R | 29 April 2011 (USA)
DeadHeads Trailers

Two inexplicably coherent zombies awake amidst a zombie attack and decide to take a road trip to find the one's lost love, unaware they are being chased by the agents of a ruthless company with its own agenda.

JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
bowmanblue Like zombies? Tired of watching Mila what's-her-name kicking hordes of them out of her way in heels? Bored of George Romero pretending that he's still relevant? If the answer to any of these questions is 'yes' then this could be the film for you.Deadheads is about a zombie uprising, only two of those groaning shufflers just so happens to be intelligent. Yes, they're dead. Yes, they're decomposing and yes, bits of them are falling off (I'll leave it to your imagination to guess which bits). In fact, they're basically alive, apart from the fact that their fellow walkers don't want to eat them and the remaining humans all want to shoot them in the head. Add to this that one of the two unfortunate living zombies is still pining for his ex girlfriend and you have a road trip across America with two wisecracking zombies.The two IQ-upped undead also take along a 'conventional' zombie (who they call 'Cheese' for some reason - I might have missed why) and treat him like a pet. Cheese, in turn repays them by stealing every scene even though he does little else but groan and look slightly confused.There are plenty of pop culture references added into the mix and, before long, you may even forget you're watching what is, in effect, quite a low budget 'student-like' film.Ultimately, Deadheads is a fun film for all the family (assuming your family is 'The Adams Family'). It has great characters with even greater facial hair and may even take the place of the hallowed Shaun of the Dead in the Zomromcom department.Now, just remember never to ask a zombie what he keeps in his pocket.
Bantam Let's be clear about it: the movie is a low-budged production. Considering that, it is actually not as bad as it could have been.Even though the upcoming zombie apocalypse is the new hotness these days, this one's on the lighter side of the subject. Apparently zombies are just normal people with normal problems: missed opportunities, lovesick and of course hungry for a road-trip.The story is pretty much about a guy what wants to get to his former girl and tell her that he loves her - in total spite of the fact that he's a zombie now. He picks up a few fellow travelers along the way and together they embark on a road-trip. All while some 'corporation' (remember Umbrella?) is hot on their rotting heels. In the end he confesses his 'undying' love. With the entire zombie backdrop it is fun to watch, but it leaves you here and there with a few blanks you got to fill in for yourself. The zombie outbreak is just a facade, if I may say so, to pepper the movie with some comic relief. However, the entire thing is so over-the-top that it is actually fun to watch. Several scenes are rather hilarious, while others leave you going: "WFT?" And that is the weak spot of it; at times neither the plot, nor the actions of certain characters seem to make sense. Therefore I deem it rather average, however funny enough to not turn it off mid-way. Give it a try for yourself and see how infectious it is.
goatyhead I just happen to see this movie while going through random titles. I am glad i found it.It's a low budget film without the horrible plastic look and feel that most of them have. I was quiet surprised of the quality of acting from a lot of no name people.Taken from the view of zombies, it creates an original plot and sub plot.It reminds me of dale and "tucker vs evil", or a low budget "zombieland".I wish there were a lot more low budget movies like this one.
HorrorOverEverything Its very rare that you come across a Horror/Comedy film with a decent budget and good actors, its even more rare to come across one that is fresh and original. "Deadheads" has all that and more.The story is something pretty new that hasn't ever really been done this well before. It moves a long at a very nice pace and it definitely didn't contain any dull moments. There were plenty of laugh out loud scenes and the gore was a nice touch. The ending was very unbelievable and over the top but that was easily forgivable since the film was so good. The acting was surprisingly very good, some of the characters were a little corny but it was obvious that they set out to make them that way. Cheese stole the show!"DeadHeads" is a hilarious Horror/Comedy that deserves a lot of credit. The best Horror/Comedy since Shaun Of The Dead. 9/10