Into the Sun
Into the Sun
R | 26 November 2005 (USA)
Into the Sun Trailers

After the assassination of Tokyo's Governor by Yakuza members, the CIA bureau chief (William Atherton) for Tokyo puts out a call to an agent (Steven Seagal) that had been raised in Japan and trained by ex-Yakuza. Using his former ties, he quickly determines that a war is brewing between old-guard Yakuza members and a young, crazed leader (Takao Osawa) with ties to the Chinese Tong.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Prismark10 Why oh why do I subject myself to this. Will I ever learn?The fat one's recent output contains formulaic scripts, you know his partner and new bride will buy it. The trademark fight scenes will see Seagal flailing his hands about very fast, with a flabby middle where nothing happens and I am not talking about his waistline.If you want to see some mean Chinese gangsters and tough action go and seek out Michael Cimino's 'Year of the Dragon.'If you want to see a bad ass cop in Japan going after the Yakuza, then there is Ridley Scott's 'Black Rain.'Into The Sun has some neat location shooting in Thailand and Tokyo, a cameo from William Atherton to bring some proper acting chops. Seagal plays a CIA guy teamed up wit a rookie who investigate the death of governor of Tokyo and unravel a plot from a Yakuza upstart to form an alliance with a Chinese gangster.After some opening action scenes, nothing much happens as Seagal investigates and drives around and maybe threaten a few people. The rookie cop is just comic relief in the meantime.Only at the climax of the film you have some decent sword fights but even then that is done too fast. Its a lame Seagal action film and really since Under Siege 2 he has made too many of them.
Samiam3 Mr. Seagal is getting a little old for the job. He's put on a little weight too I think. So what does Into the Sun offer us that hasn't been done before. Well we get to see Seagal wield a Katina and go apes**t on a bunch of Japanese criminals, and we get to see him act in a different language, but his fluency in Japanesse has little effect on the overall quality of his performance. It's just different is all. No folks, Seagal is pretty much the same guy he was ten fifteen years earlier, only he'd getting tiresome. With that in mind, If I am gonna recommend one film from the latter Seagal, this might be it. despite It feels a bit more epic than anything he has done in that decade, It has some nice shots, and even features a couple of Seagal's songs. He ain't too bad.The script could do with a few less clichéd lines, and a few more one liners. Steven Seagal looks pretty bored on screen, and the signs of age are certainly taking their toll, but he ain't dead yet.
Sandcooler You can think what you want about Steven Seagal, but you definitely can't ignore him. He's not just a movie actor, he's an entire genre all by himself. Within that genre, "Into The Sun" isn't the worst. Not the best either, but worth watching all the way through. Seagal's a bit too out of shape to really match up to what he did in the early 90s, but at least it seems like he's actually trying this time around. He's probably still using stunt doubles, but he sure as hell does it more cleverly this time around. Generally the action scenes just look right, the visual style to this is excellent. I especially enjoyed the grand finale, which focuses on some really well-choreographed sword fights. There are some downsides too, but they are the same downsides pretty much every Seagal flick has. Why do people keep putting Seagal in love subplots? It's embarrassing to watch every time. Also there's the usual spiritual stuff that was only amusing once. This really isn't that bad, but yet again it brings absolutely nothing new.
T. Haegin I will rightfully admit I am not a hardcore Seagal fan by any means. But whenever one of his movies is on late night TV I usually end up watching them even if only to enjoy the cheesy acting and plots, etc... We know how they are.So yesterday was Into the Sun, and since I've never heard of it, lest seen it, I keep watching. And you know what? One or two things did quite impress me. For one, the opening credits: They are of quite beautifully done and reminded a little bit of the James Bond movies. I suddenly expected a quality movie. Of course I was going to be disappointed: All in all the movie was as trashy as they always are with SS.I also quite liked some of the visuals and photography like air views of Tokyo and the filming on location. Sure the story went along very slowly and there was not much fighting. But surprisingly, I did not feel it was too bad.And I quite liked the Japanese/Chinese actors, their styling and looks mostly, but some were acting quite well too. Especially the Kojima character (who later becomes the new Yakuza leader) actually is a really good actor! I wish Seagal had some of his talent to render his lines...Then the soundtrack was indeed quite good as well, as has been said before.But of course the sum of it all is still a sad miss. I wonder if Seagal is ever watching his own movies. I mean what would he think?? Come on, he even produces them. So please, can you not get a good scriptwriter for once and put together a decent film that is not full of plot holes, bad acting and cliché? Or is this simply supposed to be like this? I just don't get it... I will stop my rant here because I cannot add anything that has not yet been mentioned in other comments.Still, there were some good moments in this one. I have seen worse of SS, and therefore 2 stars instead of only one.