Burning Blue
Burning Blue
R | 29 June 2013 (USA)
Burning Blue Trailers

Two Navy fighter pilots find themselves in the midst of a forbidden relationship throwing their lives and careers into disarray.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Nonureva Really Surprised!
Micitype Pretty Good
skyme Remember it takes place 1990s. The film actually holds together pretty well, and is done with a lot of care and better than average acting & directing. In the end, it would have been a little more exciting, if it were more sexual (i know many bi navy guys that were very wild at this time in navy). Rob Mayes is very good looking. But overall, better than expected. ...some kind of secret was going on with one character, John Cokely...not sure what his conflicts were, but it was obvious he had them.
sinnerofcinema I've read all of the reviews on this official IMDb page of this film prior to choosing to watch. For the most part, I watch a film based on my own personal interests regardless of popular/professional reviews. Unfortunately, I was the only one in the theatre with a friend. I found it appalling that the movie theatre showing the film did not even have a one sheet much less any kind of promotional materials to at least help with the in-theatre promotion of this independent. Let's get to the movie. The friend I went with read me a couple of bad reviews from folks who did not even show the film the courtesy of watching it but had judge the film based on its homosexual content. I had to promise her that if she did not like it we would both leave within the first 20 minutes. Well not only did this film not disappoint, but I found my friend and myself tearing up unexpectedly throughout the last quarter of the film. Yes, gay themed films have evolved pass the don't ask don't tell. However, as the story unfolds, you will find yourself immerse in it and also wondering what will happen next. The lead actors have a very engaging chemistry. They are so good together that whenever they are on screen they light it up with a very romantic glow. Lastly, I would like to advise anyone who's on the edge of whether to watch this film or not, give yourself the opportunity to enjoy this very entertaining treat. You will find yourself elated that you did. Specially towards the end of the film. You will even want to call a friend or two to recommend it. This is a film you will not soon forget. I came into this film with much trepidation and now after watching it all I can say is that you should bring some tissue because when you least expect it, this film will hit you like a ton of bricks and you will empathize with the plight of the character during some very devastating turn of events.
phed49 The witch hunts that went on in the armed forces during Don't Ask, Don't Tell is a great subject for a film, but the script for this movie is practically incoherent - it's difficult not only to keep the characters straight (no pun intended), but the chronology. After more than 30 minutes of exposition and character-introduction, there is a vitally important scene that is so obtusely directed that ***SPOILER*** I didn't realize until an hour later that two of the characters had had sex. This isn't one of those movies that is so bad that it becomes funny; it's just tedious and confusing. The MPAA guide warns that there is "graphic nudity." Unfortunately, this doesn't involve Rob Mayes, who is very attractive and appealing as the guitar-playing object of desire, and who makes his part of the story believable.
Damian Gallagher I watched this move at private screening in Chelsea NYC, I was disappointed not bc it was a bad film, because there is great film there it's just didn't run the way I thought it personally should. Firstly I don't understand the first 40 minute focus on the friendship, the first 10 mins made this clear to the audience, the relationship between Daniel and Matthew then suffered from being underdeveloped. The main focus of the movie is this relationship, should have gave it it's due attention. Then the key supporting characters such as the skipper, I'm assuming from his scene was the alpha male in the group, we're left sitting like lame ducks in the end, no opinion and no input to the story. They should have been the first to criticize and react to it, they didn't do that which gave there characters no purpose and left the leads with no redemption. I truly hope that this film sees the screen, it's a topic that needs to see the light of day, an issue that needs to be addressed. Beautifully shot, the intrepid never looked better, and some sterling performances, especially the leads. Deserves to be seen