Pistol Whipped
Pistol Whipped
R | 04 March 2008 (USA)
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Steven Seagal stars in this gritty, no-holds barred action film as an elite ex-cop with a gambling problem and a mountain of debt. When a mysterious man offers to clear his debts in exchange for the assassination of the city's most notorious gangsters, he make s decision that will change his life - forever.

Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
namashi_1 Roel Reiné's 'Pistol Whipped' is A Passable Entertainer, that has some arresting moments & hardcore action scenes working on its advantage.'Pistol Whipped' Synopsis: Matt is an elite ex-cop whose life has gone down hill since he was kicked off the Force. After a rough encounter with a mysterious henchman, Matt is brought face to face with his only chance at reclaiming his life and clearing his gambling debt markers.'Pistol Whipped' is fairly entertaining, with some arresting moments making it reach the safe zone. J.D. Zeik's Screenplay is fairly decent. Roel Reiné's Direction has potential. Cinematography, Editing & Art Design, are average. Action-Sequences are very nicely executed.Performance-Wise: Steven Seagal is still kicking-butt, which is obviously good. Lydia Jordan does a fine job. Lance Henriksen has a brief role. Arthur J. Nascarella is decent.On the whole, 'Pistol Whipped' is Passable Stuff.
callanvass (Credit IMDb) Matt is an elite ex-cop whose life has gone down hill since he was kicked off the Force. After a rough encounter with a mysterious henchman, Matt is brought face to face with his only chance at reclaiming his life and clearing his gambling debt markers. Only after he gets started on his new tasks does he recognize good guy from bad. Meanwhile Matt's love for his only daughter helps him battle one of his greatest enemies, alcoholism.Well, well, well. Seagal CAN make a good DTV movie after all. It's far from perfect, but I felt emotion, I felt a lot of effort, and most importantly Seagal was game. There are still a bit too many repetitive sequences for my liking, but you can tell they tried hard. Seagal and his Daughter form a believable bond in this movie, and I liked the fact Seagal tried darker territory here. I wish they would have put a bit more emphasis on the alcoholism, and I'd like to have seen more on why he was the way he was, but I'll take what I can get. The finale itself is very effective. It holds an exciting shootout, with a lot of emotion riding on it. It feels low-budget obliviously, but the execution certainly was great. Some may say, a funeral is a bit OTT for a setting for a shootout finale, but I liked the creativity. Weird fact, I initially disliked it the first go-around, but I've seen it for what it is, this time around.Performances. Steven Seagal is not bad here. He's still way out of shape, but the effort is there. I felt the passion, and he wasn't always mumbling his lines. He showed snippets and flashes of the charisma he possessed in his hey-day, and there's hope for him yet. Not fully successful, but considering the deep role he had, he did better then anybody could have possibly imagined. Mark Elliot Wilson plays the crooked cop well, and was believable at that. Lance Henriksen is sadly wasted in precious screen time. He was OK.Bottom line. No, it's not perfect. But I appreciated the effort, and it was a relief to see Seagal hasn't fully given up. Keep it up Steven; you may just have a fan that remains within me, yet.7/10
Chilla Black thought this was a good Seagal film for a few reasons, first off it is back to basics, with immediate no questions asked action by the man, in scenes when he is even remotely threatened. That is classic SS and a throwback to the early days like in Marked For Death etc, so from that perspective, fans should not feel disappointed. Also thought the inclusion of the guy who was in quite a few films in the early 90's the character Blue was a good one. He was in some real good films like King of New York and Sea of Love and it was good to see him in this film, he comes over pretty well as some kind of mobster who clearly does not respect Seagal or even his Boss. Also thought the scene where Seagal tackles his ass in the house was good to watch, always like seeing SS do fight choreography with actors who are not in the business for that reason. Storyline is OK, perfectly acceptable to call in a debt from a lethal family man to knock off a few wide boys. All in all this is probably one of Seagals best 10 movies.
unbrokenmetal Although "Pistol Whipped" is mostly shot in broad daylight - in opposite to some of Seagal's recent "stumble around in the dark" flicks like "Attack Force" - it has much in common with a 1940s film noir. Seagal portrays a totally broken hero - losing lots of money when gambling, divorced from the mother of his daughter, fired from the police, drinking too much, and he can't even keep promises he gives his daughter. But the world around him is not easy to divide into good guys and bad guys. His former police colleagues are corrupt, he doesn't trust his new employer at all, and even his new girlfriend has something to hide. Many dark shades of gray, thus the story was better than I expected, definitely a good progress from Seagal's previous couple of movies.Nevertheless, "Pistol Whipped" couldn't avoid the ridiculous moments typical for a Seagal flick, for example when he observes somebody secretly in a bar, trying not to be noticed. Yeah, right, 10 feet tall and staring at the other bloke all the time, nobody will notice him. Ah, but wouldn't it be less fun without things like that?