Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil
Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil
R | 17 October 2006 (USA)
Behind Enemy Lines II: Axis of Evil Trailers

Navy SEALS, headed by Lt. Bobby James, are dispatched to North Korea on a covert mission, all in an effort to take out a missile site...

NipPierce Wow, this is a REALLY bad movie!
Tuchergson Truly the worst movie I've ever seen in a theater
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
nlulek This film is abhorrent at best. The filming is nausea inducing shaky cam garbage for the majority of the film. The dialog and character development is a joke. This film isn't even on par with B budget action films of the 1980's. Do yourself a favor and take a fervent pass on this flotsam.
Wizard-8 I took a quick look at the other user comments for this movie before writing this, and I saw that no one from South Korea (or for that matter North Korea) has so far contributed their thoughts. But I am pretty sure that any South Korean who sees this movie will feel as badly about this movie as I do. This movie is really badly made. The director CONSTANTLY jiggles the camera during the action sequences, enough so that these sequences are very hard to follow. He also photographs the majority of movie in ways that give the basic look of the movie a bland feeling, with nothing to capture the eye. But the screenplay has plenty of problems too. Would the U.S. military really enact a mission to North Korea without consulting the South Korean military/government first? And without taking any Korean soldiers with them for translation and other local problems that might come up? I'm no expert on the Korean situation or military procedures, but all the same this movie really insulted my intelligence.
ctomvelu1 A very poor sequel to a very good thriller, BEHIND ENEMY LINES: AXIS OF EVIL is about a small group of Navy SEALS attempting to take out a missile site in North Korea. Naturally, everything that can go wrong, does. Shot on the cheap in Bulgaria, this STV is pretty much one continuous firefight, and the battles are so poorly executed that it is hard to tell what is going on a good part of the time. The acting is strictly of the cardboard variety. The film reminds me of a Chuck Norris flick from his days with Cannon, only those films were better. Some old timers pull duty here, including Keith David as a SEALS trainer and Peter Coyote as the president of the U.S. No suspense, no real interest in anything going on. Stick with the original.
Stacy_Mitchell all i can say is why bother? no relation to the first film, horrendous directing at best the acting was average, so bad i couldn't be bothered to watch it all. the silly colours meant to depict different parts of the world was a joke, i have travelled all over the world and the light doesn't change from grey to blue to orange anywhere on earth so why does it need to in this movie? the plot had more holes than a 1970s lancia and the whole film looks like a 10 year old kid could have done the gunfire better on a PC in his bedroom. about as fulfilling as spending a couple of hours looking the ceiling. it truly amazes me that films like this are given any budget at all