The Woman
The Woman
R | 14 October 2011 (USA)
The Woman Trailers

A lawyer puts his family in jeopardy when he captures the last member of a violent clan and tries to forcibly tame her.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Bereamic Awesome Movie
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
will-05196 Solid enough horror flick, if you can forgive a rather implausible premise.Yes yes, men are bad, men imprison women in domestic hell they call "marriage" and burden them with children.We are very sorry.To compensate for generations of such treatment, men have invented (among everything else we invented, ie, everything) an elegant solution called "MGTOW", which is basically bachelorhood with a philosophy behind it. Look it up, it's a thing now.So one fine day, women will stop complaining about being burdened with motherhood and so forth, and begin complaining about men not approaching them for marriage anymore. Oh look, "where have all the good men gone," an op-ed in today's paper. It has begun.Reverse the genders in this film and you've got the truer picture: women enslave men, not the other way around.Anyway, yeah, it was a fun enough flick and pretty stylishly done, if you can ignore the agenda.
spotboyfilms This is one of those movies that has many strokes of genius in terms of story-construction. It has a couple of twists that you will not see coming. The director has done a great job in constructing this world of this loving and warm family and then deconstructing it as it all starts to come apart. The film has so many layers and it seeps deep into the human-animal's complexity as I have not seen in a very long time. It has the kind of brilliance that Ridley Scott's 'Alien' has in the way that the monster's monstrosity is revealed. For me, as someone who appreciates great writing, this is one of those unforgettable films with great direction, unexpected twists, and great performances. BE WARNED that many of you may not be able to stomach where this film goes. If you like psychological horror, some twisted things, and can appreciate a great story, I highly recommend this masterpiece of a film.
VY CMa Overly disturbing, and more of a revenge movie than a horror one. The father who thinks he's the master of his family reminds me of terrible memories, that is probably why it is so disturbing for me to watch it. This film is the story of a sociopath father with anger issues, who decide to take a woman he found in the wild to "civilize" her. But who's more civilized between the female who minds her own business and this male who make everything his possession, even people? The whole plot is predictable but with all our anger against that protagonist/antagonist we're just happy to have what we waited for. the actors are great, the scenes are well presented and timed, and I just don't see anything bad to say. I just wish I haven't watched this movie because now I just feel terrible.
BA_Harrison As Philip Larkin's poem goes: "They f**k you up, your mum and dad. They may not mean to, but they do." Well, in The Woman, from writer Jack Ketchum and director Lucky McKee, deviant dad Chris Cleek (Sean Bridgers) clearly intends to mess up his family, and his poor wife Belle (Angela Bettis) does little to stop him. Chris has already started his son Brian (Zach Rand) down the same path, training him in the ways of a sociopath; teenage daughter Peggy (Lauren Ashley Carter) has been getting the wrong kind of love from her old man and is now in the family way. Youngest daughter Darlin' (Shyla Molhusen) is still too little to appreciate the situation, but I'm sure that, given time, she would find out the hard way that dad ain't a very nice man. There's another sister too, but more of her later…Into this extremely dysfunctional family comes a wild woman, captured by Chris while on a hunting trip in the woods. Chaining her up in his cellar, Chris tells his wife and kids that he intends to try and civilise the feral female, but it ain't long before he's sneaking out at night, giving his prisoner the same sort of attention he has been giving to poor Peg. Brian also pops in to see the woman when no one else is around, torturing her with a pair of pliers, one hand down his trousers. Matters come to a head when Peg's teacher, Miss Raton (Carlee Baker), pays the family a visit to voice her concerns about her student: Chris loses it big time and drags teach to the shed where his third daughter lives with a pack of ravenous dogs. More animal than human, the girl tears the teacher to pieces, the dogs feeding on her remains. Meanwhile, Peg sneaks into the cellar and frees the wild woman, who finally gets to even the score with Chris, Brian and Belle.The Woman is clearly a very twisted film, dealing with some touchy themes and offering up a fair amount of very graphic violence, but what I found most disturbing is just how easily Mr. Cleek fools his friends and neighbours; the viewer soon twigs that something is very wrong going on, director McKee leaving gradual clues as to the true extent of Chris's madness, but to his colleagues at work and his casual acquaintances, Chris couldn't be a more genial, stand up guy. It makes one wonder if any of the people we meet in everyday life are as equally inhumane and twisted at heart.Technically, the film is very accomplished: it took me a while to get used to McKee's (over)use of cross-fades and his somewhat unusual use of songs, but it definitely adds to the overall feeling that something very strange is going on.7.5/10, rounded up to 8 for IMDb.