R | 27 October 2006 (USA)
Saw III Trailers

Jigsaw has disappeared. Along with his new apprentice Amanda, the puppet-master behind the cruel, intricate games that have terrified a community and baffled police has once again eluded capture and vanished. While city detective scrambles to locate him, Doctor Lynn Denlon and Jeff Reinhart are unaware that they are about to become the latest pawns on his vicious chessboard.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
qmtv OK, I bought the DVD with the first 7 Saw movies. The first was decent when I saw it years ago, watching it last year, no more surprises so I thought it was just OK, a C rating for a B movie. #2 sucked full on. Crappy lighting, cinematography, editing, acting, dialogue, convoluted story. Just plain garbage.Now, #3. The best part about this movie was the chained guy, and the chained female cop. Straight up copy from Hellraiser! And I enjoyed Donnie smashing his foot, next time they should try Donnie smashing his face! Besides these scenes this movie is garbage.The cinematography was not as bad as #2. But still amateur, point and shoot. The editing is quick and garbage. The lighting is crap. The acting is horrible. The characters are garbage. Nobody acts like this. Tobin Bell seems like a decent actor, but I hate his voice, and his character and dialogue is garbage. Shawnee Smith's character is garbage. If she's crazy, then make her character crazy. But then, how the hell could they pull off all the kidnappings, and all the equipment and set up? It is impossible. It can't happen. And that is where most of the problem is. How the hell did she get into the female cops apartment without the cop noticing. Think about it! Where were these abandoned locations? The only way you can have access to locations like this is if you have a film studio paying to rent them and shooting the film, but not if you're a wackjob on a mission to teach some people with emotional problems a lesson on how to appreciate life. The female doctors acting was OK, not great. And the husband who lost his boy, this guy was plain horrible. The frozen woman was OK, but then we get a scene of her completely frozen, very stiff! The judge, OK. The black guy, well he acted terrified.The story and the twists. Now, I'm sure someone can come up with something better than this.Last two weeks I watched the first 8 Hellraiser movies. First 2 were decent because of the stories. The rest were below par mix bag of I don't know what. But at least all of them were better than Saw 2 or 3. The older I get, the more I want stories. Compelling stories, with characters that relate, and actors that can portray plausible situations, within the context of the film. Saw 3, and Saw 2 do not do that. These stories only happen because the screenwriter wrote them and the production team went ahead and filmed and produced the product for our supposed entertainment. I cannot believe that some said hey, how the hell did some sick guy and a drugged out/wacko chick pull off all these sets and traps, and kidnap all these people. Lots of equipment all around. Is Jig independently wealth? So, some points for the chain kills near the beginning of the film, minus stealing scenes from Hellraiser. This film is a complete failure. F, 1 star, garbage.
swilliky Moving the franchise into a trilogy, the third brutal torture horror film explains a bit more how Jigsaw pulls off the sick games while showing even more gore. The film begins with Eric Matthews (Donnie Wahlberg) breaking his leg in an attempt to escape captivity. Detective Kerry (Dina Meyer) searches for Eric but she also falls victim to Jigsaw's awful torture. The main story consists of John Kramer (Tobin Bell) and his pupil Amanda Young (Shawnee Smith) kidnapping a surgeon Lynn Denlon (Bahar Soomekh) in order to keep John alive. Jigsaw wants to oversee one last game before he finally passes away so attaches a deadly necklace to Lynn's neck that has shotgun cartridges all around it and will go off if John's heart rate stops.The test revolves around Jeff (Angus Macfadyen) who must go through a series of awful tortures. He lost his son in a drunk driving accident and has never recovered. His first test is to help the woman who witnessed his son's death, Danica (Debra McCabe), from freezing to death. She is hung up naked in a frozen locker and has water sprayed on her periodically unless Jeff grabs a key. He burns his cheek grabbing the key but doesn't save her in time. The next round is the judge who let the killer go, Judge Halden (Barry Flatman). The Judge will be drowned in rotten pig guts if Jeff doesn't burn his son's possessions to get the key. Check out more of this review and others at
Davis P The third installment in the grisly nasty Saw franchise is much gorier and more stomach turning the original Saw movie, haven't seen the second one, and I don't think I will. This makes the fourth Saw movie I've seen and I honestly don't know why I have watched that many, first one wasn't too bad on the nastiness, but this one was unbelievably over the top. When there are dead pigs being shredded up and their remains and innards poured into a hole where a man is drowning in it...... Seriously? In case it's still a mystery, that's the scene I nearly vomited during. There really isn't anything that's at all good or redeeming about the film, except the acting. The acting is actually not bad. But that one good thing is very quickly overshadowed by the poor writing, annoyingly over the top gross out gore and torture, and the bad ending. There are sooo many other horror/suspense/thriller movies out there that are much better quality wise and won't make you horribly sick while watching. Pick one of those. And please, for the love of god, don't let kids or young teens see this...... 3/10.
Horror Icon The movie wasn't too bad. Not as good as the first two, but still alright. In fact, the worst parts of the movie were the characters. Particularly, Amanda and the guy who goes through all the traps (not sure what his name is). Amanda, or Jigsaw's accomplice, was really quite pathetic and destroyed the entire purpose of the 'Saw' franchise with unwinnable "games". She was annoying and confusing and really didn't live up to Jigsaw's far superior actor. However, she only contributed partly to the problem with this movie.The protagonist guy was incredibly frustrating to watch. I know he was in mourning and everything, but seriously!!! He could literally save every person from the traps, but didn't. What made him more annoying was that with every person he could save, he was indecisive until the last moment, when he decided to save them, and he's too late. Frustrating. Just because he can't make an obvious decision, people suffer brutal deaths.Other problems I'd like to note: the surgery scene was far too gratuitous. Should've been removed. Also, I didn't like how Jigsaw got angry. He's always incredibly calm and under control. Why did the writers make him crack? Overall, if you enjoyed the first two movies, you should give this a watch, but don't expect much.
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