| 12 October 2009 (USA)
Wolvesbayne Trailers

A supernatural thriller that follows Russel Bayne who quickly finds himself in the middle of a supernatural war between vampires, werewolves, and human hunters after being bitten by a werewolf. To make matters worse, it seems a civil war has erupted among the vampires, with a clan breaking from the others in a quest to return a vampire goddess back to power.

Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Sienna-Rose Mclaughlin The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Allissa .Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
GL84 Turned into a werewolf, a man teams up with a group of hunters tracking down a race of vampires looking to reincarnate a vicious vampire queen that will overthrow humanity and bring them back to prominence.All-in-all, this one was pretty decent but could've been a lot better. One of the biggest strikes is the rather jumbled plot here, with a lot more going on than what really should be happening and hardly any of it makes any sense or really feels justified in it's inclusion. Even more troubling is the fact that there's not a whole lot of plot discussion given out as time goes on, rather it's all given at the end and never really does a good job blending it all together. That is somewhat made up for by the rather fun amount of confrontations here, since it appears to be a war going on with both sides and it definitely feels that way here, especially given the amount of bloodshed given on both sides as several of the extended encounters get quite bloody. While there is some fun to be had here with the resurrection scenes as well, it really can't overcome the jumbled mess of a story though.Rated R: Graphic Violence, Graphic Language and Brief Nudity.
Claudio Carvalho In 1887, the powerful vampire Lilith (Yancy Butler) is vanquished by a vampire council and four amulets avoid her return to the world of living. In the present days, the greedy Realtor Russel Bayne (Jeremy London) is pressing Alex Layton (Christy Romano) to sell her store of esoteric products to him. While driving back home, Russel stops his Ferrari to help a young woman that has troubles with her Volkswagen Beetle in a lonely road. However, they are attacked by a werewolf and Russel transforms into one a couple of nights later. Meanwhile, a vampire clan led by the evil Von Griem (Mark Dacascos) is retrieving the ancient amulets to bring Lilith back. When Von Griem's minions try to abduct Russel, Alex helps him and Russel teams up with Jacob Van Helsing (Rhett Giles) and his peer group to avoid the return of the devilish Lilith."Wolvesbayne" is a flawed but entertaining vampire movie that seems to be the pilot of a TV series. The story has a promising beginning, but suddenly the plot becomes a collection of clichés and special effects. The prosthesis of vampire teeth seems to be bothering Mark Dacascos and his grimaces and Yancy Butler is unrecognizable with a terrible performance. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "Anjo das Trevas" ("Angel of the Darkness")
dbborroughs Supposed back door pilot TV movie(something I read connected to the film mentioned its the origin film for a new hero) about the battle of the werewolves with the vampires with an "everyman" cursed by there werewolves getting caught in the middle, or should I say muddle? This is another one of those SYFY films that lays out a great deal of material and then goes nowhere with it simply because the supposed continuation (in this case I'm guessing a series) never materialized. Allowing for the film's loose ends the real question is why are we bothering with the vampires and werewolves yet again? Actually what I'd like to know is which writer brought the supposed battle to the forefront and are they getting any money from all of the retreads? This is not bad as SYFY films go, but at the same time the material has been so done to death in the last four or five years that one has to wonder why we care any more. I was bored because the film brings nothing to the table and I had no idea why I was watching.
nate878 Wolvesbayne is yet another entry in a long series of B-science-fiction movies produced by the now aptly-called scyfy channel. While their films have been getting ever-so-gradually better, albeit at a very gradual pace, this film does some things right and other things wrong. Originally described on an epic level, the film actually felt like a lukewarm introduction to a series. Enter a world where vampires live alongside humans and the like on a relatively peaceful level but a few vampiric dissenters wish to raise an old vampire goddess to reign-in humanity under vampire rule once again. Fans of the werewolf genre will be interested in knowing that the main protagonists are werewolves but that fact plays little if any part in the progression of the film and little is seen of either character's wilder side. These characters team up with an incarnation of Bram Stroker's Van Helsing to stop the occult vampire clan from taking over the earth, but mostly do so while on the sidelines.It all sounds good on paper, but the film is ultimately a disappointment with a somewhat disjointed and lengthy progression of the story and characters that don't appeal much to the audience. Jeremy London as the mild-mannered and yet irritably selfish realtor turned werewolf protagonist does a fine job in acting out his role but ultimately turns- out in being an otherwise dis-likable and incredibly uninvolved character. It would've been nice to see more of Christy Romano as the bad-ass lycanthropic vixen Alex Layton but she too serves little in the story's progression. On the vampire side of things, I actually liked Yancy Butler's cheesy role as vampire queen, and Dacascos' did a sinister but equally cheesy take as the leader of the Germanic vampire clan. Otherwise, the film also featured some minor plot-holes: such as an un-explained werewolf minion of the vampires and other unexplained origins. In the end the film was well filmed and featured a fair amount of violent action alongside some decent yet brief special-effects, but ultimately barely entertained you as it led to a mostly expected and unremarkable finish that suggested either a sequel or series.