The Shallows
The Shallows
PG-13 | 24 June 2016 (USA)
The Shallows Trailers

While surfing on a secluded beach, Nancy finds herself in the feeding grounds of a great white shark. Though stranded only 200 yards from shore, survival proves to be the ultimate test of wills, requiring all of her ingenuity, resourcefulness, and fortitude.

Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Jemima It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
leeherring-13484 This is quite possibly the worst ever film I have seen. Second only to the Blair witch project.
GL84 Taking a trip to a secluded beach, a woman intending to surf in the area where her and her mother surfed years earlier is attacked by a shark prowling the area and tries to survive the encounter long enough to get help as her limited supplies and slowly slipping conscious derail her chances.This one was quite the enjoyable and somewhat thrilling effort. Most of what works here with this one is the fact that it takes quite a bit of suspense from the situation that comes naturally in such a situation. This type of setup is one of the more realistic and believable type of situations for a shark attack where it occurs in a secluded area involving a lone shark in an area targeting other factors around the environment and only just turning the attention to the surfer only by proxy. The behavior of the creature, seemingly more interested in the free meal around it than spending it dealing with her and only turning its attention to her once she gets into the water because of the cuts she has, comes off as incredibly realistic and seemingly in tune with how such creatures behave in real life. This in turns gives the suspense of the few attack scenes quite a bit of power as they carry themselves out. The initial attack out on the middle of her surf into shore is quite nice due to the obvious shots of it stalking her from the beginning and it strikes at a truly unexpected time leaving this with quite a nice surprise. The series of attacks in the water as she tries to survive are incredibly thrilling, using the shrinking location and the continuous onslaught of the creatures' appearances to stellar effect as her worsening physical condition makes for a fantastic counter to the rest of the situation. The finale on the buoy is stellar as well, giving this a nice action quotient and a rousing finale that's perfect for this kind of effort, and alongside the great prop shark that's involved here really holds this one up over its minor flaws. About the only real factor involved in knocking this one down is the utterly severe amount of injuries inflicted here that don't really make any kind of sense as to why she's still able to fight back. It's quite obvious that the initial wound is quite striking and severe, but to then feature the bruising across the body from the rock sanctuary, the multitude of cuts and scrapes trying to get to safety or the series of crashes and cuts while fighting the shark off at the buoy that cause her plenty of additional bloodless alongside what she's already gone through. This just doesn't look logical at all and is the real negative force holding this one back which isn't really all that detrimental at all.Rated PG-13: Violence and Language.
bowmanblue Woman versus flippin' massive shark? Who's going to win? Well, 'The Shallows' goes some way to answer that question (and Blake Lively as the women in question is really going to need a 'bigger boat'). She plays a young woman who goes on a personal pilgrimage to an isolated beach where her (now deceased) mother went to just before she fell pregnant. Blake indulges in a spot of surfing before finding herself trapped on a rock a few hundred yards away from the shore with a 'fin' swimming round and round her position.And that's basically that. What follows is an entire hour and a half of her trying to find a way off a rock. Yeah, it's a pretty simple premise and, although it does drag in some places, it's actually a perfectly watchable way of killing time. Being the only human on screen for much of the run-time Blake has to carry the film and she does that well enough. There are a few other characters who pop up here and there, but I don't think you'll be too surprised to find what happens to them!The location is great and the film could almost be used as a tourist video for the area (assuming you weren't bothered about being eating by a huge, angry fish), plus there's plenty of epic surfing shots. I'm sure I could find out on the internet whether Blake actually did all of them herself, or whether there was CGI trickery involved somewhere. Either way, they're really cool and totally convincing. And, while we're on the subject of special effects, I should mention the shark. We don't see much of it (besides the obligatory fin) for much of the movie, leaving its 'reveal' to the final act. And, I was a little disappointed. We're many decades away from 'Jaws' and yet creating a convincing shark hasn't really moved on that much.I can see a lot of the other reviews have marked 'The Shallows' a lot higher than I have. I can see how it might be enjoyed more than I did. I didn't hate it. I just felt that a story about a woman on a rock could have been trimmed down to a more 'TV episode' length rather than an entire movie. But, I don't regret watching it, however I doubt I'll bother watching it again, simply because it's simple story means you can quite clearly remember all you need to for quite some time without feeling the need for a re-watch.
sddavis63 The opening few minutes of this film give us a bit of a back story about Nancy (Blake Lively) - who's come on a trip to a beach she used to come to with her late mother in an attempt apparently to pull herself together after her mother's death. That wasn't too long (too much examination of a character's backstory can be tedious) and so it served its purpose. After that, once Nancy gets to the beach we have some really good surfing footage as Nancy and a couple of locals are out on the waves enjoying themselves. Then comes the problem - her two surfing buddies leave while Nancy goes back out to catch one last wave as she says. Instead of a wave, she encounters a shark. Bitten and bleeding, she finds "safety" safety on an island that's not much more than a rock and that will likely disappear when the tide comes in - and there's no one around to rescue her.I will say that Lively was pretty good. I haven't really seen much of her and nothing she's done stands out for me. But she managed to carry this pretty well. Nancy was, for the most part, the only character in the movie, and Lively was able to make her plight interesting and realistic. I was impressed with her. Having said that, with so much of the movie set on Nancy's plight on the rock, this does get a bit tiresome after a while, because there's only so much that can be done in that setting. But still, you do sympathize with Nancy. Obviously, the movie leads up to the ultimate confrontation between Nancy and the shark, which turns out to be somewhat implausible.As shark movies go - and there seem to have been a lot of them lately, including the approximately 84 Sharknado movies that seem to have appeared in recent years - this one was pretty good. It's short, so even the somewhat draggy middle goes by fairly quickly, it's graphic in places and every now and then frightening. The CGI shark was pretty good - although pretty much all of these shark movies leave me wondering about the sharks. From everything I've read, sharks basically don't like the taste of we humans. Apparently we don't have enough fat on us for their taste buds - and Blake Lively certainly doesn't. So this shark's obsession with her is kind of a mystery. I can understand its initial curiosity, but once it got a bite it really should have lost interest. But then we wouldn't have had a movie, I suppose. And this does turn out to be a pretty decent movie. (7/10)