Color of Night
Color of Night
R | 19 August 1994 (USA)
Color of Night Trailers

A color-blind psychiatrist is stalked by an unknown killer after taking over his murdered friend's therapy group and becomes embroiled in an intense affair with a mysterious woman who may be connected to the crime.

Softwing Most undeservingly overhyped movie of all time??
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Predrag This is one of Bruce's most underrated thrillers, which at the time, because of the sexual content between him and Jane March, caused much controversy, surprise, surprise!!! The story is decent, the chase scene is a cracker and the rest of the cast, including the delectable Miss March, who plays a brilliant role herself are all equal contributors. It goes without saying that the scenes between Jane and Bruce are quite racy and steamy, but they work well and the controversy only added to it. The theme song is also sexy and moody.I agree that critics look way too much on the sexual issue. True there are many nude scenes, so if you're sensitive to nudity or sex, you may have a problem with this movie (most critics seem to have this dysfunction). The fact that Willis and March have sex plays an essential role to her psychological being, as well to his understanding to the tragic reality that is her (and her brother's) life. This movie is well done. It also gives you a glimpse into the life of a truly mixed up person, that can overcome any odds,including confusion in one's sexuality, multiple personalities, and even physical and mental abuse. Jane March does an excellent job as well. Her portrayal of this confused youth tormented by her older brother, who she obviously looks up to, yet she seems to find comforting an erotic life style with many partners, her favorite partner (and love) being Bruce Willis, is exceptional.Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
adanchacon08 if u like campy movies like showgirls you will probably like this movie! now i admit there are a few plot holes and seeing Jane March in disguise is pretty obvious. but aside from that the acting of the cast is pretty good Jane March, and Lesley Ann Warren are particularly good and Ruben Blades is pretty funny as a wound way to tight inspector. Bruce Willis is about as good as he usually is. about the plot holes that red car pushing the car from the top of the parking garage trying to crush Willis didn't make much sense i don't know how the killer would know he was in that spot from way up there and Mrs. Niedelmeyer knowing about Ritchie's death doesn't make sense if dale covered it up. the film does however keep you guessing as to who the killer is. at first with march's obvious disguise you instantly suspect her however the film throws enough curve balls to evenly spread out the suspicion among the viewers. the film as a whole it is a great erotic thriller the sex scenes are so hot and the ending is probably one of the best twist endings I've seen in a while. sadly the poor march's poor disguise spoil the surprise however it is quite a cleaver idea i must give credit to the writers. so give it a chance if you don't think its a good movie you might at least see it as a so-bad-its-good movie you can enjoy.
Dr Jacques COULARDEAU This film is extremely good. Of course, since it is a head shrink film, we can imagine the twisted denouement from the very beginning, that it will have to do with sexual identification or dis-identification, but at the same time it is done well enough for us to have some kind of doubts and follow the events the way they come and be surprised by the details of the horror of these perverted psychos. I won't give you the details because that would go against the confidentiality rule that I gave sworn to respect once I became an almighty reviewer, or critic.I do breach that sworn confidentiality all the time, but this time no, not at all.You can send Dexter and I won't do it either. I am not afraid of Dexter and anyway he will never be able to cut me into small pieces because I am protected the charm of my old years.If you want the details you'll have to watch the film. But make sure you know what's the difference between a boy and a girl and vice versa otherwise you may get slightly sick which would be your punishment since you had been warned. Enjoy that trip to Los Angeles, the perfectly well named city of angels. So many little angels are fluttering around our heads in this basically murderous city.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU, University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne, University Paris 8 Saint Denis, University Paris 12 Créteil, CEGID
gcd70 I really don't know how anybody expects me to write more than twenty-five words about such a trashy thriller as "Color of Night". Let's face it, the real attractions - if you can call them that - are the steamy sex scenes between hunky Bruce Willis and nymphomaniac waif Jane March. There is certainly plenty of their flesh on show, so if this is your thing I guess you could wade your way through the rest of the garbage (if you are really that desperate) or make good use of the fast forward button. My advice though would be to use the eject button instead.Director Richard Rush ought to find another vocation, though I admit he had nothing to work with in Billy Ray's story. Director of Photography Dietrich Lohmann has nothing but naked bodies to film, editor Jack Hofstra should have been fired while the music from Dominic Frontiere may be the worst ever composed for a movie of this type.At least the cast, including Lance Henrikson, Lesley Ann Warren, Brad Dourif, Ruben Blades and Kevin J. O'Connor seem to realise they're in a shocker.Sunday, September 22, 1996 - Video