The Little Shop of Horrors
The Little Shop of Horrors
NR | 05 August 1960 (USA)
The Little Shop of Horrors Trailers

Seymour works in a skid row florist shop and is in love with his beautiful co-worker, Audrey. He creates a new plant that not only talks but cannot survive without human flesh and blood.

Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
DubyaHan The movie is wildly uneven but lively and timely - in its own surreal way
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
jamesgandrew A young man named Seymour works for a florist and discovers a strange and unusual plant that attracts the locals. However, he later finds the plant is attracted to human blood and flesh and after a series of accidental occurrences, he is forced to feed the plant.Roger Corman is a familiar name in the world of schlock. He filmed Little Shop of Horrors in two days and a night on a budget of $22500. Corman after his first few films created his own company 'New World Pictures', which produced films from the likes of exploitation flicks to foreign arthouse films.Little Shop of Horrors is an excellent comedy horror that takes a schlocky premise and turns it into something clever and endearing. Jonathan Haze is excellent at playing the awkward Seymour, who you really get attached to and feel sorry for as these unfortunate events occur.The film also stars some recognisable faces. Jack Nicholson makes a cameo as a masochist who enjoys pain and getting his teeth ripped out by the dentist. Dick Miller also makes an appearance as a store regular and he's starred in the majority of Joe Dante's films and also makes a show in many eighties films such as 'The Terminator', 'After Hours' and 'Gremlins', just to name a few. Jackie Joseph plays Audrey and coincided with Dick Miller as the Futterman's in Joe Dante's classic 'Gremlins'.The film was later adapted into a famous Broadway musical and got a remake in 1986 directed by Frank Oz. I find Frank Oz's version to be great in its own right, however, I would try to track down the most recent release which reinserts Oz's preferred pessimistic and impressive ending he intended to use originally.
jacobjohntaylor1 This a very scary movie. It has a great story line. It also has great special effects. It also has great acting. It is very scary. It is one of the best horror movies I have see. See it. it is a great movie. It scarier then The silence of the lambs could ever be. Great movie very scaryl
LeonLouisRicci It's Simply Amazing that such a No-Budget Movie could be so Rich in Rewards. This is one of the most Famous Movies in B-Movie History, as it Delivers so much Entertainment that the Mind Boggles while it unfolds in all of its Goofy Glory.The Script, with as much Wit as a Marx Brothers Movie, the Cast who all seem to be having a Hoot of a Time (especially Jack Nicholson), and not the least is Director Roger Corman Making the Most of all the Talent Blessing this Dark and Funny Farce.Roger Corman is a Genius with an Eye for Talent and a Feel for the Zeitgeist of Cultural Significance, made Schlock Movies Respectable and Fun. With this one He Displayed what can be done with Intelligence and a Love for the Craft.Much has Been Written about the Movie and for Detailed Analysis about this Cult Film it is suggested that interested Fans Research the Goldmine of Material available. The Movie was made on the Ultra-Cheap but the Movie Never Looks Cheap, Just Minimal. The Design of the Limited Sets are Classy and Not Clumsy.Deserves its Place in the History of Cinema along with the Legendary Director and is Very Funny and Pitch-Black with its Sadistic and Masochistic Word-Play and Tone. A Good-Natured, extremely Self-Aware Masterpiece of the Macabre that Surprises Viewers that go into this Thing Thinking it's going to be Bad. The Jokes on Them and the Jokes Never Stop and make this Surreal Gem Primitive Art at its Best.
Paul Magne Haakonsen I remember seeing the musical version of this classic movie back in my youth and did enjoy that, but never having seen the original 1960 movie, I made a super bargain at a local DVD store and picked it up.Now, keep in mind that this movie is 52 years old already and shot in black/white, but still it was a great movie to watch. A lovely dark comedy with a funny and good story.To shortly summarize what "The Little Shop of Horrors" is about, then Seymour Krelboyne (played by Jonathan Haze) works at Gravis Mushnick's (played by Mel Welles) flower store, and he is hopelessly in love with Audrey Fulquard (played by Jackie Joseph). Having a very unique plant, Seymour names the plant after his love, and he accidentally finds out that the plant needs blood to live. As the plant grows in size, which it does at an alarming rate, the plant grows more and more hungry and need more than just blood to satisfy it's ravenous desire.The storyline is very good, easy to follow and offer some funny moments. Being such an old movie, don't expect too much from the props and scenery, although I will say that the movie actually fares quite well with whatever meager props and scenery they made use of.And of course, Jack Nicholson, is in this movie as well, one of the first performances of his I have seen personally, but he is not the star of the movie. After his fame and success in Hollywood, of course, his name is one of the headliners on the DVD cover, despite him having a small role only."The Little Shop of Horrors" is a definite must watch movie, because it is a great comedy from that age, and probably a pioneer in its genre at the time. Well worth a watch and a great addition to any movie aficionado's DVD collection.