Maximum Conviction
Maximum Conviction
R | 05 November 2012 (USA)
Maximum Conviction Trailers

When former black ops operative Cross and his partner Manning are assigned to decommission an old prison, they must oversee the arrival of two mysterious female prisoners. Before long, an elite force of mercenaries assault the prison in search of the new arrivals. As the true identities of the women are revealed, Cross realizes he's caught in the middle of something far bigger than he had imagined.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Ezmae Chang This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Leofwine_draca MAXIMUM CONVICTION is a prison-assault thriller featuring everyone's favourite once-was-great, Steven Seagal, as a former special ops agent who must do battle with a gang of criminals in a disused prison. The film was directed by Keoni Waxman, who has previous when it comes to dodgy DTV movies, and for added value also features former wrestler turned action star Steve Austin as the second hero.And it's a good job Austin is around, because Seagal is barely in this one. He's doubled for much of the fighting, as usual, and he shows up to waddle around for a little while and beat up a bunch of bad guys like he always does. His role is really extraneous and Austin does much better as a star, injecting a little humour here and there.Unfortunately, while the film's plot is workable - criminals vs. good guys in a big prison, with hulking cons and gun battles to contend with - the execution is workmanlike and the fight scenes are invariably disappointing. The acting is pretty bad too, particularly from the female stars, although it was good to see the long forgotten Michael Pare putting in some good work as the nasty villain. Expect a little violence, lots of cheesy dialogue, and shadows. Lots of shadows.
Peter Pluymers "No Pain, No Gain!" It's very painful to witness the loss of an icon in the "action movie" genre. Seagal is a bloated shadow of himself. I'm sure he can't finish most fighting scenes without being out of breath. I've never been a big fan of this actor whose movements in fighting are always identical. It always looks as if he's fending off his opponents blows in a casual besotted way. As if it was a terribly irritating swarm of flies. Being assisted by Austin doesn't ensure the level going up. Austin is an enormous weight of dumb muscle.Maximum Conviction is an action movie where you empty your head and focus on an infinite point. It's nothing more then a meaningless and stupid movie anyway. A series of uninspired fight scenes and gunfights, followed by sequences of groups of people who seem to be running through dark corridors and rooms endlessly.The gunfights follow the same scenario all the time. It goes like this : group/person nr.1 looks around the corner and fires a salvo, group/person nr.2 looks around the corner and fires a salvo, group/person nr.1 looks around the corner and fires a salvo ... and this is repeated a few times until someone finally is hit. And please, can anybody tell me what kind of material they used to fabricate some items so they could be indestructible although being hit by so many bullets. And a few minutes before that, those same bullets made sure the pieces of a concrete wall were flying around. Amazing ! Action figures aren't exactly famous for their high quality acting talent and are usually judged on their level of toughness and execution of actions. In MC, however, the performances are so pitifully that I'm ashamed of them. The storyline is really too stupid and too simple to be reckoned with. But this is not the focus of this movie. It would have been better if they just edited the fight scenes sequentially and thus granted me time to look to another better action movie. Because believe me, there are plenty of better movies in this genre.Seagal, it's time to have a look at your retirement plan.More reviews at
LeonLouisRicci Steven Seagal's final line in this Movie is..."it's not over till we're dead". Possibly a shout-out to his relentless critics that endlessly tell him to retire or at the very least to lose some weight. In this Movie he seems to be trying to end the laziness. He is not dubbed here and manages to find just enough breath to make his lines understandable. He is not doubled here and actually does his own Martial Arts scenes.So that is the upside. Steve Austin on the other hand makes the other Steve look like a thoroughbred Thespian. Seriously, does this guy have ANY expressions or changes of tone to his voice. He has got be the worst Action Hero Actor ever, bar none. But hey, he is an imposing physical presence and that is the minimum requirement to convince.This is a darkly lit, endless trek down corridors and around corners. Stiff and long scenes in front of consoles and computer keyboards. It jumps and pulls the frame once in a while to try a bit of styling but no go. Anyway there is quite a bit of gunfire and a goodly amount of hand to hand and enough Characters to allow for a large body count, so if this is for you, have at it, and for the curious to see if maybe Segal is on a self-imposed comeback.
FlashCallahan When former black ops operative Cross and his partner Manning are assigned to decommission an old prison, they must oversee the arrival of two mysterious female prisoners. Before long, an elite force of mercenaries assault the prison in search of the new arrivals. As the true identities of the women are revealed, Cross realises he's caught in the middle of something far bigger than he had imagined....If the new King of direct to Blu Ray action movies is Austin, then buy my player please. Everyone of his movies that he is billed first or second, is appalling, and to top it all off, he has no screen presence.At least in the eighties, action stars and something about them, and in the nineties, they were just stupidly over the top, you couldn't help but love them.The film goes for the last Die Hard route, two prisoners who have something, bad guys pretending to be someone they are not, and then the two heroes.Seagal proves in this, that he is past it, he is no longer convincing as an action star, and while I'm sure he has stamina and strength in reality, he doesn't convince in this movie, he stands around looking perplexed and slaps a few people.It's a new low for the star, I usually tolerate his poorest efforts, but this had med me irritated about twenty minutes in.Do yourself a favour, ignore this, and realise that Van Damme is still making decent movies, that look like Die Hard compared to this tripe.