Kill Switch
Kill Switch
R | 07 October 2008 (USA)
Kill Switch Trailers

A troubled detective travels to Memphis in order to track down a pair of serial killers.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
scodivjr If you like him throwing people around and subduing villains this gets my thumbs up!!
My IMDb Hi there,As it has been said before me in other reviews, this is as bad as a film can be made, plot written and acted. Including or rather especially the renown Seagal. Every action seems like ten times as long, because of all the repeated shots, being cut and pasted one after the other. In order to try and make it more... 'action' I guess. I suppose Seagal had a really bad hernia or something alike, because you don't get to see him moving in any fighting scene. Just some shots of his face here and there and some grunting. You can only feel sorry for the time you actually sat there, waiting for it all to improve. And honestly, it won't! I would recommend to watch this film only to see how a once famous actor can deteriorate in the deep and bare winter of his career. But then again, everyone has to pay his mortgage at the end of the month, can't think of any other reason this being released.Kind regards,
Greg Hine It was sooo bad it didn't even fall into the 'so bad it's good' category.Jerky camera work interspersed with multiple repetitions gave me a headache in the first scenes, might even need a health warning if you suffer from epilepsy, no joke.The fight scenes in terms of content are poor, the caricatures - sorry meant characters wooden and one dimensional.I don't know why gangs and the military need automatic weapons when you can obviously buy automatic pistols that fire hundreds of bullets and you can reload in a millisecond.Lets put it this way Seagal must have massive pockets and be humungously strong to carry that many mags around.I was surprised because he has made better films after this so where did this turkey of turkeys come from?Packed so full of clichés you could probably hand this out at a screenwriters convention as how to avoid mistakes for dummies.
Dominik Schlatter Thats it, no more seagal movies from now on. The last quality movie he was in, was 'half past dead', i think. ever since then, his movies spiraled right down the drain. occasionally, i've watched a promising title, only to find myself disappointed again! kill switch is really a ... well, i'm lost for words. this could very well be THE worst movie of all time (and i have watched 'retrograde', so you know i'm not kidding). i really wanted to warn movie-optimists from this and found, that there are already enough adequate descriptions from other users. believe every word of it! if you think a movie can't possibly suck that bad...think again.consider yourself warned! ;-)