The Midnight Meat Train
The Midnight Meat Train
R | 07 August 2008 (USA)
The Midnight Meat Train Trailers

A photographer's obsessive pursuit of dark subject matter leads him into the path of a serial killer who stalks late night commuters, ultimately butchering them in the most gruesome ways.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
kwnstantza The movie is quite interesting until the second half of it, when you realize what is exactly about. It's not only disgusting, but also unrelated and has disappointing ending.
keelhaul-80856 I was surprised that this film was not well-known, upon seeing Bradley Cooper, Brooke Shields, and the actor playing the butcher, etc. It is way better than many horror films of late, even though I had never heard of it until Netflix featured the film. Apparently it was a limited-release deal. The Good= Truly suspenseful, confusing(but in an intelligent way), bloody, dark, and very creepy. This film has good actors, a decent script, and it really envelopes the viewer into its own gritty world of the city nightlife, if a little surreal and non-realistic at times. I also love the idea of ancient aliens or monsters or gods controlling sacrifices from below. I knew from the moment I saw that ring on the Butcher's finger and the accomplice driving the train, that this must be some Illuminati-type setup, or that multiple officials had to be in on it, or that this was a fake train fooling people into boarding it-- that guessing and suspense made it intriguing. The first half of the film is really better than the 2nd half, although the 2nd picks up with the levels of gore, violence, and revelations.The Bad= Shows the killer too soon, doesn't explain certain things like the Butcher's skin/sickness, odd pacing, silly gore effects.The Ugly= The biggest sins of this film are revealing the monster's face and home too early, under-using Brooke Shields(who is super hot still in this film and could have explored a relationship with Cooper, and added a dimension to the dynamics of his fiancé relationship), and the worst is that they WASTED such a great opportunity to explain who the ancient killer race was, running the subway trains, and how they had the police and everyone else involved. I filled in the blanks for myself, but I thought that storyline could have been really creepy and bizarre, on some Prometheus or Alien-level stuff, that would have really capped off this film nicely. A bit too open-ended on certain aspects, and as the ending draws near, I predicted everything easily. Still, overall, this is a nice, gritty, gory horror film that many can enjoy, with great actors and a lot of potential, that could have been a true classic.
coolhandluke-47071 It says "Horror Mystery", but the only mystery here is, how the hell did they get Bradley Cooper and Brooke Shields to play in it. This could be easily the beginning of an ending of his career. The only one who fits in that movie, is Vinnie Jones. Especially because there are no lines for him to speak. The real horror is the acting of Leslie Bibb, but it could be the script forcing her to act slow and dumb. If you know you will miss on 20 feet, you don't go hunting, right?! It's simply a slasher movie of strong bloody gruesome unnecessary violence. Slow motion is really not helping and you will ask yourself "Who is cleaning up that mess?" Because the trains are definitely not usable anymore. And that ain't a spoiler, because it happens in the first couple minutes. Towards the end it is just a nauseating blood bath and I feel sorry for the people who enjoy detail views of extreme torture. This is not horror, this is just disgusting. Horror is subtle and gives you goosebumps and plays with your imagination. Because the special effects department can do it to make it look real, doesn't mean they should. And it definitely leaves no room for imagination. Every-time when they can't explain the disaster anymore and can't give you any reasonable answers of "why" and "what", - they come up with a lousy excuse for an ending. It will leave you with the head shaking and you will come to the conclusion that the excessive unnecessary sadistic part in it does not make any sense at all. The rating has to be a 1, only because there are no lower numbers.
i SkyWalKing What the f*@#?! I am a horror/thriller/slasher junkie. One would think this movie would be right up my alley, except...THIS FILM MAKES NO F#@%*&g SENSE! As I stated, I've seen it all. I watch any and every horror film I can get my hands on. I don't dislike this movie due to the level of gore or how 'gross' it was like all the reviews prior to mine. That's what I wanted to see. The only problem is that the gore was cartoonish and the CGI was even more so. Some of the worst I've ever seen. Top that off with a gaping plot hole the size of a crater and you're left with 2 hours of frustration...This setting/city felt more unrealistic than Batman and Gotham City. So there are numerous gruesome murders taking place that everyone is aware of, yet everyone continues to stroll around nonchalantly and catch the train alone in the wee hours of the morning as if they live in some utopian society? Does the subway system date back to World War 1? And here lies the biggest plot hole of them all.... Where the f#%& is the security system? The CAMERAS? So it is pointed out to us that they DO have an intensive security system in the station (the cops don't use the footage for clues?) when Bradley Cooper points and uses them for protection during a scene, yet that's where the technology stops? The subway itself is ancient?! No camera's on the trains? Even after the murders no cameras have been installed? No cops strolling the stations and trains extensively? What?! My brain hurts...The movie sort of saves face near the end during it's 'reveal' to tie most loose ends but too little too late. You can't not make sense for 95% of the movie and then say 'ta da' during the last 5 minutes and make it right. Also, is it the conductor who cleans the trains up or the aliens before dawn? Since no one seems to notice much. And last but not the film not called the MIDNIGHT meat train? Soooooo..... why is it usually way past midnight that the events take place? Literally NOTHING about this movie has any validity to it.The only reason I'm giving it 2 stars is because it is greatly atmospheric (which I loved) and the score is pretty solid through-out. Otherwise, if you are going to attempt at making a film, try making some f#$%*&g sense at the very least.(Bonus rant: Bradley Cooper, Jake Gyllenhall and Mathew McCONaughey are god-awful and can-not act for s&$#. All 3 of them are extremely one dimensional and have that stupid Jerry Seinfeld look on their face regardless of the role they are in. Almost as if they type-cast themselves by ignoring their roles completely. 3 of the most extremely overrated actors by a light-year and they appear to be in every other movie. Really annoying.) - End
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