morality of the world that such an ending can be gushed over.The scene where Maggie asked Frankie to put her out of her misery was moving and well done, couldn't the picture have just ended there? Seeing him actually do it was crass, unnecessary and left a bad taste in the mouth.