The Pass
The Pass
| 16 March 2016 (USA)
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The night before their debut game, two professional soccer players share a kiss. In a sporting world where image is everything, this surprising ‘pass’ sets the men up for a contrasting decade of fame and failure, full of secrets and denial.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Lancoor A very feeble attempt at affirmatie action
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
ricardo_edm This movie may not be the first to present what many professional athletes chose to do when faced with the decision of career or sexual orientation. However, it sure was the first to showcase in such great detail the amazing performance by Russell Tovey. I knew Tovey could act but I really think this was without doubt his best performance to date by miles. Many people complain that the movie is too slow but I found it perfectly paced.
Paul Evans The Pass does in deed look at the taboo subject of being an openly gay man in top flight British football, and indeed sport generally. It's a cooking pot we all know will explode one day when shock horror a top flight player will come out. The film relies on the acting talents of two principles, Russell Tovey and Arinzé Kene, the acting is fabulous, Tovey in particular such a talented actor. I truly bought into the way in which the film spanned the three ages, makeup etc was excellent. Unfortunately It's not a film that would appeal to the mainstream, a pity because it's a great film with a powerful message.
ori_64 I almost skipped this film due to some bad reviews I read about it, and therefore was surprised to find that it is quite enjoyable and interesting. Acting is great, especially Tovey Russel's performance which I found excellent in spite of a somewhat exaggerated character script. I admit the subject treatment is a bit outdated, and the script is more suitable for chamber theater than for a film. But still, this is a very good gay flick.
tomorchard99 I enjoyed this film immensely. It struck me as a modern version of the rugby classic This Sporting Life. But instead of Richard Harris raging at Rachel Roberts and all his demons and inexplicable anguish we have Russell Tovey doing likewise albeit with a gay twist. But actually this film is far more about power and the ability to use it, rather than sex or sexuality. Tovey can buy what he wants since he's a rich footballer whether it be a car, luxury flat or prostitute. But being able to buy what you want only leads, for him, to an empty life devoid of meaning. His footballing mate becomes an ordinary working man with meaning and structure to his life even though he has a bag of tools in his hand rather than a footballer's kitbag. The film is rather wordy and theatrical but I can forgive that. It is a three parter that starts in Romania (very plush hotels there!)and then moves forward in time twice. I found the ending satisfying as well as exhilarating. And the actor from Rillington Place, who plays Harry in this film, was just brilliant.