The Ruins
The Ruins
R | 02 April 2008 (USA)
The Ruins Trailers

Americans Amy, Stacy, Jeff and Eric look for fun during a sunny holiday in Mexico, but they get much more than that after visiting an archaeological dig in the jungle.

Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
murray_johnc A horror movie quite a few notches above the usual affair. An innocent looking vine that has the virulence of a cordyceps fungus is quite a novel idea. However, a plot flaw - in my opinion - was the reasoning behind those brutal methods employed by the Mayan villagers to keep the lethal vine contained. The vine clearly had red flowers, so it would not have relied on infected humans to spread itself beyond the confines of the pyramid and invade new territory. Flowers are not there to make plants look pretty, they exist solely to be pollinated by insects, bats, hummingbirds . . whatever, germinate and then scatter their seeds to the four winds. Besides, wouldn't any fauna that pollinated those flowers become infected and fly away from the ruin before succumbing to the parasite?
Jo Evans OK I saw this film near when it first came out & it was one you remember. So just come back from Mexico & it brought it back to memory & I decided to watch it again. But I'm shocked to see such a low rating this film is about a 7.5 The story is such a original idea unlike all the constant crap coming out at the minute & none stop remakes. The cast has decent acting & there's.some lovely photography. I knew before I watched it there was some scene that I didn'tlike (goryness) but tthere's actually more than I remember I felt myself nearly throw up a few times.. As for the plot I'm not going to write anything as wouldn't want to spoil it .
chalcedonydream Flesh eating plants that can mimic mobile phone ring tones - really? I gave it 3 points because both Jonathan Tucker & Shawn Ashmore did a pretty good job (considering the low grade script and storyline). These are 2 pretty good young actors who have shown elsewhere that their abilities warrant more than this film allows. Sadly both females were harking back to the bad old days of horror where all women did was scream a lot. Hopefully they will be able to show more acting talent in future ventures. The highlight for me was seeing Shawn Ashmore with an amazing head of curly hair.I'm glad I didn't pay to see this at the cinema as I would have been very disappointed.
bowmanblue It's amazing that there are any teenagers left in America. Every time they seem to venture more than five miles out of their home town they seem to get picked off by Rednecks/Werewolves/Undead serial killers (take your pick).In The Ruins, we see your average bunch of plucky American teens (i.e. far too good looking to be believable) taking a well-earned holiday (sorry, vacation) to Mexico. All is going well until someone suggests venturing off the beaten paths to look at some... you guessed it, ruins.And, before you can say 'teen horror' our poor, hapless heroes are knee deep in (of all things) killer plants! Hardly the most fearsome for every to play its part in decreasing the population of an American High School, I hear you cry. But, to make matters worse, our young models are stranded on top of some ruins, surrounded by the feral fungi and they can't get off because the locals will shoot them if they do.All in all, it's a lot of silly fun - as is most mainstream horror these days. There's some nice gory scenes and plenty of things that happen even though any sane person wouldn't so that. But it's horror, right? So we're happy to suspend our disbelief.Give it a go - it's very watchable, plus, if these kids ever make it back to civilisation, they will get a guaranteed A+ for any 'What I did in my holiday' essay.