R | 22 November 2011 (USA)
Carjacked Trailers

A single mom and her child are carjacked by a bank robber who has no intention of letting them go.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
callanvass As an awful as a movie can be sometime, I'd like to somewhat use this analogy. Carjacked Is seriously like a bad train-wreck, despite how progressively worse it gets throughout the duration, you can't help but finish the disaster all the way through. Carjacked is certainly never dull, but it has a plethora of problems. Right away we are entered into the heroine's life (Bello) and the sight isn't pretty. We are given snippets throughout the film of her insecurities, her faults, but it never really gives us any reason to care about her, other than she's broke and a single mother who's in tough financially with a jerk of an ex husband. As a matter of fact they try to make her come across as sympathetic, but in reality all they managed to do was make her a whiny and rather unlikable heroine who commits way too many stupid mistakes in tough scenario's, The criticism should not be directed towards Bello because she gives it her best shot, but the obstacle of working against a bad script is too much to overcome. The relationship with her son felt forced and unnatural, and in a movie that type of relationship is vital to a movie's success, and they throw in the ex husband scenario for further dramatic effect to no avail. Stephen Dorff gives a laughably over the top performance which is largely uninspired. He sits there with his jacket, smokes cigarettes, looks cool, but he comes across as annoying and rather pretentious. The movie doesn't give us near enough information on why he is the way he is, as like a lot of the character development. Connor Hill is predictably annoying and rather unlikable as the kid. I didn't care for his nonchalant attitude towards the occurring events happening in the film or his hypocritical attitude (The moment when he gives Dorff the middle finger on the bus is a perfect example of this) but my main problem with Carjacked is that it grows abundantly more idiotic as it goes along. The finale had me howling in unintentional laughter. I'm guessing they wanted the big bang for the finale, but they failed miserably with a terribly over the top and unbelievable finale.Final Thoughts: Maria Bello is far too talented to be slumming in this type of stuff. Carjacked is far too stupid and silly for its own good. I wouldn't even recommend this to B-Movie junkies, you can do something much more worthwhile with your time, like Maria Bello can with her career.3/10
poisoncupcake74 First of all, you shouldn't be allowed to review a movie if you don't watch all of it, I keep seeing reviews that say they turned it off after so and so amount of time. Those reviews should be disregarded.This movie has tons of problems, BUT I've seen worse. Its not THAT bad. There are parts that are terrible, yes, but again, not THAT bad.The lead character was stupid. There is no way around it. Stephen Dorff's character "Roy" said it best when he calls her "A Train Wreck." There is one scene where the lead character, who has been a victim of carjacking, clearly could have got away from her abductor/car jacker. It is when the bus with all the kids is at the truck stop and she has her son go to the restroom, and sneak onto the bus. She is not in the car and she could have run toward the people and screamed. Or when she is in the truck stop instead of constantly going after 50 cents to call different folks to find out where her son ended up, she should have gone in there saying "I've been kidnapped and carjacked! Please help me! Call the police! Call the police!" But she doesn't....her character is so wishy washy, it is quite irritating to watch.It also starts very boring and there are actually many scene's of action and intense parts that are good, so starting a movie with a drab boring group therapy session was probably not the best idea.What I did like about this movie is that there is some intensity, some good action, the blood looks real, I liked the chase scene with her holding the shot gun, some good comical parts like when he is sprayed in the face with the Binaca and he said "I thought you maced me, you sprayed me with Binaca? I didn't even know they still made that. I smell like a f** candy cane." That is very funny. I also liked Roy's character. I liked his character more than the lead played by the lovely and talented Maria Bello. Sad her character was so irritating, she is an awesome actress, despite what she portrays here. 5 stars.
Rokurota Makabe There is a reason why some films get a direct to video release. As it is the case here with "Carjacked", this is the kind of film that was destined to fall into mediocrity. It seems that the people behind it never believed that they could come up with something good so they didn't care that much about the final result.I really wasn't expecting anything groundbreaking with this movie, but I still felt disappointed after seeing it. Not only that the film doesn't bring anything new, but it also incorporates some of the most annoying elements present in kidnapping movies. For an instance, the two main characters are incredibly generic. They really could have been taken out from any similar movie and put in here. On top of that you get the usual clichés of the genre and there are also some cheap thrills along the way to provide the entertainment. The film lacks suspense and can be very predictable at times not to mention the fact that some of the decisions that the characters took along the way really defied logic. Also, the directing really felt amateurish at times, especially towards the end of the movie.Stephen Dorff is a really good actor and so is Maria Bello, but they alone cannot save this movie. Here, the script and direction doesn't allow them to put their acting skills to good use and the final result doesn't do them justice. They manage to bring some depth into their characters, but overall this is a waste of their acting talents. In the end, "Carjacked" is not a completely bad film, but it suffers from a lack of originality and some bad directing. A below average film that should be watched with diminished expectations.My rating: 4,5/10
lvslezak-211-788721 I like realistic dramas/thrillers; I like to imagine that the movies that I watch could really happen in real life. This movie was so far-fetched that I found myself yelling at the television due to the lead's stupidity. "Just call the police, lady!, Just call the damn police" Without going into detail, I got sick of the movie about 45 minutes into it... The characters were very weak, and the plot was horrible.I could have written myself if someone had asked me...I really can't imagine why people can rate this movie higher than a two or three star...Highly NOT recommended.