The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants
PG | 01 June 2005 (USA)
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Trailers

Four best friends (Tibby, Lena, Carmen & Bridget) who buy a mysterious pair of pants that fits each of them, despite their differing sizes, and makes whoever wears them feel fabulous. When faced with the prospect of spending their first summer apart, the pals decide they'll swap the pants so that each girl in turn can enjoy the magic.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Neil Welch After being together since they were kids, four teenage girls spend their first summer apart: Bridget (Blake Lively) goes off to summer soccer camp, Carmen (America Ferrera) goes to stay with her Dad and meets his new family, busy arranging his new marriage, Lena (alexis Bledel) goes to Santorini to stay with her grandparents and meets Costas without realising there is a Montague/Capulet relationship between their families, and misanthropic Tibby (Amber Tamblyn) stays at home working in the local store where she meets a younger girl who has a profound affect on her. The girls determine that a pair of jeans which mysteriously fits them all is a kind of magical link, and they mail them back and forth between each other.The jeans are no more than a fairly cheesy and obvious device, and are fairly irrelevant to the four threads, during which each of the young women discovers something about herself and moves forward.The four girls are all very good (Blake Lively is spectacularly beautiful), the scenery in the Greek and soccer camp sequences is gorgeous, and Nancy Travis (as Carmen's new stepmother-to-be) creates someone you can easily dislike and then turns you round with a single look.Although this is nominally a chickflick, there is plenty here to enjoy if you are (for instance) a Dad in his 60s. Your eyes may need tissues.
lorpim Great movie. Loved how they filmed in Greece and Mexico. Loved the actresses that were selected. Thought the conflicts were realistic. Great acting. Shows the true meaning of what best friends are. Recommend this for women of all ages. Includes comedy, drama and romance all together which is a plus. Not the best movie but very good. Wish all friendships could be like their's. :) Book was a bit better. Can't wait for the second movie to come out. Great song, "Be,Be Your Love" by Rachel Yamagata. Best parts: When Tibby and Bailey are laying in the grass talking. When Lena says goodbye to Kostas in Greece before he boards the ship. Scenes of Bridget, Eric and the soccer team on the beach.
Boba_Fett1138 It must be really hard to make a chick-flick. Take a couple of young female leads, some strong and some insecure characters, throw in a couple of love stories, preferably one about a forbidden and/or impossible love, some personal problems and death and you have basically all the ingredients you need. But then again, all genres are of course more or less like this. Throw in a couple of scares in a horror movie, some explosions in an action flick, etcetera. You just either dig a genre or you just don't. Chick-flicks are obviously just not my thing.Of course chick-flicks are more or less all the same, because they feature all of the usual ingredients, which I just mentioned. The movie also knows this, so it tries to throw in an original concept about a pair of pants that travels between 4 different befriended owners, who are spending their summer holiday for the first time away from each other. To me this whole pants thing just felt like an excuse to connect all of the 4 different stories within the movie, which are focusing on the 4 main characters.Basically when you put 4 episodes of a random similar American TV-series in a row, you'll have a movie just like this. The story features all of the- and as much drama as you could expect.Still the movie is not an horrible one and yet is also knows to become an original one with its approach and story, which in my opinion is mostly due to the leading actresses of the movie. They give the movie some life and emotion. It's also no coincidence that these actresses are leading ones in some successful TV-series, of which some got launched after this movie, while others already had a successful television career prior to this movie. They are also acting well with each other in this movie, which makes them look convincing as a group who has been friends since childhood. I especially liked Alexis Bledel very natural seeming acting style for this movie, even though normally I'm not a too big fan of her acting skills in many other things. Basically credit needs to go to all of the leading actresses but lets also not forget the young Jenna Boyd, who is a child-star that isn't annoying for a change and can also really act, as she proofs in this movie, with a very difficult and hard to play role at such a young age (She was only around 12 at the time of this movie.).Thing with chick-flicks or most romantic movies for that matter, is that they pretend to be just like life and realistic with its story and approach but of course life as portrayed in these sort of movies just isn't true. You could say that the movie are 'falsy-realistic'. But apparently this is just a thing to seems to attract (teenage)woman, making these sort of movies and this movie in particular also a perfectly watchable one for them.6/10
philsadvns I feel like this kind of movie is what is wrong with our country, and the world in general. It reinforces the idea that everything will work out for every teenage girl, if only they can find a pair of jeans that makes their ass look good. I almost can't believe the materialistic nature and despicable social values portrayed in this movie. The producers, director, and entire cast should be publicly lynched and have their corpses used to fill in speed bumps. Furthermore, I am disgusted at the overwhelming popularity this movie has seen at the box office and since. I suppose over all, this is about the worst movie I can ever imagine being made, the biggest problem is that you can tell that people who like it and the people who made it, honestly believe this kind of garbage. This kind of movie is what drives young girls to become anorexic and cut themselves every time a new "Teen People" comes out. Shame.