Imagine Me & You
Imagine Me & You
R | 27 January 2006 (USA)
Imagine Me & You Trailers

During her wedding ceremony, Rachel notices Luce in the audience and feels instantly drawn to her. The two women become close friends, and when Rachel learns that Luce is a lesbian, she realizes that despite her happy marriage to Heck, she is falling for Luce. As she questions her sexual orientation, Rachel must decide between her stable relationship with Heck and her exhilarating new romance with Luce.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Micah Lloyd Excellent characters with emotional depth. My wife, daughter and granddaughter all enjoyed it...and me, too! Very good movie! You won't be disappointed.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
o_jones-36395 Sadly a little too rom com for me. I believed the storyline but it was all a bit white-washed and sugar coated and minus the real depth that some classic rom coms can give you. Life isn't lived on the sugar puff that this film appears to be. Still, great to see a lesbian couple portrayed on screen, albeit in a slightly fluffy unrealistic world.
Nina Marcelino This is the very first lesbian - love film I have ever watched. And weeks ago I started watching a lot more of the same genre - and still find this movie the best among the rest (although I Can't Think Straight is coming closer).About this. It is a great movie, absolutely. I am not saying this because I am beyond pro-homo or that I am one of 'em. The movie had spoken for itself. I actually liked the idea of two people getting settled with life for once and for good - until a tiny bit of fate happened and changed it all. And also the fact that it did not just talk about the problem of loving a girl - when you are also one.In a tiny and very unimportant bit, it is a gay movie. But the rest talks about falling in love and all the complications that come in between - like liking somebody else when you are well married. And that is exactly what the movie is about and should be called, a love movie.And who the hell knew the demure and sexually confused Rachel was a bad ass lesbian from Lost And Delirious? Well done, Piper!
dita valentin well... i just watched it yesterday. and i think this need more length. i mean, the process of creating the chemistry between them need to be shown more frequent unless it was started since earlier in the movie. because i didn't feel more chemistry between Rachel and Luce. It is okay that Luce has shown it from the very first time. What about Rachel? Need more reasonable scenes to tell me that Rachel really felt something about Luce. Because i feel like Rachel is totally insane that she left her husband just for her new friend or acquaintance (maybe the time lapse of their relationship wasn't shown or need not to be shown in the movie, but the audience need the chemistry), it is shown when Rachel's father told her to follow her heart.after all is a nice movie. nice tone and funny story
Leonti Bielski (prishelec) I understand romantic comedies are predictable most of the time - they meet in the beginning of the movie, they think about it during and they decide to go for it in the end. But in good movies the rest is not boring.I actually didn't know this movie is about lesbian love but it was obvious in the first scene in the church.the guy works in City, tells stories about traveling. And what do you know - he quits the job :) It just could not be more predictable. -Lucy mother is lonely and depressed, so she should find a man. Bum! She does... they are already married and the only way they can split up to be romantically correct is for him to realize that love is above all and step aside. And here you go - he does just the thing. Lucy teaches Rachel to scream - tell me you didn't know she would use it later :) and the main of them all - chase in traffic because one of the characters thinks it's over and goes away for some reason.Those are just examples - movie is full of it. Forget character development - 1 minute per character is enough so we know what is his/her role in the movie. After watching the beginning of the movie you get your standard set - lonely guy (in this movie it's a girl-lesbian, but what does it change?) who is alone because she is looking for a true love, female character - settled but bored and supposed to find her true love, friend of the male character - womanizer, etc. The rest of the movie is just plain boring. You can smell every plot turn a mile away.BUT, this is very standard romantic comedy so if this is one of your first ones (or you just have bad memory :)) - you will probably enjoy it. Girls are very pretty and the general tone of movie is light. Some moments are pretty funny.