Capital Games
Capital Games
| 12 July 2013 (USA)
Capital Games Trailers

Take two ambitious men, one top LA advertising firm, add a competition for the same high ranking job. Tough ex-LAPD cop, Steve Miller quit police to work in the calm environment of a business office. Mark Richfield, the glamorous new kid in the office, soon wins favor with the big boss and co-workers causing Steve to cringe in jealousy. After a crazy night in the Santa Fe desert Steve becomes torn between passionate love and passionate hatred. Steve and Mark endure agonizing decisions that will affect their lives forever.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
tommy5677 Lists are easy: Terrible movie Abysmal acting Lousy plot development Abysmal acting Occasionally there's a good gay themed movie but sifting through the crap to get there is painful. This movie is evidence that star ratings mean nothing. Officer Steve is adorable & probably the only person in the cast that can almost act. In search of a good independent gay themed movie? Well, this ain't it.
sfgs415 Implausible plot. Poorly acted. Amateurish production.Trying to find something positive to say... a few of the actors are decent looking.Not worth the time.
WaikikiJim CONTAINS (small) SPOILERS: I loved this movie. I recently re-watched it and was amazed at how well it was done, especially given its limited budget. Some of the supporting cast's performances were good and some not so good. But the pacing, set design and cohesiveness of the plot were exceptional. The cinematography was stellar, using great aerial and freeway footage of L.A. And the music, much of which I believe was written for the show, was incredible; it really intensified and deepened key scenes like the beach, the car drives (all of them) and the scenes in Steve's bedroom.The two leads were superb and their portrayals are not only passionate but, importantly, ring true to people who have been in this situation. Both Eric and Gregor are incredibly handsome men, in very different ways, and their chemistry and attraction for each other poured off the screen. They both deserve future consideration for meaty, demanding roles.I have to say that the movie was intensely and beautifully erotic, but never slipped into any semblance of pornography or even soft-porn kitsch. The scene with Steve in his officer's uniform "frisking" Mark against the wall could be studied by novice filmmakers on how to depict explosive sexual tension without the need to bare a lot of skin. And the few subtle scenes of the naked male form lovingly caught both the power and vulnerability of a man's body and soul.Best, the ending was joyful, as it had to be for these two characters. I note from people who read the novel that this was a pretty faithful interpretation of a great and romantic book.Give this movie a chance. It's tastefulness, attention to detail (especially in some wonderful music) and, most importantly, some great acting by the two leads paint a worthy image of two men deeply in love.
EnglishGayBloke This is a gay romance between two "straight" advertising agency executives who are adversaries in their company. In all fairness, a lot of this adversity is directed by Steve towards Mark, who just stands up for himself against Steve. From the start of the film, you can see Steve is a very driven, focused person. He will always give 110% to anything he does in life.Steve Miller is a working-class American ex-cop who has joined the ad agency. He's been working on the Foist account for 3 years and expects to get it when its up for grabs. Then along comes Mark Richfield, an English upper-class guy who has just joined the company, who makes the mistake of nicking Steve's parking space. Then Mark seems to be up for grabs to automatically get the Foist account. That puts Mark on Steve's personal radar and hit-list.There is a team-bonding exercise in the desert. Steve does his usual take-control thing. He HAS to be the leader. He manages in one exercise to get stranded in the desert overnight with Mark. They squabble a fair bit as they usually do, then Steve takes charge as he usually does, snogs Mark breathless and things kick off. BOY do they kick off! So Steve and Mark have one fantastic gay night together, then they get back to town and Steve discovers Mark is engaged and due to be married in a month's time. Do you think this is going to stop Steve? Heck no!The film shows Mark to be a bit spoiled and vulnerable perhaps due to his posh upbringing, which he admits to. He is definitely needy out in the desert at night when he is scared that Steve will abandon him.Mark gets panicked by Steve stropping off after another squabble and says desperately "you can't leave me alone" then Steve says "I won't", that is one of the most romantic parts of this film for me. Steve also tells Mark later that he is high-maintenance, and Mark cheerfully admits it.I won't say any more about the rest of this film, I don't want to spoil the ending, but it is worth making the effort to watch.In my opinion, the acting overall was very good. The two leads, Eric Presnall (Steve) and Gregor Cosgrove (Mark) were excellent. I would like to see more of these two (although in this film we saw a LOT of Gregor Cosgrove heheh :P) What more can I say about Gregor Cosgrove? This guy is HOT!!! To be fair, Eric Presnall is very attractive too. The sexual chemistry between these two guys is sizzling!I absolutely love this film. It is a gay romance I will be able to watch again and again, from start to end, because I love the script, the acting and Steve and Mark in particular.Also have to say the musical score is great. The songs are really good and relate to the mood of each scene. I'm going to look into whether there is a soundtrack to buy for this film.