Lost and Delirious
Lost and Delirious
R | 21 January 2001 (USA)
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After starting at an upmarket boarding school, a teenage girl forms close friendships with her two older roommates. However, when she discovers that her new friends are lovers she finds herself caught in a complicated situation.

Micitype Pretty Good
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
shevaunhodge This is most definitely a love story. It shows how being gay or lesbian as such a young age can be very difficult especially when you are in love . The acting is fantastic by all of the actors, and the main three girls in it make the film with such amazing chemistry. To be honest I wouldn't have labeled Mischa Barton as a really good actress, but after watching this I have changed my mind, her acting is fantastic especially for someone, who was then, only 15 years old. It could have been her character in the OC that I wasn't keen on, rather than her acting skills. Piper Perabo was also fantastic. I have only ever seen her in coyote ugly, and thought she played a fantastic part in that also. The characters in these two films are very diverse and different, which proves she has good acting skills. It took me a while to work out what film I had seen her in before. Jessica Pare (plays Tory) is also very good in this movie. The connection between her and Piper Perabo character Paulie seemed so real. I have not seen her in any other films as of yet. Even though the film is fantastic, it is also very sad. It highlights how someone can be so influenced my family and friends that they dismiss true love. There is a quote in the film said by Piper Perabo as Paulie that really stuck with me. Mary, who is played by Mischa Barton says "Tory is not a lesbian , so you need to just get over her ok?". Paulie (Piper parado) then says "Lesbian? What are you talking about?" Mary then says "Well you are a girl in love with another girl aren't you?". Paulie then replies "No I'm Paulie in love with Tory, don't you remember? I need to get back what is mine". This, I think, is a very true quote suggesting that there is not a label on their love. They are not lesbians, they are two people in love and that is it. The ending for me was very sad and I wasn't expecting it. Its shows how painful love can be, especially when you know that love is being sacrificed because of opinions of others, and what they expect of you, rather than what you want.
Irishchatter This movie would really make you feel sad and sorry for Paulie because she is over thinking the fact Tori broke up with her just as they were found out in bed together. I mean Tori shouldve taught her sister that anyone could fall in love regardless who it is unless they were people that are extremely evil and do wrong things! Could she have not thought of that?I was so hoping that Mouse and Paulie would be lovers with each other to calm her love sickness for Tori and think about themselves. Mouse had that golden heart for Paulie and I mean they should've kissed! I would have loved to have seen that and she wouldn't have sadly committed suicide! Its just so heartbreaking, really and truly :'(
garyslegg I came across this film whilst channel hoping and so wasn't expecting very much; however, I was soon enthralled by it. The subject matter could have easily been exploited and the filmed turned into something seedy, but instead it is a sensitive portrayal of the difficulties of overcoming loss and rejection. The fact that the two main protagonists are female is incidental to the story of love and heartbreak and tragedy that unfolds. It is very well acted by all the cast, but Piper Perabo and Jackie Burroughs deserve particular mention. The ending is poignant and heart-rending, one can not failed to be moved by it. This film is everything that "Blue is the Warmest Colour" tries and fails to be.
Hollywoodshack Parabo reminds me of a young Julia Roberts, here a lesbian at an all girls school let down when her partner breaks up to date a boyfriend and keep the affair a secret from her parents, the teachers, and the other girls. The furor inside grows meniacal from this point while she duels with a sword on top of a table and knocks over a huge cafeteria tray shelf at lunchtime after her girlfriends have left her table to talk about her. I must admit my tolerance for this genre has grown thin of all girls or all boys at some private school rebelling against rules to fulfill their base urges or fantasies in some type of anarchy where those in charge do little to intervene. Early efforts like Lord of the Flies come to mind, but the scene where she takes a bird on a leash out to the forest and trains it to fly seemed freely borrowed from Evan Hunter's novel and film based on it, "Last Summer."