Free Fall
Free Fall
R | 17 October 2014 (USA)
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Upwardly-mobile executive Jane uncovers evidence that that her high powered boss may have been murdered, prompting the corporation to dispatch a "crisis manager" to ensure that the truth never gets out. Now, trapped in an elevator during a holiday weekend, Jane realizes that she must climb for her life to avoid taking a fatal plunge.

Alicia I love this movie so much
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
RoboRabbit89 What a fun little thriller of a film this is,I have to admitted I'm growing into a bit of a fan for Sarah Butler.I first seen her in this film first, then The Demented,before I seen I Spit on Your Grave, so I liked it a lot. I didn't much like The Demented, I Spit on Your Grave was alright, but had a satisfying yet eerie ending.I don't understand why most of you out there hated this, even when I first seen this I thought was average at best, but still enjoyed it for what it is.Sarah Butler was great in this and I think she is a good actress too, I think she's sexy as hell and I hope she has a bright future, I also hope to see her in bigger film projects as well.Overall, I thought it was fun and exceeded may expectations.I give it a 5.8/10. If your like me and not too cynical about low budget movies I think your going to enjoy it too.
rodrig58 All the action takes place in a big building and, in particular, inside an elevator and on the roof of that elevator. What it makes it watchable is the lead lady, Sarah Butler, good actress and very charming woman. I wanted to watch the movie because of Malcolm McDowell but, he has just a small role, nothing spectacular like in the old days, "A Clockwork Orange" or "Caligula". He has an acting destiny very similar to Eric Roberts, they both act in everything, only to play and make some money. But Eric Roberts is far too far with 472 credits, while Malcolm has only 258. However, both have specialized in the same character, the wicked, smart and charming villain. The other actors are OK but, still static boring movie.
SnoopyStyle Jane Porter (Sarah Butler) works at Gault Capital. She's shocked when her supervisor Ronald Taft (Ian Gomez) tells her about a co-worker's apparent suicide jump off the building. Thaddeus Gault (Malcolm McDowell) offers her the job to replace him. She uncovers wrongdoing and tells Ronald. Ronald calls in Frank (D.B. Sweeney) to clean up the situation. Jane gets trapped in the elevator.The writing is rather simplistic. Once she gets stuck in the elevator, the movie also gets a bit stuck. It's a hard premise to work and there is no imagination behind this to get it working. The outside story has no effect. At one point, Jane yells at Frank to "Do Something". I know the feeling. This is confined space thriller without any skills or originality.
chrismackey1972 I'm not really sure why the other reviewers (2 at the time of this writing) have given this movie lackluster reviews. I liked the movie. I remember seeing Sarah Butler in "I Spit on Your Graves," and she was fabulous in that. I've seen her in a few other things, mostly guest spots, but she is someone who should be a star. She is a really good actress. She was convincing in this movie as well.D.B. Sweeney was good in his role, but his role was not written very good. Instead of being someone who is feared, he's the kind of bad guy who's more comical, though it's not intended. He apparently has a magazine clip in his gun that carries more bullets than any that are actually on the market, because it never seems to run out of ammo. Also, when shooting at the girl, he was more likely to hit her if she ran than if she stood in one place. Yes, he could have spent a little time at the gun range learning how to shoot. He had a disagreement with one of his colleagues, so BAM - a wrench to the old thinker solves the problem. He behaved more like a part-time thug than like the chief muscle the founder of a multi-billion dollar company would hire.Malcolm McDowell should have been used more. Possibly, he was too much money. The film cost $1.5 million. By the look of the movie, I thought they spent more than that. McDowell, Butler, and Sweeney are not nobody's. They're not superstars either, but still.I gave the movie a 6-star rating, because I thought it was fun and entertaining, which is really all I look for, especially for a movie like this. It could easily have been made for television. However, Sarah Butler gave a realistic performance, and I thought this movie, based on the other two reviews, was going to suck. It did not.