R | 29 January 1993 (USA)
Sniper Trailers

Tough guy Thomas Beckett is an US soldier working in the Panamanian jungle. His job is to seek out rebels and remove them using his sniper skills. Beckett is notorious for losing his partners on such missions. This time he's accompanied by crack marksman Richard Miller.

Jenna Walter The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Staci Frederick Blistering performances.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Woodyanders Hardboiled veteran Marine sniper Tom Beckett (ably played with steely resolve by Tom Berenger) and eager, but inexperienced rookie marksman Richard Miller (a fine performance by Billy Zane) are assigned to pull off a difficult covert mission in which they must venture into the Central American jungle in order to assassinate a powerful rebel leader and his Columbian drug lord backer. Director Luis Llosa brings a commendable mean'n'lean sense of efficiency to the tight and gripping story: The quick pace rarely flags for a minute, the tone is appropriately tough and gritty, the tension builds quite nicely, the dense jungle locations are neatly taken advantage of, and the exciting action set pieces are staged with skill and flair. Moreover, the radical contrast between Beckett's tightlipped no-nonsense machismo and Miller's wide-eyed aiming to please naivete gives this picture extra substance and resonance while the theme on how being a sniper takes a heavy toll on one's soul and conscience provides a surprising amount of poignancy. Best of all, this film has a praiseworthy stripped-down simplicity to it that ensures that there's a refreshing dearth of both cornball humor and needless sappy sentiment. Both Bill Butler's sharp cinematography and Gary Chang's spare moody score are up to speed. An on the money movie.
FlashCallahan Master Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Beckett is a sniper stationed in Panama. Although skilled, he has lost several men under his command.Beckett is teamed up with a S.W.A.T. member named Miller, who has not earned any confirmed kills, to eliminate a top Panamanian rebel leader.Tensions emerge between the two on how to conduct the mission, coupled with running into numerous challenges during the mission.....If you were like me, a teenager seeing the trailer and that scene where the bullet goes through the scope and kills the opposing Sniper, you had to see this film.Over twenty years on, it's just Billy Zane going all Dead Calm toward the end, and almost giving away their cover every two minutes.Sniper is a film that the title alone would sell to a market. We all love those parts in action films where we see someone getting taken out from a long distance, and when we play Call Of Duty, the sniper parts are the best.But this is where the film fails, it's like watching someone playing a really bland video game, and they are insisting that they watch the in game scenes because they really add something to the film.Brenger is okay, as is Zane, but we've seen this done before a thousand times.And even if that bit with the scope still impresses today, it does not justify a film.Let alone four sequels.
bernie-122 I will warn you here: I chose to believe those reviewers who said that this wasn't an action film in the usual sense, rather a psychological drama so you should appreciate it on that basis and you will be alright.I am here to tell you that they were wrong. Completely wrong.Well, no, not completely; it is very disappointing if you are looking for an action flick, they were right about that. But it is also very unsatisfying on all other levels as well.Tom Beringer wasn't too bad, I suppose, no worse than usual; but what possessed them to cast Billy Zane in this? Was it some sort of death wish on the part of the producers? A way to made their film a guaranteed flop? In that case, it worked.If they were actually aiming for success, then why not cast somebody who can act? Oh, and might as well go for a screenwriter who knows how to write. Ah, yes, and a director who knows how to direct.As someone who sat through this mess, actually believing it would shortly redeem itself, I can assure you it never did. Pity, it could've been a good film.
ingridon89 When I saw it for the first time I was really impressed.The director made such a mysterious atmosphere, especially in the end. Through all the story spectators can expect that Richard will really kill Thomas or he will do it first.But..the main point was not conflict but..FRIENDSHIP!Older and mature one prayed himself to save the younger who has the whole life to life.It is amazing. Every time I watch it I enjoy!Of course it is pretty violent like every action movie but I think it is acceptable. Thanks a lot Louis Liosa and Tom Berenger! Amazing film!I advice everyone to see it.I am sure people wont regret and will really have a good time.