Chilling Visions: 5 Senses of Fear
Chilling Visions: 5 Senses of Fear
| 15 May 2013 (USA)
Chilling Visions: 5 Senses of Fear Trailers

A horror anthology of shorts themed around the five senses.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
jdollak After watching this a few years back, I didn't think too much of it. I remember liking the last section, Listen, with the music that makes people go crazy. On the strength of that segment, I decided to pick up a Blu-ray on sale.After rewatching the movie - out of order - I realized it's actually better than I gave it credit for.There are five segments. There's actually a thread connecting all of them. I checked the other reviews here, and it doesn't seem like any of them noticed this.The corporation that is centered on in the fourth segment has tentacles in all of the other stories. It also sets up the fifth segment.All of the stories have something to offer. They aren't especially scary, but at the least, they are interesting. The only one that suffers is the Sight segment, which seems like an interesting idea, but the execution is a bit confusing.
Leofwine_draca Another year, another horror anthology, and this time it's the turn of 5 SENSES OF FEAR which unsurprisingly contains five short tales each based around one of the human senses. Like SCARY OR DIE or the V/H/S/ movies, this is acceptable stuff for horror fans, although it lacks the quality of something like TRICK 'R TREAT.The problem with 5 SENSES OF FEAR is not the production values, because they're actually decent for a change; although the stories were shot on the cheap and in a very short space of time, they look good and the calibre of both acting and direction is of an acceptable standard. There are no big names here, but then you don't go looking for them.The problem is that all of the stories are focused on delivering gore rather than true scares so that the scope ends up being rather limited. The first one, SMELL, is about a guy who comes into possession of a new and experimental perfume; this has a classic outcome and was my favourite of the five stories. The second one, SEE, involves some predictably nasty eye violence and very little else. The third, TOUCH, is about a blind kid who has a car accident and is the most atmospheric of the quintet, although the story is very slight. TASTE is an all-out gore effort set in an office, while LISTEN goes down the found footage route and isn't too shabby. All of the stories are acceptable, but I found them lacking in delivering proper horror themes or scares; is gore all the genre has to offer these days, I wonder?
trashgang The title predicts what you will get, 5 short movies about our senses. But all with a twist so that explains the fear. All of them contain horror and I must say that the quality of each flick looks superb.Smell, the first one doesn't has an original script but you have to watch and go through the first minutes to see what is going on. It all looks messy after a while for the main lead and it's just on the edge of gore. With the use of a perfume given by a stranger a man do attracts beautiful girls but there's a price to pay. The body slowly decays. The effects used are really well done. A nice short with excellent shooting and editing.Sight, again not an original script. There are so many full features about eye removal and replacing them from killers and here we do have a bit of the same. The instruments used to control the eyesight do capture what's going on in the brain and so we are suddenly into a story about a killer taking revenge on a eye surgeon. It also has a few of nice effects but isn't that scary at all, nice editing again.Touch, for me that was the weakest of stories involved on this disc. It never really got my attention. Taste, a lot of blah blah and you're waiting what is going to happen, Beautiful girls running the business and the only thing you want to know is, what kind of work is offered...but once refused things go wrong. A bit sad about the shaky camera's used but original story, nothing is explained and again on the edge of gore. Some will be remember the bear trap from Saw.Hearing, the only short made like a documentary. To make it more creepy they are after a Russian tape about some kind of song which do affect people playing that song. Didn't like it at all because it's a lot of blah blah even as they tried to involve us by removing the sound sometimes to think we would go mad too. Sadly, you really have to wait until the end before the horror comes in on the found footage. And from there it's uploaded to youtube, so be aware if you are watching youtube....Overall, not bad due the quality of all shorts but Hearing and Touch weren't the thing I was waiting for...Gore 1,5/5 Nudity 0/5 Effects 3/5 Story 2,5/5 Comedy 0/5
Tyler Danger I loved this horror anthology, but I can understand how some people might not. It's not jump-out-of-your-seat horror. If anything, I'd characterize it as a series of unsettling and disturbing scenarios. I'd equate it with an episode of Tales from the Crypt or maybe season one of Fringe. Each section of the anthology starts with a natural sense and ties it to something very unnatural. With maybe one exception, this doesn't end well for anybody!SMELL tells the story of a man who's given the chance to change his pheromones to get sex and success. Our protagonist fails to realize that something about that offer smells fishy.SIGHT deals with a lonely eye doctor who can see what his patients see. Unfortunately, he sure lacks foresight when he tries to help one of them out.TOUCH starts with a blind boy and his family getting into a car accident. As the only one able to walk, the blind boy wanders through the woods to find help. As I'm sure he would agree, something doesn't feel right here.TASTE is about an unusual job interview. When the interviewee turns down the offer, he's met with a biting critique.LISTEN breaks with the rest of the short films and is in "found footage" format. It tells the story of two young men trying to piece together the recording of a song that is rumoured to kill all those who listen to it. In the end, our protagonists try to offer some sound advice -- but is it already too late?