R | 23 May 2006 (USA)
Desperation Trailers

When a sheriff arrests a writer, a family, a couple, and a hitchiker and throws them in a jail cell in the deserted town of Desperation, they must fight for their lives.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
nightcrawlercyp-311-219346 Besides the fact that it cuts a lot from the movie and Audrey it also leaves a lot of hings unexplained or they get twisted. 1.A great part of the movie is about the little voice of God, meaning in each of us God speaks but to hear Him you must pay attention.The book also explains how most of those that died refused to listen to God. Also it does not explain the "God is cruel" phrase. The movie makes God seem bad or uncaring when in fact the suffering we pass through is a way to improve us. And this is explained in the book. 2. The nature of Tak and the statues is never explained. In fact he statues are idols and Tak acts like a death god. His language is called language of dead after all. Can tah- little gods; can tak- big gods. 3. What Tak wants is to escape the pt and continue to manipulate people into becoming more like beasts and killing each other 4. The chinese workers were not mistreated. The first workers were not chinese. When the first workers refused to go in the pit they brought the chinese.They were not treated bad just paid much less. I hate how the movie producers create anti white hate in this movie. 5.Tak's ability to control animals is not sufficiently represented. Buzzards fart indeed. 6. The puma does not make sense without Audrey. 7. And the whole : "Does not matter what Tak wants" is treated as blind faith. Rather it means that they have to stop him regardless of what he wants. A few pages before the book explains what Tak wants. 8. they live out the whole sex-murder halucinations Steven and Cynthia go through which are important. Also in the book Cynthia is much younger (very small breasts) and has the hair painted in two colors (green and blue or something similar)
MartianOctocretr5 Desperation time, alright. Ron Pearlman hams it up in what appears to be a satire of his own satire character, Hellboy. Annabeth Gish and Tom Skerrit aren't bad in their roles, but the paper thin script and atrocious direction give them very little to do. The remaining cast members blandly deliver expository lines that lead nowhere.Stephen King has had both success and failure in adapting other books he has written for the screen. This one goes to the goof-ups list. The script meanders wildly, without any cohesion. It's hard to take anything seriously, as the same slick-wannabe camera work shows us people towering like giants from an ant's point of view. Why things are happening as they are? You won't know, and you probably won't care, either. Clichés like the old "evil entity possessing a peace officer" routine are rampant.Still, it can pass the time if you're really bored. But don't expect much.
movieman89-2 I watched this after I read the novel, which I thought was awesome.The actors I thought were pretty good, especially Ron Pearlman who played the psychopathic cop, Collie Entragian. The special effects and the cinematography were pretty good as well.They kept the film very close to the awesome novel. Until it got to the middle because they cut out some of the most important scenes from the book that they didn't put in the film, for example, in the book they meet another character, hiding in the ruins of the town. They also find much more of the history of the town. They cut out all this in the film, which was disappointing.The ending, I thought I was very disappointed because they fitted bits that were very cheesy, that didn't fit the novel at all.I would rather read the novel first before watching the film. But still I thought it was pretty good.
accauditor The movie starts off promising, but the explanation for the supernatural occurrences is never really given. Once things finally pick up, out of nowhere 25 minutes from the end of the movie some story is given about miners and it is never really connected in the film to what has happened up to that point. I'm guessing the book hopefully does a better job of linking everything together. The dialogue for the last 40 minutes is just irritating. random character: "What's our plan?" boy: "We don't need a plan. God's will is our plan." writer: "I don't believe in god." boy: "That's okay, god gives you that choice."Those quotes pretty much sum up the dialogue for the last 40 minutes of the movie. Don't waste your time. As the movie nears the end you will be come extremely confused at what's going on, irritated with the annoying dialogue where suddenly every sentence is about (dis)belief in god, and wondering how any of it fits together.