Sniper 2
Sniper 2
R | 28 December 2002 (USA)
Sniper 2 Trailers

A former Marine sniper is lured back in on a top-secret mission to take out a rogue general accused of running a stealth operation of hit-and-run ethnic cleansing missions in an area known as "No Man's Land."

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Leofwine_draca I've never seen the first Sniper but that didn't stop me checking out this sequel when it showed up on a late night TV channel. I wish I hadn't made the effort, because SNIPER 2 is a bore: a could-be-good thriller that fumbles the ball thanks to an ultra-low budget and a reliance on cheesy and predictable plot staples instead of anything new. The story, although it's so slim that you can barely call it that, involves Tom Berenger's world-weary sniper who's called out of retirement (by Linden Ashby, who seems to have forgotten his own action credentials and is here relegated to an office-bound role) to assassinate a Balkan warmongerer. Before long, he's been double crossed and is fighting for his life alongside a bunch of Hungarian extras.I can forgive a film's script issues if the action scenes turn out to be good, but they're tired and clichéd here, with little effort having gone into the direction. I didn't think watching Berenger shooting enemies with his sniper rifle would be boring, but it is. They do make a little effort with the climatic cat-and-mouse game but even that fails to ignite the interest or imagination. Berenger, who's recently rediscovered his star presence after a turn in Chris Nolan's INCEPTION, makes for a solid (sometimes stolid) leading man, but otherwise the film's as dull as dishwater and not worth bothering with.
ivica985 Sit down,"F-" from Geography and History (which is on Serbian clearly "1-" or Insufficient Minus)!!!!! Terrible! ! ! ! Miserable! ! ! ! Sad! ! ! ! Dirty! ! ! ! Nastily! ! ! ! Trash! ! ! ! Desperate! ! ! ! Fuj,bre! ! ! !aw·ful/ˈɔfəl/ –adjective 1. extremely bad; unpleasant; ugly: awful paintings; an awful job. 2. inspiring fear; dreadful; terrible: an awful noise. 3. solemnly impressive; inspiring awe: the awful majesty of alpine peaks. 4. full of awe; reverential. 5. extremely dangerous, risky, injurious, etc.: That was an awful fall she had. He took an awful chance by driving here so fast.
hwyhobo I cannot believe this movie is scoring so high. Just above everything in this film is wrong. The setting is wrong. The language spoken is wrong. The second sniper being black and not attracting any attention on the streets or from the Serbian soldiers is ludicrous (this is supposedly Serbia, people, not Los Angeles). Tom Berenger, a "sniper", cannot tell a Mosin Nagant from a Mauser. Every fender bender results in spectacular explosions of multiple vehicles. To add insult to injury, Tom Berenger is so overweight, in the scene where he is "running away" from the soldiers, he looks like he is about the have a stroke after 50 steps or so.This flick is an insult to one's intelligence. It makes Steven Seagal's movies look downright intellectual.
Bjorn (ODDBear) Ex-Marine sniper Thomas Beckett is lured out of retirement for an assignment in the Balkans and he's teamed up with a death row inmate.As far as TV sequels go, this is pretty decent. Although the character of Beckett isn't expanded on the film does have a solid story with a good twist which kept me intrigued for the most part. Action sequences are fairly good compared to many other TV movies and director's choirs are mostly well handled by a director who made big budget films in his prime.Tom Berenger owns the part of Beckett and does well as always and the rest of the cast do good as well. Sniper 2 surprised me somewhat as it proved to be quite entertaining and not far behind the original.